WSR 97-15-105
[Filed July 21, 1997, 3:02 p.m.]
Date of Adoption: July 10, 1997.
Purpose: To define critical wildlife habitat (state) for the marbled murrelet, thereby protecting public resources while maintaining a viable forest products industry.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending Title 222 WAC, WAC 222-12-090, 222-16-010, 222-16-080, 222-16-100, 222-24-030, 222-30-020, 222-30-050, 222-30-060, 222-30-065, 222-30-070 and 222-30-100; and new sections WAC 222-10-042, 222-16-087, and 222-16-105.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 97-11-074 on May 21, 1997.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: Adopted as notices filed under WSR 94-17-156 filed on August 23, 1994; WSR 95-04-073 filed on January 30, 1995; WSR 95-14-028 filed on June 23, 1995; WSR 95-24-093 filed on December 5, 1995; WSR 96-04-076 filed on February 7, 1996; WSR 96-05-090 filed on February 24, 1996; WSR 96-09-099 filed on April 17, 1996; WSR 96-13-004 filed on June 6, 1996; WSR 96-20-120 filed on October 2, 1996; WSR 97-08-077 filed on April 2, 1997; and WSR 97-11-074 filed on May 21, 1997.
Changes from supplemental notice filed May 21, 1997: The board adopted the revised staff proposal; they did not adopt the occupied stand or the marbled murrelet watershed administrative unit approach. The following nonsubstantial changes were made to the revised staff proposal:
(1) WAC 222-10-042, in response to public comment, the board combined the two options that were previously proposed, reorganized the section, and clarified language to more accurately capture the Forest Practices Board's original intent. In particular:
Subsection (1) was added to make it clear that occupied sites are covered by the rule.
Percentages for "probability of occupancy" replaced the exact numbers of platforms per acre to more accurately reflect existing data and the original intent of the board.
In response to public comments, landowners may request the Department of Fish and Wildlife to survey (subsection (2)).
Subsection (4) was originally subsection (5) in the proposed rule.
Subsection (5) was added in response to public comment to clarify that platform assumptions are based on regional data and applicants or others may submit other reliable information.
(2) WAC 222-12-090, subsection (14) clarifies that earlier surveys are valid if they complied with accepted protocols.
Subsection (15) clarifies the concept formerly in subsection (14) in response to public comment. It lists specific methods for marbled murrelet platform protocols and clarifies that multiple methodologies can be used to identify the number of platforms.
(3) WAC 222-16-010, "Marbled murrelet nesting platform," definition was pulled from the suitable habitat definition as a result of public comment to more clearly define what constitutes a platform.
"Occupied marbled murrelet site," language was added to subsection (5): "and use only those sites documented in substantial compliance with guidelines or protocols and quality control methods established by and available from" . . . This change provides consistency of language on what constitutes documented sites; it now parallels the northern spotted owl rules.
"Suitable marbled murrelet habitat," nesting platform information was moved to a separate definition; and (d) was reworded to clarify when a 300-foot buffer zone is applied to a stand. Subsection (2) in the proposed rule was removed because it is already in the "occupied marbled murrelet site" definition.
(4) WAC 222-16-080, in subsection (1)(j)(vi)(A), the board selected an exception to Class IV-Special for landowners owning less than five hundred acres of forest land within fifty miles of saltwater, provided there is no occupied site. This decision was made because of extensive public comment from nonindustrial landowners and because no data is available to refute a different number.
(5) WAC 222-16-105, subsection (3)(c), marbled murrelet baseline: "not be less than the habitat condition" was removed and replaced with "may range from zero habitat to the overall levels of suitable marbled murrelet habitat that existed across the land in question at the time the agreement is entered into." This clarifies the baseline standard for marbled murrelets so it is the same as the standard for northern spotted owls.
Subsection (5)(b): "contribution toward conserving" was changed to "benefit to" the species. This focuses the standard on the benefit to the species rather than using a recovery plan standard.
(6) WAC 222-30-020, in subsection (10)(a), the requirement for landowners to provide protocol survey data to the Department of Fish and Wildlife was removed. This was a prescriptive requirement that was replaced in WAC 222-10-042 with an incentive for landowners to submit survey data. A joint responsibility to survey is also provided in that section.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's own Initiative: New 3, amended 11 repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, amended 0, repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 3, amended 11, repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
July 17, 1997
Jennifer M. Belcher
Commissioner of Public Lands
WAC 222-10-042 Marbled murrelets. The following policies shall apply to forest practices subject to SEPA where the forest practices may cause adverse impacts to marbled murrelets.
(1) Within an occupied marbled murrelet site, forest practices that will adversely impact this habitat will likely have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment except where the department determines, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, that the applicant's proposal will actually have no significant adverse impact.
(2) Within marbled murrelet detection areas:
(a) Suitable marbled murrelet habitat with at least a 50% probability of occupancy is assumed to have a high likelihood of marbled murrelet occupancy. It is currently assumed that 5 platforms per acre meets the 50% probability of occupancy. Without survey information, forest practices that will adversely impact this habitat may have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.
(b) Suitable marbled murrelet habitat with at least a 30%, but less than 50% probability of occupancy has a sufficiently high likelihood of marbled murrelet occupancy to warrant a survey. This additional information is necessary for the department to evaluate the environmental impact of the forest practice. It is currently assumed that 2 platforms per acre meets the 30% probability of occupancy.
A landowner may request the department of fish and wildlife to survey. The department of fish and wildlife should survey to the maximum extent practicable based on an appropriation to survey marbled murrelet suitable habitat within detection areas where the landowner provides access for surveys to the department of fish and wildlife, and sufficient time is allowed to complete the protocol surveys. The department shall provide a notice to the landowner within 60 days from the date of application of the department of fish and wildlife's intent to survey. If the department of fish and wildlife cannot conduct marbled murrelet surveys the responsibility for surveys remains with the landowner.
(3) Outside a marbled murrelet detection area:
(a) Suitable marbled murrelet habitat with at least a 60% probability of occupancy is assumed to have a high likelihood of marbled murrelet occupancy. It is currently assumed that 7 platforms per acre meets the 60% probability of occupancy. Without survey information, forest practices that will adversely impact this habitat may have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.
(b) Within a marbled murrelet special landscape suitable marbled murrelet habitat with at least a 50% probability of occupancy is assumed to have a high likelihood of marbled murrelet occupancy. Without survey information, forest practices that will adversely impact this habitat may have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment.
(4) When determining whether a forest practice will have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, the department shall, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, evaluate the impacts on the state-wide, regional (Southwest Washington, Olympic Peninsula, Hood Canal, North Puget Sound, South Puget Sound and South Cascades) and local (within the marbled murrelet detection area) marbled murrelet populations and associated habitats. The department should consider a variety of information including but not limited to survey data, habitat quality and patch size, the amount of edge in relation to the area of habitat, amount of interior habitat, distance from saltwater, detection rates, the amount and quality of habitat, the likelihood of predation and the recovery goals for the marbled murrelet.
(5) The platform assumptions set forth above are based on regional
data. Applicants or others may submit information to the department
which was gathered in conjunction with a marbled murrelet survey
agreement with the department of fish and wildlife, and other reliable
information that is more current, or specific to the platform numbers in
the marbled murrelet suitable habitat definition. The department shall
use such information in making its determinations under this section
where the department finds, in consultation with the department of fish
and wildlife, that the information is more likely to be valid for a
particular WRIA or physiographic province. If the department does not
use the information, it shall explain its reasons in writing to the
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-15-113, filed 7/21/92, effective
WAC 222-12-090 Forest practices board manual. When approved by the board the manual serves as an advisory technical supplement to these forest practices regulations. The department, in cooperation with the departments of fisheries, wildlife, agriculture, ecology, and such other agencies, affected Indian tribes, or interested parties as may have appropriate expertise, is directed to prepare, and submit to the board for approval, revisions to the forest practices board manual. The manual shall include:
(1) Method for determination of adequate shade requirements on streams needed for use with WAC 222-30-040.
(2) The standard methods for measuring channel width, stream gradient and flow which are used in the water typing criteria WAC 222-16-030.
(3) A chart for establishing recommended permanent culvert sizes and associated data.
(4) Guidelines for clearing slash and debris from Type 4 and 5 Waters.
(5) Guidelines for landing location and construction.
(6) Guidelines for determining acceptable stocking levels.
(7) Guidelines for calculating average widths of riparian management zones.
(8) Guidelines for wetland delineation.
(9) Guidelines for wetland replacement or substitution.
(10) A list of nonnative wetland plant species.
(11) The standard methodology, which shall specify the quantitative methods, indices of resource conditions, and definitions, for conducting watershed analysis under chapter 222-22 WAC. The department, in consultation with Timber/Fish/Wildlife's Cooperative Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Committee (CMER), may make minor modifications to the version of the standard methodology approved by the board. Substantial amendments to the standard methodology requires approval by the board.
(12) A list of special concerns related to aerial application of pesticides developed under WAC 222-16-070(3).
(14) Survey protocol for marbled murrelets. The Pacific seabird survey protocol in effect March 1, 1997, shall be used when surveying for marbled murrelets in a stand. Surveys conducted before the effective date of this rule are valid if they were conducted in substantial compliance with generally accepted survey protocols in effect at the beginning of the season in which they were conducted.
(15) The department shall, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, develop platform protocols for use by applicants in estimating the number of platforms, and by the department in reviewing and classifying forest practices under WAC 222-16-050. These protocols shall include:
(a) A sampling method to determine platforms per acre in the field;
(b) A method to predict the number of platforms per acre based on information measurable from typical forest inventories. The method shall be derived from regression models or other accepted statistical methodology, and incorporate the best available data; and
(c) Other methods determined to be reliable by the department, in
consultation with the department of fish and wildlife.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW.
92-15-113, 222-12-090, filed 7/21/92, effective 8/21/92. Statutory
Authority: RCW 76.09.040. 88-19-112 (Order 551, Resolution No. 88-1),
222-12-090, filed 9/21/88, effective 11/1/88; 87-23-036 (Order 535),
222-12-090, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority:
RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. 82-16-077 (Resolution No. 82-1), 222-12-090, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263, 222-12-090, filed
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-16-010 General definitions.* Unless otherwise required by context, as used in these regulations:
"Act" means the Forest Practices Act, chapter 76.09 RCW.
"Affected Indian tribe" means any federally recognized Indian tribe that requests in writing from the department information on forest practices applications and notification filed on specified areas.
"Appeals board" means the forest practices appeals board established in the act.
"Area of resource sensitivity" means areas identified in accordance with WAC 222-22-050 (2)(d) or 222-22-060(2).
"Board" means the forest practices board established by the act.
"Bog" means wetlands which have the following characteristics: Hydric organic soils (peat and/or muck) typically 16 inches or more in depth (except over bedrock or hardpan); and vegetation such as sphagnum moss, labrador tea, bog laurel, bog rosemary, sundews, and sedges; bogs may have an overstory of spruce, western Hemlock, lodgepole pine, cedar, whitepine, crabapple, or aspen, and may be associated with open water. This includes nutrient-poor fens. See the Forest Practices Board Manual.
"Borrow pit" shall mean an excavation site outside the limits of construction to provide material necessary to that construction, such as fill material for the embankments.
"Chemicals" means substances applied to forest lands or timber including pesticides, fertilizers, and other forest chemicals.
