Revised Code of Washington
2023 Archive

Chapter 19.122 RCW
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19.122.027One-number locator servicesSingle statewide toll-free telephone number.
19.122.030Excavator and facility operator duties before excavation.
19.122.031Exempted activities.
19.122.033Notice of excavation to pipeline companies.
19.122.035Pipeline company duties after notice of excavationExaminationInformation of damageNotification of local first responders.
19.122.040Underground facilities identified in bid or contractExcavator's duty of reasonable careLiability for damagesAttorneys' fees.
19.122.045Exemption from liability.
19.122.050Damage to underground facilityNotification by excavatorRepairs or relocation of facility.
19.122.053Report of damage to underground facility.
19.122.055Failure to notify one-number locator serviceCivil penalty, if damages.
19.122.070Civil penaltiesTreble damagesExisting remedies not affected.
19.122.075Damage or removal of permanent markingCivil penalty.
19.122.080Waiver of notification and marking requirements.
19.122.090Excavation without a valid excavation confirmation codePenalty.
19.122.100Violation of RCW 19.122.090Affirmative defense.
19.122.110False excavation confirmation codePenalty.
19.122.120One-number locator service to provide excavation confirmation code.
19.122.130Commission to contract with nonprofit entitySafety committeeReview of violations of chapter.
19.122.140Commission authorityReceipt of notification of violation of chapterReferral to attorney general.
19.122.150Commission authorityViolations of chapterImposition of penalties.
19.122.160Damage prevention account.
19.122.170Damage prevention accountUse of funds.
19.122.180Damage prevention accountDeposit of penalties.
19.122.901Short title2011 c 263.