"Clearcut" means a harvest method in which the entire stand of trees is removed in one timber harvesting operation. Except as provided in WAC 222-30-110, an area remains clearcut until:
It meets the minimum stocking requirements under WAC 222-34-010(2) or 222-34-020(2); and
The largest trees qualifying for the minimum stocking levels have survived on the area for five growing seasons or, if not, they have reached an average height of four feet.
"Commercial tree species" means any species which is capable of producing a merchantable stand of timber on the particular site, or which is being grown as part of a Christmas tree or ornamental tree-growing operation.
"Completion of harvest" means the latest of:
Completion of removal of timber from the portions of forest lands harvested in the smallest logical unit that will not be disturbed by continued logging or an approved slash disposal plan for adjacent areas; or
Scheduled completion of any slash disposal operations where the department and the applicant agree within 6 months of completion of yarding that slash disposal is necessary or desirable to facilitate reforestation and agree to a time schedule for such slash disposal; or
Scheduled completion of any site preparation or rehabilitation of adjoining lands approved at the time of approval of the application or receipt of a notification: Provided, That delay of reforestation under this paragraph is permitted only to the extent reforestation would prevent or unreasonably hinder such site preparation or rehabilitation of adjoining lands.
"Constructed wetlands" means those wetlands voluntarily developed by the landowner. Constructed wetlands do not include wetlands created, restored, or enhanced as part of a mitigation procedure or wetlands inadvertently created as a result of current or past practices including, but not limited to: Road construction, landing construction, railroad construction, or surface mining.
"Contamination" means the introducing into the atmosphere, soil, or water, sufficient quantities of substances as may be injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agriculture or recreational uses, or to livestock, wildlife, fish or other aquatic life.
"Conversion option harvest plan" means a voluntary plan developed by the landowner and approved by the local government entity indicating the limits of harvest areas, road locations, and open space.
"Conversion to a use other than commercial timber operation" shall mean a bona fide conversion to an active use which is incompatible with timber growing.
"Cooperative ((spotted owl)) habitat enhancement agreement (CHEA)"
see WAC ((222-16-100(2))) 222-16-105.
"Critical habitat (federal)" means the habitat of any threatened or endangered species designated as critical habitat by the United States Secretary of the Interior under Sections 3 (5)(A) and 4 (a)(3) of the Federal Endangered Species Act.
"Critical nesting season" means for marbled murrelets - April 1 to August 31.
"Critical wildlife habitat (state)" means those habitats designated by the board in accordance with WAC 222-16-080.
"Cultural resources" means archaeological and historic sites and artifacts and traditional religious, ceremonial and social uses and activities of affected Indian tribes.
"Cumulative effects" means the changes to the environment caused by the interaction of natural ecosystem processes with the effects of two or more forest practices.
"Daily peak activity" means for marbled murrelets - one hour before official sunrise to two hours after official sunrise and one hour before official sunset to one hour after official sunset.
"Debris" means woody vegetative residue less than 3 cubic feet in size resulting from forest practice activities which would reasonably be expected to cause significant damage to a public resource.
"Demographic support" means providing sufficient suitable spotted owl habitat within the SOSEA to maintain the viability of northern spotted owl sites identified as necessary to meet the SOSEA goals.
"Department" means the department of natural resources.
"Dispersal habitat" see WAC 222-16-085(2).
"Dispersal support" means providing sufficient dispersal habitat for the interchange of northern spotted owls within or across the SOSEA, as necessary to meet SOSEA goals. Dispersal support is provided by a landscape consisting of stands of dispersal habitat interspersed with areas of higher quality habitat, such as suitable spotted owl habitat found within RMZs, WMZs or other required and voluntary leave areas.
"Eastern Washington" means the lands of the state lying east of an administrative line which approximates the change from the Western Washington timber types to the Eastern Washington timber types described as follows:
Beginning at the International Border and Okanogan National Forest boundary at the N1/4 corner Section 6, T. 40N, R. 24E., W.M., south and west along the Pasayten Wilderness boundary to the west line of Section 30, T. 37N, R. 19E.,
Thence south on range line between R. 18E. and R. 19E., to the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness at Section 31, T. 35N, R. 19E.,
Thence south and east along the eastern wilderness boundary of Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness to the west line of Section 18, T. 31N, R. 19E. on the north shore of Lake Chelan,
Thence south on the range line between R. 18E. and R. 19E. to the SE corner of T. 28N, R. 18E.,
Thence west on the township line between T. 27N, and T. 28N to the NW corner of T. 27N, R. 17E.,
Thence south on range line between R. 16E. and R. 17E. to the Alpine Lakes Wilderness at Section 31, T. 26N, R. 17E.,
Thence south along the eastern wilderness boundary to the west line of Section 6, T. 22N, R. 17E.,
Thence south on range line between R. 16E. and R. 17E. to the SE corner of T. 22N, R. 16E.,
Thence west along township line between T. 21N, and T. 22N to the NW corner of T. 21N, R. 15E.,
Thence south along range line between R. 14E. and R. 15E. to SW corner of T. 20N, R. 15E.,
Thence east along township line between T. 19N, and T. 20N to the SW corner of T. 20N, R. 16E.,
Thence south along range line between R. 15E. and R. 16E. to the SW corner of T. 18N, R. 16E.,
Thence west along township line between T. 17N, and T. 18N to the SE corner of T. 18N, R. 14E.,
Thence south along range line between T. 14E. and R. 15E. to the SW corner of T. 14N, R. 15E.,
Thence south and west along Wenatchee National Forest Boundary to the NW corner of T. 12N, R. 14E.,
Thence south along range line between R. 13E. and R. 14E. to SE corner of T. 10N, R. 13E.,
Thence west along township line between T. 9N, and T. 10N to the NW corner of T. 9N, R. 12E.,
Thence south along range line between R. 11E. and R. 12E. to SE corner of T. 8N, R. 11E.,
Thence west along township line between T. 7N, and T. 8N to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest Boundary,
Thence south along Forest Boundary to SE corner of Section 33, T. 7N, R. 11E.,
Thence west along township line between T. 6N, and T. 7N to SE corner of T. 7N, R. 9E.,
Thence south along Skamania-Klickitat County line to Oregon-Washington state line.
"End hauling" means the removal and transportation of excavated material, pit or quarry overburden, or landing or road cut material from the excavation site to a deposit site not adjacent to the point of removal.
"Erodible soils" means those soils exposed or displaced by a forest practice operation, that would be readily moved by water.
"Even-aged harvest methods" means the following harvest methods:
Seed tree harvests in which twenty or fewer trees per acre remain after harvest;
Shelterwood regeneration harvests in which twenty or fewer trees per acre remain after harvest;
Group or strip shelterwood harvests creating openings wider than two tree heights, based on dominant trees;
Shelterwood removal harvests which leave fewer than one hundred fifty trees per acre which are at least five years old or four feet in average height;
Partial cutting in which fewer than fifty trees per acre remain after harvest;
Overstory removal when more than five thousand board feet per acre is removed and fewer than fifty trees per acre at least ten feet in height remain after harvest; and
Other harvesting methods designed to manage for multiple age classes in which six or fewer trees per acre remain after harvest.
Except as provided above for shelterwood removal harvests and overstory removal, trees counted as remaining after harvest shall be at least ten inches in diameter at breast height and have at least the top one-third of the stem supporting green, live crowns. Except as provided in WAC 222-30-110, an area remains harvested by even-aged methods until it meets the minimum stocking requirements under WAC 222-30-010(2) or 222-34-020(2) and the largest trees qualifying for the minimum stocking levels have survived on the area for five growing seasons or, if not, they have reached an average height of four feet.
"Fen" means wetlands which have the following characteristics: Peat soils 16 inches or more in depth (except over bedrock); and vegetation such as certain sedges, hardstem bulrush and cattails; fens may have an overstory of spruce and may be associated with open water.
"Fertilizers" means any substance or any combination or mixture of substances used principally as a source of plant food or soil amendment.
"Fill" means the placement of earth material or aggregate for road or landing construction or other similar activities. Fill does not include the growing or harvesting of timber including, but not limited to, slash burning, site preparation, reforestation, precommercial thinning, intermediate or final harvesting, salvage of trees, brush control, or fertilization.
"Flood level - 50 year." For purposes of field interpretation of these regulations, the 50-year flood level shall be considered to refer to a vertical elevation measured from the ordinary high-water mark which is 1.25 times the vertical distance between the average stream bed and the ordinary high-water mark, and in horizontal extent shall not exceed 2 times the channel width measured on either side from the ordinary high-water mark, unless a different area is specified by the department based on identifiable topographic or vegetative features or based on an engineering computation of flood magnitude that has a 2 percent chance of occurring in any given year. The 50-year flood level shall not include those lands that can reasonably be expected to be protected from flood waters by flood control devices maintained by or under license from the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state.
"Forest land" means all land which is capable of supporting a merchantable stand of timber and is not being actively used for a use which is incompatible with timber growing.
"Forest land owner" shall mean any person in actual control of forest land, whether such control is based either on legal or equitable title, or on any other interest entitling the holder to sell or otherwise dispose of any or all of the timber on such land in any manner: Provided, That any lessee or other person in possession of forest land without legal or equitable title to such land shall be excluded from the definition of "forest land owner" unless such lessee or other person has the right to sell or otherwise dispose of any or all of the timber located on such forest land.
"Forest practice" means any activity conducted on or directly pertaining to forest land and relating to growing, harvesting, or processing timber, including but not limited to:
Road and trail construction;
Harvesting, final and intermediate;
Precommercial thinning;
Prevention and suppression of diseases and insects;
Salvage of trees; and
Brush control.
"Forest practice" shall not include: Forest species seed orchard operations and intensive forest nursery operations; or preparatory work such as tree marking, surveying and road flagging; or removal or harvest of incidental vegetation from forest lands such as berries, ferns, greenery, mistletoe, herbs, mushrooms, and other products which cannot normally be expected to result in damage to forest soils, timber or public resources.
"Forest trees" excludes trees cultivated by agricultural methods in growing cycles shorter than ten years: Provided, That Christmas trees are forest trees and: Provided further, That this exclusion applies only to trees planted on land that was not in forest use immediately before the trees were planted and before the land was prepared for planting the trees.
"Green recruitment trees" means those trees left after harvest for the purpose of becoming future wildlife reserve trees under WAC 222-30-020(11).
"Herbicide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any tree, bush, weed or algae and other aquatic weeds.
"Historic site" includes:
Sites, areas and structures or other evidence of human activities illustrative of the origins, evolution and development of the nation, state or locality; or
Places associated with a personality important in history; or
Places where significant historical events are known to have occurred even though no physical evidence of the event remains.
"Identified watershed processes" means the following components of natural ecological processes that may in some instances be altered by forest practices in a watershed:
Mass wasting;
Surface and road erosion;
Seasonal flows including hydrologic peak and low flows and annual yields (volume and timing);
Large organic debris;
Shading; and
Stream bank and bed stability.
"Insecticide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any insect, other arthropods or mollusk pests.
"Interdisciplinary team" (ID Team) means a group of varying size comprised of individuals having specialized expertise, assembled by the department to respond to technical questions associated with a proposed forest practice activity.
"Islands" means any island surrounded by salt water in Kitsap, Mason, Jefferson, Pierce, King, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, Island, or San Juan counties.
"Limits of construction" means the area occupied by the completed roadway or landing, including the cut bank, fill slope, and the area cleared for the purpose of constructing the roadway or landing.
"Load bearing portion" means that part of the road, landing, etc., which is supportive soil, earth, rock or other material directly below the working surface and only the associated earth structure necessary for support.
"Local government entity" means the governments of counties and the governments of cities and towns as defined in chapter 35.01 RCW.
"Low impact harvest" means use of any logging equipment, methods, or systems that minimize compaction or disturbance of soils and vegetation during the yarding process. The department shall determine such equipment, methods or systems in consultation with the department of ecology.
"Marbled murrelet detection area" means an area of land associated with a visual or audible detection of a marbled murrelet, made by a qualified surveyor which is documented and recorded in the department of fish and wildlife data base. The marbled murrelet detection area shall be comprised of the section of land in which the marbled murrelet detection was made and the eight sections of land immediately adjacent to that section.
"Marbled murrelet nesting platform" means any horizontal tree structure such as a limb, an area where a limb branches, a surface created by multiple leaders, a deformity, or a debris/moss platform or stick nest equal to or greater than 7 inches in diameter including associated moss if present, that is 50 feet or more above the ground in trees 32 inches dbh and greater (generally over 90 years of age) and is capable of supporting nesting by marbled murrelets.
"Median home range circle" means a circle, with a specified radius, centered on a spotted owl site center. The radius for the median home range circle in the Hoh-Clearwater/Coastal Link SOSEA is 2.7 miles; for all other SOSEAs the radius is 1.8 miles.
"Merchantable stand of timber" means a stand of trees that will yield logs and/or fiber:
Suitable in size and quality for the production of lumber, plywood, pulp or other forest products;
Of sufficient value at least to cover all the costs of harvest and transportation to available markets.
"Northern spotted owl site center" means the location of status 1,
2 or 3 northern spotted owls based on the following definitions:
Status 1: Pair or reproductive - a male and female heard and/or
observed in close proximity to each other on the same
visit, a female detected on a nest, or one or both adults
observed with young.
Status 2: Two birds, pair status unknown - the presence or response
of two birds of opposite sex where pair status cannot be
determined and where at least one member meets the
resident territorial single requirements.
Status 3: Resident territorial single - the presence or response of
a single owl within the same general area on three or
more occasions within a breeding season with no response
by an owl of the opposite sex after a complete survey; or
three or more responses over several years (i.e., two
responses in year one and one response in year two, for
the same general area).
In determining the existence, location, and status of northern spotted owl site centers, the department shall consult with the department of fish and wildlife and use only those sites documented in substantial compliance with guidelines or protocols and quality control methods established by and available from the department of fish and wildlife.
"Notice to comply" means a notice issued by the department pursuant to RCW 76.09.090 of the act and may require initiation and/or completion of action necessary to prevent, correct and/or compensate for material damage to public resources which resulted from forest practices.
"Occupied marbled murrelet site" means:
(1) A contiguous area of suitable marbled murrelet habitat where at least one of the following marbled murrelet behaviors or conditions occur:
(a) A nest is located; or
(b) Downy chicks or eggs or egg shells are found; or
(c) Marbled murrelets are detected flying below, through, into or out of the forest canopy; or
(d) Birds calling from a stationary location within the area; or
(e) Birds circling above a timber stand within one tree height of the top of the canopy; or
(2) A contiguous forested area, which does not meet the definition of suitable marbled murrelet habitat, in which any of the behaviors or conditions listed above has been documented by the department of fish and wildlife and which is distinguishable from the adjacent forest based on vegetative characteristics important to nesting marbled murrelets.
(3) For sites defined in (1) above, the outer perimeter of the occupied site shall be presumed to be the closer, measured from the point where the observed behaviors or conditions listed in (1) above occurred, of the following:
(a) 1.5 miles from the point where the observed behaviors or conditions listed in (1) above occurred; or
(b) The beginning of any gap greater than 300 feet wide lacking one or more of the vegetative characteristics listed under "suitable marbled murrelet habitat"; or
(c) The beginning of any narrow area of "suitable marbled murrelet habitat" less than 300 feet in width and more than 300 feet in length.
(4) For sites defined under (2) above, the outer perimeter of the occupied site shall be presumed to be the closer, measured from the point where the observed behaviors or conditions listed in (1) above occurred, of the following:
(a) 1.5 miles from the point where the observed behaviors or conditions listed in (1) above occurred; or
(b) The beginning of any gap greater than 300 feet wide lacking one or more of the distinguishing vegetative characteristics important to murrelets; or
(c) The beginning of any narrow area of suitable marbled murrelet habitat, comparable to the area where the observed behaviors or conditions listed in (1) above occurred, less than 300 feet in width and more than 300 feet in length.
(5) In determining the existence, location and status of occupied marbled murrelet sites, the department shall consult with the department of fish and wildlife and use only those sites documented in substantial compliance with guidelines or protocols and quality control methods established by and available from the department of fish and wildlife.
"Old forest habitat" see WAC 222-16-085 (1)(a).
"Operator" shall mean any person engaging in forest practices except an employee with wages as his/her sole compensation.
"Ordinary high-water mark" means the mark on the shores of all waters, which will be found by examining the beds and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation: Provided, That in any area where the ordinary high-water mark cannot be found, the ordinary high-water mark adjoining saltwater shall be the line of mean high tide and the ordinary high-water mark adjoining freshwater shall be the line of mean high-water.
"Other forest chemicals" means fire retardants when used to control burning (other than water), nontoxic repellents, oil, dust-control agents (other than water), salt, and other chemicals used in forest management, except pesticides and fertilizers, that may present hazards to the environment.
"Park" means any park included on the parks register maintained by the department pursuant to WAC 222-20-100(2). Developed park recreation area means any park area developed for high density outdoor recreation use.
"Partial cutting" means the removal of a portion of the merchantable volume in a stand of timber so as to leave an uneven-aged stand of well-distributed residual, healthy trees that will reasonably utilize the productivity of the soil. Partial cutting does not include seedtree or shelterwood or other types of regeneration cutting.
"Pesticide" means any insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, or rodenticide but does not include nontoxic repellents or other forest chemicals.
"Plantable area" is an area capable of supporting a commercial stand of timber excluding lands devoted to permanent roads, utility rights-of-way, that portion of riparian management zones where scarification is not permitted, and any other area devoted to a use incompatible with commercial timber growing.
"Power equipment" means all machinery operated with fuel burning or electrical motors, including heavy machinery, chain saws, portable generators, pumps, and powered backpack devices.
"Public resources" means water, fish, and wildlife and in addition shall mean capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions.
"Qualified surveyor" means an individual who has successfully completed the marbled murrelet field training course offered by the department of fish and wildlife or its equivalent.
"Rehabilitation" means the act of renewing, or making usable and reforesting forest land which was poorly stocked or previously nonstocked with commercial species.
"Relief culvert" means a structure to relieve surface runoff from roadside ditches to prevent excessive buildup in water volume and velocity.
"Resource characteristics" means the following specific measurable characteristics of fish, water, and capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions:
For fish and water:
Physical fish habitat, including temperature and turbidity;
Turbidity in hatchery water supplies; and
Turbidity and volume for areas of water supply.
For capital improvements of the state or its political subdivisions:
Physical or structural integrity.
If the methodology is developed and added to the manual to analyze the cumulative effects of forest practices on other characteristics of fish, water, and capital improvements of the state or its subdivisions, the board shall amend this list to include these characteristics.
"Riparian management zone" means a specified area alongside Type 1, 2 and 3 Waters where specific measures are taken to protect water quality and fish and wildlife habitat.
"Rodenticide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate rodents or any other vertebrate animal which the director of the state department of agriculture may declare by regulation to be a pest.
"Salvage" means the removal of snags, down logs, windthrow, or dead and dying material.
"Scarification" means loosening the topsoil and/or disrupting the forest floor in preparation for regeneration.
"Shorelines of the state" shall have the same meaning as in RCW 90.58.030 (Shoreline Management Act).
"Side casting" means the act of moving excavated material to the side and depositing such material within the limits of construction or dumping over the side and outside the limits of construction.
"Site preparation" means those activities associated with the removal of slash in preparing a site for planting and shall include scarification and/or slash burning.
"Skid trail" means a route used by tracked or wheeled skidders to move logs to a landing or road.
"Slash" means pieces of woody material containing more than 3 cubic feet resulting from forest practice activities.
"SOSEA goals" means the goals specified for a spotted owl special emphasis area as identified on the SOSEA maps (see WAC 222-16-086). SOSEA goals provide for demographic and/or dispersal support as necessary to complement the northern spotted owl protection strategies on federal land within or adjacent to the SOSEA.
"Spoil" means excess material removed as overburden or generated during road or landing construction which is not used within limits of construction.
"Spotted owl dispersal habitat" see WAC 222-16-085(2).
"Spotted owl special emphasis areas (SOSEA)" means the geographic areas as mapped in WAC 222-16-086. Detailed maps of the SOSEAs indicating the boundaries and goals are available from the department at its regional offices.
"Stop work order" means the "stop work order" defined in RCW 76.09.080 of the act and may be issued by the department to stop violations of the forest practices chapter or to prevent damage and/or to correct and/or compensate for damages to public resources resulting from forest practices.
"Sub-mature habitat" see WAC 222-16-085 (1)(b).
"Suitable marbled murrelet habitat" means a contiguous forested area containing trees capable of providing nesting opportunities:
(1) With all of the following indicators unless the department, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, has determined that the habitat is not likely to be occupied by marbled murrelets:
(a) Within 50 miles of marine waters;
(b) At least 40% of the dominant and codominant trees are Douglas-fir, western hemlock, western red cedar or sitka spruce;
(c) Two or more nesting platforms per acre;
(d) At least 7 acres in size, including the contiguous forested area within 300 feet of nesting platforms, with similar forest stand characteristics (age, species composition, forest structure) to the forested area in which the nesting platforms occur.
"Suitable spotted owl habitat" see WAC 222-16-085(1).
"Threatened or endangered species" means all species of wildlife listed as "threatened" or "endangered" by the United States Secretary of the Interior, and all species of wildlife designated as "threatened" or "endangered" by the Washington wildlife commission.
"Timber" shall mean forest trees, standing or down, of a commercial species, including Christmas trees.
"Water bar" means a diversion ditch and/or hump in a trail or road for the purpose of carrying surface water runoff into the vegetation duff, ditch, or other dispersion area so that it does not gain the volume and velocity which causes soil movement and erosion.
"Watershed administrative unit (WAU)" means an area shown on the map specified in WAC 222-22-020(1).
"Watershed analysis" means, for a given WAU, the assessment completed under WAC 222-22-050 or 222-22-060 together with the prescriptions selected under WAC 222-22-070 and shall include assessments completed under WAC 222-22-050 where there are no areas of resource sensitivity.
"Weed" is any plant which tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable vegetation.
"Western Washington" means the lands of the state lying west of the administrative line described in the definition of Eastern Washington.
"Wetland" means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, such as swamps, bogs, fens, and similar areas. This includes wetlands created, restored, or enhanced as part of a mitigation procedure. This does not include constructed wetlands or the following surface waters of the state intentionally constructed from wetland sites: Irrigation and drainage ditches, grass lined swales, canals, agricultural detention facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities.
"Wetland functions" include the protection of water quality and quantity, providing fish and wildlife habitat, and the production of timber.
"Wetland management zone" means a specified area adjacent to Type A and B Wetlands where specific measures are taken to protect the wetland functions.
"Wildlife" means all species of the animal kingdom whose members exist in Washington in a wild state. The term "wildlife" includes, but is not limited to, any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, or invertebrate, at any stage of development. The term "wildlife" does not include feral domestic mammals or the family Muridae of the order Rodentia (old world rats and mice).
"Wildlife reserve trees" means those defective, dead, damaged, or dying trees which provide or have the potential to provide habitat for those wildlife species dependent on standing trees. Wildlife reserve trees are categorized as follows:
Type 1 wildlife reserve trees are defective or deformed live trees that have observably sound tops, limbs, trunks, and roots. They may have part of the top broken out or have evidence of other severe defects that include: "Cat face," animal chewing, old logging wounds, weather injury, insect attack, or lightning strike. Unless approved by the landowner, only green trees with visible cavities, nests, or obvious severe defects capable of supporting cavity dependent species shall be considered as Type 1 wildlife reserve trees. These trees must be stable and pose the least hazard for workers.
Type 2 wildlife reserve trees are dead Type 1 trees with sound tops, limbs, trunks, and roots.
Type 3 wildlife reserve trees are live or dead trees with unstable tops or upper portions. Unless approved by the landowner, only green trees with visible cavities, nests, or obvious severe defects capable of supporting cavity dependent species shall be considered as Type 3 wildlife reserve trees. Although the roots and main portion of the trunk are sound, these reserve trees pose high hazard because of the defect in live or dead wood higher up in the tree.
Type 4 wildlife reserve trees are live or dead trees with unstable trunks or roots, with or without bark. This includes "soft snags" as well as live trees with unstable roots caused by root rot or fire. These trees are unstable and pose a high hazard to workers.
"Windthrow" means a natural process by which trees are uprooted or sustain severe trunk damage by the wind.
"Young forest marginal habitat" see WAC 222-16-085 (1)(b).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-16-010, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 94-17-033, 222-16-010, filed 8/10/94,
effective 8/13/94; 93-12-001, 222-16-010, filed 5/19/93, effective
6/19/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter
34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-16-010, filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92.
Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and 34.05.350. 92-03-028,
222-16-010, filed 1/8/92, effective 2/8/92; 91-23-052, 222-16-010,
filed 11/15/91, effective 12/16/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040.
88-19-112 (Order 551, Resolution No. 88-1), 222-16-010, filed 9/21/88,
effective 11/1/88; 87-23-036 (Order 535), 222-16-010, filed 11/16/87,
effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050.
82-16-077 (Resolution No. 82-1), 222-16-010, filed 8/3/82, effective
10/1/82; Order 263, 222-16-010, filed 6/16/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-16-080 Critical wildlife habitats (state) and critical habitat (federal) of threatened and endangered species. (1) Critical wildlife habitats (state) of threatened or endangered species and specific forest practices designated as Class IV-Special are as follows:
(a) Bald eagle - harvesting, road construction, aerial application of pesticides, or site preparation within 0.5 mile of a known active nest site, documented by the department of wildlife, between the dates of January 1 and August 15 or 0.25 mile at other times of the year; and within 0.25 mile of a communal roosting site. Communal roosting sites shall not include refuse or garbage dumping sites.
(b) Gray wolf - harvesting, road construction, or site preparation within 1 mile of a known active den site, documented by the department of wildlife, between the dates of March 15 and July 30 or 0.25 mile from the den site at other times of the year.
(c) Grizzly bear - harvesting, road construction, aerial application of pesticides, or site preparation within 1 mile of a known active den site, documented by the department of wildlife, between the dates of October 1 and May 30 or 0.25 mile at other times of the year.
(d) Mountain caribou - harvesting, road construction, aerial application of pesticides, or site preparation within 0.25 mile of a known active breeding area, documented by the department of wildlife.
(e) Oregon silverspot butterfly - harvesting, road construction, aerial or ground application of pesticides, or site preparation within 0.25 mile of an individual occurrence, documented by the department of wildlife.
(f) Peregrine falcon - harvesting, road construction, aerial application of pesticides, or site preparation within 0.5 mile of a known active nest site, documented by the department of wildlife, between the dates of March 1 and July 30; or harvesting, road construction, or aerial application of pesticides within 0.25 mile of the nest site at other times of the year.
(g) Sandhill crane - harvesting, road construction, aerial application of pesticides, or site preparation within 0.25 mile of a known active nesting area, documented by the department of wildlife.
(h) Northern spotted owl - the following shall apply through June 30, 1996: Harvesting, road construction, or aerial application of pesticides on the most suitable 500 acres of nesting, roosting, and foraging habitat surrounding the northern spotted owl site center. The most suitable habitat shall be determined by the department in cooperation with the department of fish and wildlife, tribes, and others with applicable expertise. Consideration shall be given to habitat quality, proximity to the activity center and contiguity in selecting the most suitable 500 acres of habitat.
Beginning July 1, 1996, the following shall apply for the northern spotted owl:
(i) Within a SOSEA boundary (see maps in WAC 222-16-086), except as indicated in (h)(ii) of this subsection, harvesting, road construction, or aerial application of pesticides on suitable spotted owl habitat within a median home range circle that is centered within the SOSEA or on adjacent federal lands.
(ii) Within the Entiat SOSEA, harvesting, road construction, or aerial application of pesticides within the areas indicated for demographic support (see WAC 222-16-086(2)) on suitable spotted owl habitat located within a median home range circle that is centered within the demographic support area.
(iii) Outside of a SOSEA, harvesting, road construction, or aerial application of pesticides, between March 1 and August 31 on the seventy acres of highest quality suitable spotted owl habitat surrounding a northern spotted owl site center located outside a SOSEA. The highest quality suitable habitat shall be determined by the department in cooperation with the department of fish and wildlife. Consideration shall be given to habitat quality, proximity to the activity center and contiguity.
(iv) Small parcel northern spotted owl exemption. Forest practices proposed on the lands owned or controlled by a landowner whose forest land ownership within the SOSEA is less than or equal to 500 acres and where the forest practice is not within 0.7 mile of a northern spotted owl site center shall not be considered to be on lands designated as critical wildlife habitat (state) for northern spotted owls.
(i) Western pond turtle - harvesting, road construction, aerial application of pesticides, or site preparation within 0.25 mile of a known individual occurrence, documented by the department of wildlife.
(j) Marbled murrelet.
(i) Harvesting, other than removal of down trees outside of the critical nesting season, or road construction within an occupied marbled murrelet site.
(ii) Harvesting, other than removal of down trees outside of the critical nesting season, or road construction within suitable marbled murrelet habitat within a marbled murrelet detection area.
(iii) Harvesting, other than removal of down trees outside of the critical nesting season, or road construction within suitable marbled murrelet habitat containing 7 platforms per acre outside a marbled murrelet detection area.
(iv) Harvesting, other than removal of down trees outside of the critical nesting season, or road construction outside a marbled murrelet detection area within a marbled murrelet special landscape and within suitable murrelet habitat with 5 or more platforms per acre.
(v) Harvesting within a 300 foot managed buffer zone adjacent to an occupied marbled murrelet site that results in less than a residual stand stem density of 75 trees per acre greater than 6 inches in dbh; provided that 25 of which shall be greater than 12 inches dbh including 5 trees greater than 20 inches in dbh, where they exist. The primary consideration for the design of managed buffer zone widths and leave tree retention patterns shall be to mediate edge effects. The width of the buffer zone may be reduced in some areas to a minimum of 200 feet and extended to a maximum of 400 feet as long as the average of 300 feet is maintained.
(vi) Except that the following shall not be critical wildlife habitat (state):
(A) Where a landowner owns less than 500 acres of forest land within 50 miles of saltwater and the land does not contain an occupied marbled murrelet site; or
(B) Where a protocol survey (see WAC 222-12-090(14)) has been conducted and no murrelets were detected. The landowner is then relieved from further survey requirements. However, if an occupied marbled murrelet site is established, this exemption is void.
(2) The following critical habitats (federal) designated by the United States Secretary of the Interior, or specific forest practices within those habitats, have been determined to not have the potential for a substantial impact on the environment:
((None listed.)) Marbled murrelet critical habitat 50 C.F.R.
17.95(b), 61 Fed. Reg. 26256 as a result of provisions of the state's
marbled murrelet rule.
(3) For the purpose of identifying forest practices which have the potential for a substantial impact on the environment with regard to threatened or endangered species newly listed by the Washington fish and wildlife commission and/or the United States Secretary of the Interior, the department shall after consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, prepare and submit to the board a proposed list of critical wildlife habitats (state) of threatened or endangered species. This list shall be submitted to the board within 15 days of the listing of the species. The department shall, at a minimum, consider potential impacts of forest practices on habitats essential to meeting the life requisites for each species listed as threatened or endangered. Those critical wildlife habitats (state) adopted by the board shall be added to the list in subsection (1) of this section. See WAC 222-16-050 (1)(b)(i).
(4) For the purpose of identifying any areas and/or forest practices within critical habitats (federal) designated by the United States Secretary of the Interior which do not have the potential for a substantial impact on the environment, the department shall, after consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, submit to the board a proposed list of any forest practices and/or areas proposed for exclusion from Class IV - special forest practices. The department shall submit the list to the board within 120 days of the date the United States Secretary of the Interior publishes a final rule designating critical habitat (federal) in the Federal Register. Those critical habitats excluded by the board from Class IV - Special shall be added to the list in subsection (2) of this section. See WAC 222-16-050 (1)(b)(ii).
(5)(a) Except for bald eagles under subsection (1)(a) of this section, the critical wildlife habitats (state) of threatened and endangered species and specific forest practices designated in subsection (1) of this section are intended to be interim. These interim designations shall expire for a given species on the earliest of:
(i) The effective date of a regulatory system for wildlife protection referred to in (b) of this subsection or of substantive rules on the species.
(ii) The delisting of a threatened or endangered species by the Washington fish and wildlife commission.
(b) The board shall examine current wildlife protection and department authority to protect wildlife and develop and recommend a regulatory system, including baseline rules for wildlife protection. To the extent possible, this system shall:
(i) Use the best science and management advice available;
(ii) Use a landscape approach to wildlife protection;
(iii) Be designed to avoid the potential for substantial impact to the environment;
(iv) Protect known populations of threatened and endangered species of wildlife from negative effects of forest practices consistent with RCW 76.09.010; and
(v) Consider and be consistent with recovery plans adopted by the department of fish and wildlife pursuant to RCW 77.12.020(6) or habitat conservation plans or 16 U.S.C. 1533(d) rule changes of the Endangered Species Act.
(6) Regardless of any other provision in this section, forest practices applications shall not be classified as Class IV-Special based on critical wildlife habitat (state) (WAC 222-16-080(1)) or critical habitat (federal) (WAC 222-16-050 (1)(b)(ii)) for a species if the forest practices are consistent with one of the following proposed for protection of the species:
(a) A habitat conservation plan and permit or an incidental take statement covering such species approved by the Secretary of the Interior or Commerce pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 1536 (b) or 1539 (a); an "unlisted species agreement" covering such species approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service; or a "no-take letter" or other cooperative or conservation agreement entered into with a federal or state fish and wildlife agency pursuant to its statutory authority for fish and wildlife protection that addresses the needs of the affected species and that is subject to review under the National Environmental Protection Act, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., or the State Environmental Policy Act, chapter 43.21C RCW, as applicable;
(b) A rule adopted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the conservation of a particular threatened species pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 1533(d);
(c) A special wildlife management plan (SWMP) developed by the landowner and approved by the department in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife;
(d) A bald eagle management plan approved under WAC 232-12-292;
(e) A landowner option plan (LOP) for northern spotted owls developed pursuant to WAC 222-16-100(1); or
(f) A cooperative ((spotted owl)) habitat enhancement agreement
(CHEA) developed pursuant to WAC ((222-16-100(2))) 222-16-105.
In those situations where one of the options above has been used, forest practices applications may still be classified as Class IV-Special based upon the presence of one or more of the factors listed in WAC 222-16-050(1), other than critical wildlife habitat (state) or critical habitat (federal) for the species covered by the existing plan.
(7) The department, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, shall review each SOSEA to determine whether the goals for that SOSEA are being met through approved plans, permits, statements, letters, or agreements referred to in subsection (6) of this section. Based on the consultation, the department shall recommend to the board the suspension, deletion, modification or reestablishment of the applicable SOSEA from the rules. The department shall conduct a review for a particular SOSEA upon approval of a landowner option plan, a petition from a landowner in the SOSEA, or under its own initiative.
(8) The department, in consultation with the department of fish and
wildlife, shall report annually to the board on the status of the
northern spotted owl to determine whether circumstances exist that
substantially interfere with meeting the goals of the SOSEAs.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-16-080, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 93-12-001, 222-16-080, filed 5/19/93,
effective 6/19/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and
chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-16-080, filed 7/2/92, effective
WAC 222-16-087 Marbled murrelet special landscape. Marbled murrelet special landscape means the following geographic area as mapped. A detailed map of the marbled murrelet special landscape indicating the boundaries is available from the department at its regional offices.
Southwest Washington Special Landscape
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AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-16-100 Planning options for the northern spotted owl. (1) Landowner option plans for the northern spotted owl. Landowner option plans (LOPs) are intended to provide landowners with a mechanism, entered into voluntarily, to contribute to the protection of northern spotted owls by considering the needs of overall population maintenance or dispersal habitat across a defined geographic area. Forest practices applications that are in an area covered by an LOP, and that are consistent with the LOP, will not be classified as Class IV-Special on the basis of critical wildlife habitat (state) or critical habitat (federal) for the northern spotted owl. This does not preclude classification as Class IV-Special because of the presence of other factors listed in WAC 222-16-050(1).
(a) Required elements of LOPs. The level of detail to be included in a LOP will depend on the area of ownership involved, the time period for which the plan will be in effect, and the complexity of the management strategy. Nevertheless, each plan shall contain the elements set forth in this subsection.
(i) Goals and objectives. The specific goals and objectives for the landowner's contributions proposed under the LOP shall be developed by the landowner and approved by the department in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife based on the following:
(A) Mitigation under the plan must be reasonable and capable of being accomplished;
(B) To the maximum extent practicable, the plan must minimize and mitigate significant adverse impacts caused by, and identified in, the plan on individual northern spotted owl site centers or the ability of the SOSEA to meet SOSEA goals. Specific short (one to five-year) and long (greater than five-year) term goals and objectives for the LOP should be clearly stated, where applicable; and
(C) LOPs should be designed to achieve an appropriate contribution from nonfederal lands toward meeting SOSEA goals and are intended to be an efficient and effective alternative to site-by-site management planning. In Eastern Washington, LOPs must also consider the need to protect the forests from catastrophic loss from wildfire, insects, and diseases.
(ii) Other required elements:
(A) A description of the planning area. The LOP planning area shall include a sufficient amount of the landowner's forest land within the SOSEA to meet the goals and objectives of the plan.
(B) A description of the physical features in the planning area (e.g., geology, topography, etc.).
(C) The current habitat status. Suitable spotted owl habitat should be categorized and mapped as old forest, sub-mature, young forest marginal, or dispersal.
(D) The current species status. All status 1, 2, and 3 northern spotted owl site centers and the associated median home range circles that overlap any of the landowner's ownership within the LOP boundary must be mapped.
(E) Management proposals and relevant operations plans.
(F) Projected suitable habitat development.
(G) A plan for training.
(H) A monitoring program.
(I) Reporting standards.
(J) The conditions under which the LOP may be modified.
(K) The term of the LOP and conditions for termination. The term of the LOP shall be sufficient to meet its goals and objectives. The conditions of the LOP run with the land unless the LOP specifies alternative means to achieve the LOP goals and objectives upon mid-term sale or transfer. In addition to any other termination provisions in the LOP, plans may be terminated by mutual agreement of the landowner and the department.
(b) Approval of LOPs. Upon receipt of a landowner option plan, the department shall circulate the plan to the department of fish and wildlife, affected Indian tribes, local government entities, other forest landowners in the SOSEA, and the public for a thirty-day review and comment period. The department may extend this review period for up to thirty additional days. Within ninety days of receipt of the plan, the department shall review the comments and approve or disapprove the plan or submit the plan to the landowner to revise as appropriate. The department, after consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, shall approve the plan if:
(i) The plan contains all of the elements required under this section;
(ii) The plan is expected to be effective in meeting its goals and objectives;
(iii) The plan will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the ability of the SOSEA to meet its goals; and
(iv) The plan will not appreciably reduce the likelihood of the survival and recovery of the northern spotted owl in the wild.
In making its determination under this subsection, the department shall consider the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of the plan; both the short-term and long-term effects of the plan; and whether local, state, or federal land management, regulatory, or nonregulatory requirements will mitigate identified significant adverse impacts. If the department does not approve the plan, or approves it over the objections of the department of fish and wildlife, the department shall set forth in writing a concise explanation of the reasons for its action.
(c) Enforcement of LOPs. The department shall review all applications and notifications from the landowner, proposed within the plan area, for consistency with the plan. Any applications or notifications found to be inconsistent with the plan shall be returned to the landowner for modification. After landowner review, applications and notifications which are not consistent with the plan shall be classified as Class IV-Special.
(2) ((Cooperative northern spotted owl habitat enhancement
(a) Purpose. A cooperative northern spotted owl habitat enhancement
agreement (CHEA) is intended to remove disincentives for landowners who
create, enhance, or maintain habitat for the northern spotted owl by
providing them with a "safe harbor" against future spotted owl regulation
caused by their enhancement activities. A CHEA is an agreement between
the department and a landowner, developed in cooperation with the
department of fish and wildlife, for the purpose of creating, enhancing,
or maintaining northern spotted owl habitat. The agreement will apply
only to forest land identified by the landowner, outside of the median
home range circles of northern spotted owl site centers in existence at
the time of implementation.
(b) Authority. Outside of the median home range circles of northern
spotted owls, the department, in consultation with the department of fish
and wildlife, may enter into agreements with nonfederal landowners to
create, enhance, or maintain habitat that the northern spotted owl can
be expected to utilize. During the term of these agreements, forest
practices covered by the agreements shall not be classified as Class IV-Special on the basis of critical wildlife habitat (state) or critical
habitat (federal) for the northern spotted owl. This does not preclude
classification as Class IV-Special because of the presence of other
factors listed in WAC 222-16-050(1).
(c) Baseline. Each agreement shall identify a baseline level of
habitat, and the department shall not permit forest practices that reduce
the habitat below the baseline during the term of the agreement. The
baseline may range from zero habitat to the overall levels of suitable
spotted owl habitat and dispersal habitat that existed across the land
in question at the time the agreement is entered into. The department
shall determine, working with the landowner and in consultation with the
department of fish and wildlife, the appropriate baseline, taking into
(i) The size of the landowner's ownership and the ability of the
landowner to maintain habitat conditions across the landscape in question
over time;
(ii) The overall benefits of the agreement to the northern spotted
owl including both the proposed measures to create, enhance, or maintain
habitat and the proposed baseline levels; and
(iii) The term of the agreement.
(d) Form and content of CHEAs. The department shall, in
consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, have the authority
to define the form and contents of CHEAs. The form and contents may vary
among agreements, but each must provide sufficient information for the
department, the public, and other reviewers to understand and evaluate
the agreement against the standards established under this subsection
(2). In addition to the elements required by the department, each
agreement shall include a plan to avoid harvesting, road construction,
or the aerial application of pesticides, between March 1 and August 31,
on the seventy acres of highest quality suitable spotted owl habitat
surrounding any known northern spotted owl site centers on lands covered
by the agreement.
(e) Approval of a CHEA. Upon receipt of a CHEA, the department
shall circulate the agreement to the department of fish and wildlife,
affected Indian tribes, local government entities, other forest
landowners in the SOSEA (if the CHEA is in a SOSEA), and the public for
review and comment. Within sixty days of receipt of the agreement, the
department shall review the comments and approve or disapprove the
agreement or submit the agreement to the landowner to revise as
appropriate. The department, after consultation with the department of
fish and wildlife, may approve the agreement if the agreement will
create, enhance, or maintain habitat conditions for the northern spotted
owl in a manner that provides a measurable contribution toward meeting
the goals of the SOSEA or a measurable benefit to northern spotted owls
outside SOSEAs.
(f) Enforcement of CHEAs. The department shall review all
applications and notifications from the landowner, proposed within the
agreement area, for consistency with the agreement. Any applications or
notifications found to be inconsistent with the agreement shall be
returned to the landowner for modification. After landowner review,
applications and notifications which are not consistent with the
agreement shall be classified based on the rules in effect at the time
of application and without any of the benefits of the agreement.)) See
WAC 222-16-105 for CHEAs.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-16-100, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96.]
WAC 222-16-105 Cooperative habitat enhancement agreements. (1) Purpose. A cooperative habitat enhancement agreement (CHEA) is intended to remove disincentives for landowners who create, enhance, or maintain habitat for the northern spotted owl or marbled murrelet by providing them with protection against future spotted owl or marbled murrelet regulation caused by their enhancement activities. A CHEA is an agreement between the department and a landowner, developed in cooperation with the department of fish and wildlife, for the purpose of creating, enhancing, or maintaining northern spotted owl habitat and/or marbled murrelet habitat. The agreement will apply only to forest land identified by the landowner:
(a) For northern spotted owls, outside of the median home range circles of northern spotted owl site centers in existence at the time of implementation.
(b) For marbled murrelets, any current unoccupied or potential future habitat.
(2) Authority. Outside of the median home range circles of northern spotted owls or an occupied marbled murrelet site, the department, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, may enter into agreements with nonfederal landowners to create, enhance, or maintain habitat that the northern spotted owl and/or the marbled murrelet can be expected to utilize. During the term of these agreements, forest practices covered by the agreements shall not be classified as Class IV-Special on the basis of critical wildlife habitat (state) or critical habitat (federal) for the northern spotted owl or the marbled murrelet. This does not preclude classification as Class IV-Special because of the presence of other factors listed in WAC 222-16-050(1).
(3) Baseline.
(a) Each agreement shall identify a baseline level of habitat, and the department shall not permit forest practices that reduce the habitat below the baseline during the term of the agreement.
(b) For northern spotted owls, the baseline may range from zero habitat to the overall levels of suitable spotted owl habitat and dispersal habitat that existed across the land in question at the time the agreement is entered into.
(c) For marbled murrelets, the baseline may range from zero habitat to the overall levels of suitable marbled murrelet habitat that existed across the land in question at the time the agreement is entered into.
(d) The department shall determine, working with the landowner and in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, the appropriate baseline, taking into consideration:
(i) The size of the landowner's ownership and the ability of the landowner to maintain habitat conditions across the landscape in question over time;
(ii) The overall benefits of the agreement to the northern spotted owl or marbled murrelet including both the proposed measures to create, enhance, or maintain habitat and the proposed baseline levels; and
(iii) The term of the agreement.
(4) Form and content of CHEAs.
(a) The department shall, in consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, have the authority to define the form and content of CHEAs. The form and content may vary among agreements, but each must provide sufficient information for the department, the public, and other reviewers to understand and evaluate the agreement against the standards established under this section.
(b) For northern spotted owls, in addition to the elements required by the department, each agreement shall include a plan to avoid harvesting, road construction, or the aerial application of pesticides, between March 1 and August 31, on the seventy acres of highest quality suitable spotted owl habitat surrounding any known northern spotted owl site centers on lands covered by the agreement.
(5) Approval of a CHEA. Upon receipt of a CHEA, the department shall circulate the agreement to the department of fish and wildlife, affected Indian tribes, local government entities, other forest landowners in the SOSEA (if the CHEA is in a SOSEA), and the public for review and comment. Within sixty days of receipt of the agreement, the department shall review the comments and approve or disapprove the agreement or submit the agreement to the landowner to revise as appropriate. The department, after consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, may approve the agreement if the agreement will create, enhance, or maintain habitat conditions for:
(a) The northern spotted owl in a manner that provides a measurable contribution toward meeting the goals of the SOSEA or a measurable benefit to northern spotted owls outside SOSEAs.
(b) The marbled murrelet in a manner that provides a measurable benefit to the species.
(6) Enforcement of CHEAs. The department shall review all
applications and notifications from the landowner, proposed within the
agreement area, for consistency with the agreement. Any applications or
notifications found to be inconsistent with the agreement shall be
returned to the landowner for modification. After landowner review,
applications and notifications which are not consistent with the
agreement shall be classified based on the rules in effect at the time
of application and without any of the benefits of the agreement.
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-24-030 Road construction. (1) Right of way timber. Merchantable right of way timber shall be removed or decked in suitable locations where the decks will not be covered by fill material or act as support for the fill or embankment.
*(2) Debris burial.
(a) In permanent road construction, do not bury:
(i) Loose stumps, logs or chunks containing more than 5 cubic feet in the load-bearing portion of the road, except as puncheon across wetlands or for culvert protection.
(ii) Any significant amount of organic debris within the top 2 feet of the load-bearing portion of the road, except as puncheon across wetlands or for culvert protection.
(iii) Excessive accumulation of debris or slash in any part of the load-bearing portion of the road fill, except as puncheon across wetlands or for culvert protection.
(b) In the cases where temporary roads are being constructed across known areas of unstable soils and where possible construction failure would directly impact waters, the requirements in (a), (i), (ii) and (iii) of this subsection shall apply. A temporary road is a roadway which has been opened for the purpose of the forest practice operation in question, and thereafter will be an inactive or abandoned road.
(3) Compact fills. During road construction, fills or embankments shall be built up by layering. Each layer shall be compacted by operating the tractor or other construction equipment over the entire surface of the layer. Chemical compacting agents may be used in accordance with WAC 222-38-020.
*(4) Stabilize soils. When soil, exposed by road construction, appears to be unstable or erodible and is so located that slides, slips, slumps, or sediment may reasonably be expected to enter Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 Water and thereby cause damage to a public resource, then such exposed soil areas shall be seeded with grass, clover, or other ground cover, or be treated by erosion control measures acceptable to the department. Avoid introduction of nonnative plant species, as listed in the board manual, to wetlands and wetland management zones.
*(5) Channel clearance. Clear stream channel of all debris and slash generated during operations prior to the removal of equipment from the vicinity, or the winter season, whichever is first.
*(6) Drainage.
(a) All required ditches, culverts, cross drains, drainage dips, water bars, and diversion ditches shall be installed concurrently with the construction of the roadway.
(b) Uncompleted road construction to be left over the winter season or other extended periods of time shall be drained by outsloping or cross draining. Water bars and/or dispersion ditches may also be used to minimize eroding of the construction area and stream siltation. Water movement within wetlands must be maintained.
*(7) Moisture conditions. Construction shall be accomplished when moisture and soil conditions are not likely to result in excessive erosion and/or soil movement, so as to avoid damage to public resources.
*(8) End haul/sidecasts. End haul or overhaul construction is required where significant amounts of sidecast material would rest below the 50-year flood level of a Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 Water, within the boundary of a Type A or Type B Wetland or wetland management zones or where the department determines there is a potential for mass soil failure from overloading on unstable slopes or from erosion of side cast material causing damage to the public resources.
*(9) Waste disposal. When spoil, waste and/or other debris is generated during construction, this material shall be deposited or wasted in suitable areas or locations and be governed by the following:
(a) Spoil or other debris shall be deposited above the 50-year flood level of Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 Waters or in other locations so as to prevent damage to public resources. The material shall be stabilized by erosion control measures as necessary to prevent the material from entering the waters.
(b) All spoils shall be located outside of Type A and Type B Wetlands and their wetland management zones. Spoils shall not be located within the boundaries of forested wetlands without written approval of the department and unless a less environmentally damaging location is unavailable. No spoil area greater than 0.5 acre in size shall be allowed within wetlands.
(10) Disturbance avoidance. Road construction, operation of heavy equipment and blasting within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1 and August 31, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted owl under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a), (e), or (f).
(11) Disturbance avoidance for marbled murrelets.
(a) Road construction and operation of heavy equipment shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an occupied marbled murrelet site during the daily peak activity periods within the critical nesting season; and
(b) Blasting shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an occupied marbled murrelet site during the critical nesting season.
(c) Provided that, these restrictions shall not apply if the forest
practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed
for the protection of the marbled murrelet under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a)
or (c).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-24-030, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
76.09.060, 76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-23-056, 222-24-030,
filed 11/17/92, effective 12/18/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040,
76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-24-030, filed 7/2/92,
effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040. 87-23-036 (Order
535), 222-24-030, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory
Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. 82-16-077 (Resolution No. 82-1), 222-24-030, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263, 222-24-030, filed 6/16/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 94-17-033, filed 8/10/94, effective
WAC 222-30-020 Harvest unit planning and design. (1) Logging system. The logging system should be appropriate for the terrain, soils, and timber type so yarding or skidding can be economically accomplished in compliance with these regulations.
*(2) Landing locations. Locate landings to prevent damage to public resources. Avoid excessive excavation and filling.
*(3) Western Washington riparian management zones. These zones shall be measured horizontally from the ordinary high-water mark of Type 1, 2 or 3 Water and extend to the line where vegetation changes from wetland to upland plant community, or the line required to leave sufficient shade as required by WAC 222-30-040, whichever is greater, but shall not be less than 25 feet in width nor more than the maximum widths described in (c) of this subsection, provided that the riparian management zone width shall be expanded as necessary to include wetlands or ponds adjacent to the stream. When the riparian management zone overlaps a Type A or B Wetland or a wetland management zone, the requirement which best protects public resources shall apply.
(a) Harvest units shall be designed so that felling, bucking, yarding or skidding, and reforestation can be accomplished in accordance with these regulations, including those regulations relating to stream bank integrity and shade requirements to maintain stream temperature. Where the need for additional actions or restrictions adjacent to waters not covered by the following become evident, WAC 222-12-050 and 222-12-060 may apply.
(b) When requested in writing by the applicant, the department shall assist in preparation of an alternate plan for the riparian management zone.
(c) Within the riparian management zone, there shall be trees left
for wildlife and fisheries habitat as provided for in the chart below.
Fifty percent or more of the trees shall be live and undamaged on
completion of the harvest. The leave trees shall be randomly distributed
where feasible; some clumping is allowed to accommodate operational
considerations. The number, size, species and ratio of leave trees,
deciduous to conifer, is specified by the bed material and average width
of the water type within the harvest unit. Trees left according to (d)
of this subsection may be included in the number of required leave trees
in this subsection.
water rmz ratio of # trees/1000 ft.
type/ maximum conifer to each side
average width deciduous/
width minimum gravel/ boulder/
size cobble bedrock
leave <10"
trees diameter
1 & 2 100' represen- 50 trees 25 trees
Water 75' tative of
& over stand
1 & 2 75' represen- 100 trees 50 trees
Water tative of
under 75' stand
3 Water 50' 2 to 1/ 75 trees 25 trees
5' & over 12" or
3 Water 25' 1 to 1/ 25 trees 25 trees
less than 6" or next
5' largest
"Or next largest available" requires that the next largest trees to those specified in the rule be left standing when those available are smaller than the sizes specified. Ponds or lakes which are Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters shall have the same leave tree requirements as boulder/bedrock streams.
(d) For wildlife habitat within the riparian management zone, leave an average of 5 undisturbed and uncut wildlife trees per acre at the ratio of 1 deciduous tree to 1 conifer tree equal in size to the largest existing trees of those species within the zone. Where the 1 to 1 ratio is not possible, then substitute either species present. Forty percent or more of the leave trees shall be live and undamaged on completion of harvest. Wildlife trees shall be left in clumps whenever possible.
(e) When 10 percent or more of the harvest unit lies within any combination of a riparian management zone of Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters or a wetland management zone and the harvest unit is a clearcutting of 30 acres or less, leave not less than 50 percent of the trees required in (c) of this subsection.
*(4) Eastern Washington riparian management zones. These zones shall be measured horizontally from the ordinary high-water mark of Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters and extend to the line where vegetation changes from wetland to upland plant community, or to the line required to leave sufficient shade as required by WAC 222-30-040, whichever is greater, but shall not be less than the minimum width nor more than the maximum widths described in (c) of this subsection, provided that the riparian management zone width shall be expanded as necessary to include wetlands or ponds adjacent to the stream. When the riparian management zone overlaps a Type A or B Wetland or a wetland management zone, the requirement which best protects public resources shall apply.
(a) Harvest units shall be designed so that felling, bucking, yarding or skidding, and reforestation can be accomplished in accordance with these regulations, including those regulations relating to stream bank integrity and shade requirements to maintain stream temperature. Where the need for additional actions or restrictions adjacent to waters not covered by the following become evident, WAC 222-12-050 and 222-12-060 may apply.
(b) When requested in writing by the applicant, the department shall assist in preparation of an alternate plan for the riparian management zone.
(c) Within the riparian management zone, there shall be trees left for wildlife and fisheries habitat as provided for below. Fifty percent or more of the trees shall be live and undamaged on completion of the harvest. The leave trees shall be randomly distributed where feasible; some clumping is allowed to accommodate operational considerations.
(i) The width of the riparian management zone shall be based on the adjacent harvest type as defined in WAC 222-16-010 "Partial cutting." When the adjacent unit harvest type is:
Partial cutting - The riparian management zone width shall be a minimum of 30 feet to a maximum of 50 feet on each side of the stream.
Other harvest types - The riparian management zone shall average 50 feet in width on each side of the stream with a minimum width of 30 feet and a maximum of 300 feet on each side of the stream.
(ii) Leave tree requirements within the riparian management zones of Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters:
(A) Leave all trees 12 inches or less in diameter breast height (dbh); and
(B) Leave all wildlife reserve trees within the riparian management zone where operations in the vicinity do not violate the state safety regulations (chapter 296-54 WAC and chapter 49.17 RCW administered by department of labor and industries, safety division); and
(C) Leave 16 live conifer trees/acre between 12 inches dbh and 20 inches dbh distributed by size, as representative of the stand; and
(D) Leave 3 live conifer trees/acre 20 inches dbh or larger and the 2 largest live deciduous trees/acre 16 inches dbh or larger. Where these deciduous trees do not exist, and where 2 wildlife reserve trees/acre 20 inches or larger do not exist, substitute 2 live conifer trees/acre 20 inches dbh or larger. If live conifer trees of 20 inches dbh or larger do not exist within the riparian management zone, then substitute the 5 largest live conifer trees/acre; and
(E) Leave 3 live deciduous trees/acre between 12 inches and 16 inches dbh where they exist.
(iii) Minimum leave tree requirements per acre for Type 1, 2 and 3 Waters. Trees left for (c)(ii) of this subsection shall be included in the minimum counts.
(A) On streams with a boulder/bedrock bed, the minimum leave tree requirements shall be 75 trees/acre 4 inches dbh or larger.
(B) On streams with a gravel/cobble (less than 10 inches diameter) bed, the minimum leave tree requirement shall be 135 trees/acre 4 inches dbh or larger.
(C) On lakes or ponds the minimum leave tree requirement shall be
75 trees/acre 4 inches dbh or larger.
Note: (See the Forest Practices Board Manual for assistance in calculating trees/acre and average RMZ widths.)
(d) When 10 percent or more of the harvest unit lies within any combination of a riparian management zone of Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters or a wetland management zone and either the harvest unit is a clearcutting of 30 acres or less or the harvest unit is a partial cutting of 80 acres or less, leave not less than 50 percent of the trees required in (c) of this subsection. (See WAC 222-16-010 "Partial cutting.")
*(5) Riparian leave tree areas. The department will require trees to be left along Type 4 Water where such practices are necessary to protect public resources. Where such practices are necessary leave at least 25 conifer or deciduous trees, 6 inches in diameter or larger, on each side of every 1000 feet of stream length within 25 feet of the stream. The leave trees may be arranged to accommodate the operation.
*(6) Forested wetlands. Within the wetland, unless otherwise approved in writing by the department, harvest methods shall be limited to low impact harvest or cable systems. Where feasible, at least one end of the log shall be suspended during yarding.
(a) When forested wetlands are included within the harvest area, landowners are encouraged to leave a portion (30 to 70%) of the wildlife reserve tree requirement for the harvest area within a wetland. In order to retain undisturbed habitat within forested wetlands, these trees should be left in clumps. Leave tree areas should be clumped adjacent to streams, riparian management zones, or wetland management zones where possible and they exist within forested wetlands. Green recruitment trees should be representative of the size and species found within the wetland. Leave nonmerchantable trees standing where feasible.
(b) If a RMZ or WMZ lies within a forested wetland, the leave tree requirement associated with those areas may be counted toward the percentages in (a) of this subsection.
(c) If the conditions described in (a) and (b) of this subsection are met, the distribution requirements for wildlife reserve trees and green recruitment trees (subsection (11)(e) of this section) are modified as follows: For purposes of distribution, no point within the harvest unit shall be more than 1000 feet from a wildlife reserve tree and green recruitment tree retention area.
(d) Approximate determination of the boundaries of forested wetlands greater than 5 acres shall be required. Approximate boundaries and areas shall be deemed to be sufficient for harvest operations.
(e) The department shall consult with the department of wildlife, the department of fisheries, and affected Indian tribes about site specific impacts of forest practices on wetland-sensitive species in forested wetlands.
*(7) Wetland management zones (WMZ). These zones shall apply to Type A and B Wetlands, as indicated in (a) of this subsection, and shall be measured horizontally from the wetland edge or the point where the nonforested wetland becomes a forested wetland, as determined by the method described in the board manual, and shall be of an average width as described in (a) of this subsection. These zones shall not be less than the minimum nor more than the maximum widths described in (a) of this subsection. When these zones overlap a riparian management zone the requirement which best protects public resources shall apply.
*(a) Wetland management zones (WMZ) shall have variable widths based
on the size of the wetland and the wetland type, described as follows:
[Open Style:Columns Off]
[Open Style:Columns On]
(b) Within the WMZ, leave a total of 75 trees per acre of WMZ greater than 6 inches dbh in Western Washington and greater than 4 inches dbh in Eastern Washington, 25 of which shall be greater than 12 inches dbh including 5 trees greater than 20 inches dbh, where they exist. Leave trees shall be representative of the species found within the WMZ.
(c) Retain wildlife reserve trees where feasible. Type 1 and 3 wildlife reserve trees may be counted among, and need not exceed, the trees required in (b) of this subsection. Leave all cull logs on site.
(d) Partial-cutting or removal of groups of trees is acceptable within the WMZ. The maximum width of openings created by harvesting within the WMZ shall not exceed 100 feet as measured parallel to the wetland edge. Openings within WMZs shall be no closer than 200 feet. Landowners are encouraged to concentrate leave trees within the WMZ to the wetland edge.
*(e) Tractors, wheeled skidders, or other ground based harvesting systems shall not be used within the minimum WMZ width without written approval of the department.
*(f) When 10% or more of a harvest unit lies within any combination of a wetland management zone or a riparian management zone of Type 1, 2, or 3 Waters and either the harvest unit is a clearcut of 30 acres or less or the harvest unit is a partial cut of 80 acres or less, leave not less than 50% of the trees required in (b) of this subsection.
*(8) Type A or B Wetlands. Within the boundaries of Type A or B Wetlands the following shall apply:
(a) Individual trees or forested wetland areas less than 0.5 acre in size may occur. These trees have a high habitat value to the nonforested wetland. Leave individual trees or forested wetlands less than 0.5 acre. These trees may be counted toward the WMZ requirements.
(b) Harvest of upland areas or forested wetlands which are surrounded by Type A or B Wetlands must be conducted in accordance with a plan, approved in writing by the department.
(c) No timber shall be felled into or cable yarded across Type A or B Wetlands without written approval of the department.
(d) Harvest shall not be allowed within a Type A Wetland which meets the definition of a bog.
(9) Future productivity. Harvesting shall leave the land in a condition conducive to future timber production except:
(a) To the degree required for riparian management zones; or
(b) Where the lands are being converted to another use or classified urban lands as specified in WAC 222-34-050.
(10) Wildlife habitat. This subsection is designed to encourage timber harvest practices that would protect wildlife habitats, provided, that such action shall not unreasonably restrict landowners action without compensation.
(a) The applicant should make every reasonable effort to cooperate with the department of fish and wildlife to identify critical wildlife habitats (state) as defined by the board. Where these habitats are known to the applicant, they shall be identified in the application or notification.
(b) Harvesting methods and patterns in established big game winter ranges should be designed to insure adequate access routes and escape cover where practical.
(i) Where practical, cutting units should be designed to
conform with topographical features.
(ii) Where practical on established big game winter ranges, cutting units should be dispersed over the area to provide cover, access for wildlife, and to increase edge effect.
(11) Wildlife reserve tree management. In areas where leaving wildlife reserve trees under this section will not create a significant fire hazard, or significant hazard to overhead power lines and operations that are proposed in the vicinity of wildlife reserve trees will not create a significant safety or residential hazard nor conflict with achieving conformance with the limitation of or performance with the provisions of chapter 76.04 RCW (snag falling law) and chapter 49.17 RCW (safety), wildlife reserve trees will be left to protect habitat for cavity nesting wildlife in accordance with the following:
(a) In Western Washington, for each acre harvested 3 wildlife reserve trees, 2 green recruitment trees, and 2 down logs shall be left. In Eastern Washington for each acre harvested 2 wildlife reserve trees, 2 green recruitment trees, and 2 down logs shall be left. Type 1 wildlife reserve trees may be counted, at the landowner's option, either as a wildlife reserve tree or as a green recruitment tree. If adequate wildlife reserve trees are not available, no additional green recruitment trees will be required as substitutes. Landowners shall not under any circumstances be required to leave more than 2 green recruitment trees per acre for the purpose of wildlife reserve tree recruitment, or be required to leave Type 3 or 4 wildlife reserve trees.
(b) In Eastern Washington, for 5 years from the effective date of this subsection where over-story harvest of seed trees left for purpose of reforestation are proposed and less than 10 trees per acre will be harvested within the 5-year period, 50% of the green recruitment trees otherwise required in this subsection may be left.
(c) In Western Washington, only those wildlife reserve trees 10 or more feet in height and 12 or more inches dbh shall be counted toward wildlife reserve tree retention requirements. In Eastern Washington, only those wildlife reserve trees 10 or more feet in height and 10 or more inches dbh shall be counted toward wildlife reserve tree retention requirements. Green recruitment trees, 10 or more inches dbh and 30 or more feet in height and with at least 1/3 of their height in live crown, left standing after harvest may be counted toward green recruitment tree requirements. Green recruitment trees and/or wildlife reserve trees left to meet other requirements of the rules or those left voluntarily by the landowner shall be counted toward satisfying the requirements of this section. Large, live defective trees with broken tops, cavities, and other severe defects are preferred as green recruitment trees. Only down logs with a small end diameter greater than or equal to 12 inches and a length greater than or equal to 20 feet or equivalent volume shall be counted under (a) of this subsection. Large cull logs are preferred as down logs.
(d) In the areas where wildlife reserve trees are left, the largest diameter wildlife reserve trees shall be retained to meet the specific needs of cavity nesters. Where the opportunity exists, larger trees with numerous cavities should be retained and count as recruitment trees.
(e) In order to facilitate safe and efficient harvesting operations, wildlife reserve trees and recruitment trees may be left in clumps. For purposes of distribution, no point within the harvest unit shall be more than 800 feet from a wildlife reserve tree or green recruitment tree retention area. Subject to this distribution requirement, the location of these retention areas and the selection of recruitment trees shall be at the landowner's discretion. Closer spacing of retention areas through voluntary action of the landowner is encouraged. Wildlife reserve tree and green recruitment tree retention areas may include, but are not limited to, riparian management zones, riparian leave tree areas, other regulatory leave areas, or voluntary leave areas that contain wildlife reserve trees and/or green recruitment trees.
(f) In order to provide for safety, landowners may remove any Type
3 or 4 wildlife reserve tree which poses a threat to humans working,
recreating, or residing within the hazard area of that tree. In order
to provide for fire safety, the distribution of wildlife reserve tree
retention areas, described in (e) of this subsection, may be modified as
necessary based on a wildlife reserve tree management plan proposed by
the landowner and approved by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 94-17-033,
222-30-020, filed 8/10/94, effective 8/13/94; 93-12-001, 222-30-020,
filed 5/19/93, effective 6/19/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.060,
76.09.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-23-056, 222-30-020, filed
11/17/92, effective 12/18/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040,
76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-30-020, filed 7/2/92,
effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040. 88-19-112 (Order
551, Resolution No. 88-1), 222-30-020, filed 9/21/88, effective
11/1/88; 87-23-036 (Order 535), 222-30-020, filed 11/16/87, effective
1/1/88; Order 263, 222-30-020, filed 6/16/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-30-050 Felling and bucking. *(1) Falling along water.
(a) No trees will be felled into Type 1, 2 and 3 Waters, or Type A or B Wetlands except trees which cannot practically and safely be felled outside the stream, lake or pond using techniques in general use and these trees must then be removed promptly.
Such felling and removing in Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters shall comply with the hydraulic project approval of the departments of fisheries or wildlife.
(b) Within riparian management zones, and wetland management zones fall trees favorable to the lead consistent with safety standards to yard or skid away from the waters. The use of directional falling, lining, jacking and staged falling techniques are encouraged.
(c) Trees may be felled into Type 4 Water if logs are removed as soon thereafter as practical. See forest practices board manual guidelines for clearing slash and debris from Type 4 and 5 Water.
*(2) Bucking in water.
(a) No bucking or limbing shall be done on trees or portions thereof lying between the banks of Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters or in open water areas of Type A Wetlands, except as necessary to remove the timber from the water.
(b) Where bucking or limbing is done between the banks of a Type 4 Water, care shall be taken to minimize accumulation of slash in the water.
*(3) Falling near riparian management zones, wetland management zones and setting boundaries. Reasonable care shall be taken to avoid felling trees into riparian management zones, wetland management zones and areas outside the harvest unit.
(4) Falling in selective and partial cuts. Reasonable care shall be taken to fall trees in directions that minimize damage to residual trees.
(5) Disturbance avoidance. Felling and bucking within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1 and August 31 provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted owl under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a), (e), or (f).
(6) Disturbance avoidance for marbled murrelets. Felling and
bucking shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an occupied marbled
murrelet site during the daily peak activity periods within the critical
nesting season, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if the
forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement
developed for the protection of the marbled murrelet under WAC 222-16-080
(6)(a) or (c).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-30-050, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-30-050,
filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040.
87-23-036 (Order 535), 222-30-050, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88.
Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. 82-16-077 (Resolution
No. 82-1), 222-30-050, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263,
222-30-050, filed 6/16/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-30-060 Cable yarding. *(1) Type 1, 2 and 3 Waters. No timber shall be cable yarded in or across a Type 1, 2 or 3 Waters except where the logs will not materially damage the bed of waters, banks or riparian management zones and removals from Type 1, 2 or 3 Water have hydraulic project approval of the departments of fisheries or wildlife.
*(2) Type A or B Wetlands. No timber shall be cable yarded in or across Type A or B Wetlands without written approval from the department.
*(3) Deadfalls. Any logs which are firmly embedded in the bed of a Type 1, 2, 3 and 4 Waters shall not be removed or unnecessarily disturbed without approval of the departments of fisheries or wildlife.
*(4) Yarding in riparian management zones and wetland management zones. Where timber is yarded from or across a riparian management zone, or wetland management zone reasonable care shall be taken to minimize damage to the vegetation providing shade to the stream or open water areas and to minimize disturbance to understory vegetation, stumps and root systems. Where practical and consistent with good safety practices, logs shall be yarded in the direction in which they lie and away from Type A or B Wetlands or Type 1, 2 and 3 Waters until clear of the wetland management zone or riparian management zone.
(5) Direction of yarding.
(a) Uphill yarding is preferred.
(b) Where downhill yarding is used, reasonable care shall be taken to lift the leading end of the log to minimize downhill movement of slash and soils.
*(c) When yarding parallel to a Type 1, 2 or 3 Water channel below the 50-year flood level or within the riparian management zone, reasonable care shall be taken to minimize soil disturbance and to prevent logs from rolling into the stream, lake, pond, or riparian management zone.
(6) Disturbance avoidance. The operation of heavy equipment within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1 and August 31 provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted owl under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a), (e), or (f).
(7) Disturbance avoidance for marbled murrelets. Yarding or
operation of heavy equipment shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an
occupied marbled murrelet site during the daily peak activity periods
within the critical nesting season, provided that, this restriction shall
not apply if the forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan
or agreement developed for the protection of the marbled murrelet under
WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a) or (c).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-30-060, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-30-060,
filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040.
87-23-036 (Order 535), 222-30-060, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88.
Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. 82-16-077 (Resolution
No. 82-1), 222-30-060, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263,
222-30-060, filed 6/16/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-30-065 Helicopter yarding. (1) Helicopter operations within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1 and August 31, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(((1))) (a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not
actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(((2))) (b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a
plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted
owl under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a), (e), or (f).
(2) Helicopter operations shall not be allowed:
(a) Over an occupied marbled murrelet site or the required managed buffer zone adjacent to that site during the critical nesting season; or
(b) Within 0.25 mile of an occupied marbled murrelet site during the daily peak activity periods within the critical nesting season.
(c) Provided that, these restrictions shall not apply if the forest
practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed
for the protection of the marbled murrelet under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a)
or (c).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-30-065, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-30-070 Tractor and wheeled skidding systems. *(1) Typed waters and wetlands.
(a) Tractor and wheeled skidders shall not be used in Type 1, 2 or 3 Water, except with approval by the department and with a hydraulic project approval of the departments of fisheries or wildlife.
(b) In order to maintain wetland water movement and water quality, and to prevent soil compaction, tractor or wheeled skidders shall not be used in Type A or B Wetlands without prior written approval of the department.
(c) Within all wetlands, tractors and wheeled skidder systems shall be limited to low impact harvest systems. Ground based logging systems operating in wetlands shall only be allowed within wetlands during periods of low soil moisture or frozen soil conditions.
(d) Skidding across any flowing Type 4 Water shall be minimized and when done, temporary stream crossings shall be used, if necessary, to maintain stream bed integrity.
(e) Whenever skidding in or across any type water, the direction of log movement between stream banks shall be as close to right angles to the stream channel as is practical.
*(2) Riparian management zone.
(a) Logging will be permitted within the zone. However, any use of tractors, wheeled skidders, or other yarding machines within the zone must be as described in an approved forest practices application or otherwise approved in writing by the department.
(b) Where skidding in or through the riparian management zone is necessary, the number of skidding routes through the zone shall be minimized.
(c) Logs shall be skidded so as to minimize damage to leave trees and vegetation in the riparian management zone, to the extent practical and consistent with good safety practices.
*(3) Wetlands management zones.
(a) Logging will be permitted within wetland management zones.
(b) Where feasible logs shall be skidded at least with one end suspended from the ground so as to minimize soil disturbance and damage to leave trees and vegetation in the wetland management zone.
(c) Tractors, wheeled skidders, or other ground based harvesting systems shall not be used within the minimum WMZ width without written approval of the department.
*(4) Deadfalls. Logs firmly embedded in the bed or bank of Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 Waters shall not be removed or unnecessarily disturbed without hydraulic project approval of the departments of fisheries or wildlife.
*(5) Moisture conditions. Tractor and wheeled skidders shall not be used on exposed erodible soils or saturated soils when soil moisture content is so high that unreasonable soil compaction, soil disturbance, or wetland, stream, lake or pond siltation would result.
(6) Protection of residual timber. Reasonable care shall be taken to minimize damage from skidding to the stems and root systems of residual timber and to young reproduction.
*(7) Skid trail construction.
(a) Skid trails shall be kept to the minimum feasible width.
(b) Reasonable care shall be taken to minimize the amount of sidecast required and shall only be permitted above the 50-year flood level.
(c) Skid trails shall be outsloped where practical, but be insloped where necessary to prevent logs from sliding or rolling downhill off the skid trail.
*(8) Skid trail maintenance. Upon completion of use and termination of seasonal use, skid trails on slopes in exposed soils shall be water barred where necessary to prevent soil erosion.
*(9) Slope restrictions. Tractor and wheeled skidders shall not be used on slopes where in the opinion of the department this method of operation would cause unnecessary or material damage to a public resource.
(10) Disturbance avoidance. The operation of heavy equipment within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1 and August 31, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted owl under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a), (e), or (f).
(11) Disturbance avoidance for marbled murrelets. Operation of
heavy equipment shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an occupied
marbled murrelet site during the daily peak activity periods within the
critical nesting season, provided that, this restriction shall not apply
if the forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or
agreement developed for the protection of the marbled murrelet under WAC
222-16-080 (6)(a) or (c).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-30-070, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW
76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-30-070,
filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040.
87-23-036 (Order 535), 222-30-070, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88.
Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. 82-16-077 (Resolution
No. 82-1), 222-30-070, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263,
222-30-070, filed 6/16/76.]
AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 96-12-038, filed 5/31/96, effective
WAC 222-30-100 Slash disposal or prescribed burning. (1) Slash disposal techniques:
*(a) Any conventional method of slash disposal may be used, except in Type A or B Wetlands, wetland management zones, and riparian management zones and on sites where the department determines that a particular method would cause unreasonable risk to public resources or unreasonably damage site productivity. Conventional methods of slash disposal include the following: Controlled broadcast burning; pile or windrow and burn; pile or windrow without burning; mechanical scatter and compaction; scarification; chip, mulch or lop and scatter; burying; and physical removal from the forest lands: Provided, That on land shown to have low productivity potential the landowner or operator shall obtain the department's approval of its regeneration plan prior to utilizing controlled broadcast burning as a slash disposal technique. In riparian management zones, slash disposal shall be by hand, unless approved by the department. Scarification shall not be allowed within wetlands. Machine piling is discouraged in wetlands.
(b) All slash burning requires a burning permit from the department which provides for compliance with the smoke management plan and reasonable care to protect Type A and B Wetlands, wetland management zones, riparian management zones, soil, residual timber, public resources, and other property.
*(c) Location of slash piles. Except where burning will be completed before the next ordinary high-water season, slash shall not be piled or windrowed below the 50-year flood level of any Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 Water or in locations from which it could be expected to enter any stream, lake or pond.
(2) Slash isolation, reduction, or abatement is required when the department determines there is an extreme fire hazard according to law (see WAC 332-24-360).
(3) Slash disposal is required where the forest landowner has applied for and been granted an extension of time for reforestation on the grounds that slash disposal is necessary or desirable before reforestation.
*(4) Removing slash and debris from streams.
"Slash" or "debris" which can reasonably be expected to cause significant damage to the public resource shall be removed from Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 Waters, to above the 50-year flood level and left in a location or manner minimizing risk of re-entry into the stream, lake or pond and if substantial accumulations of slash exist below the 50-year flood level of Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 Waters, slash disposal is required. See the forest practices board manual for "Guidelines for clearing slash and debris from Type 4 and 5 Waters."
*(5) Fire trails.
(a) Construct dips, water bars, cross drainage and ditches as needed to control erosion.
(b) Reasonable care shall be taken to minimize excavation during fire trail construction and sidecast shall only be permitted above the 50-year flood level.
(c) Fire trails shall not be located within Type A or B Wetlands, wetland management zones, or riparian zones without prior written approval of the department. Hand constructed fire trails are preferred within forested wetlands. When machine built fire trails are necessary for control of burning, trail width and excavation shall be minimized.
(6) Disturbance avoidance. Burning within a SOSEA boundary shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of a northern spotted owl site center between March 1 and August 31, provided that, this restriction shall not apply if:
(a) The landowner demonstrates that the owls are not actively nesting during the current nesting season; or
(b) The forest practice is operating in compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the northern spotted owl under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a), (e), or (f).
(7) Disturbance avoidance for marbled murrelets. Slash disposal or
prescribed burning shall not be allowed within 0.25 mile of an occupied
marbled murrelet site during the critical nesting season, provided that,
this restriction shall not apply if the forest practice is operating in
compliance with a plan or agreement developed for the protection of the
marbled murrelet under WAC 222-16-080 (6)(a) or (c).
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 76.09 and 34.05 RCW. 96-12-038, 222-30-100, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040, 76.09.050 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 92-15-011, 222-30-100, filed 7/2/92, effective 8/2/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040. 87-23-036 (Order 535), 222-30-100, filed 11/16/87, effective 1/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 76.09.040 and 76.09.050. 82-16-077 (Resolution No. 82-1), 222-30-100, filed 8/3/82, effective 10/1/82; Order 263, 222-30-100, filed 6/16/76.]