WSR 98-01-181


[Filed December 23, 1997, 1:05 p.m.]

The Department of Ecology in compliance with Executive Order 97-02, hereby gives notice of the opportunity to comment on the following rules:

Chapter 173-314 WAC, Waste tire carrier and storage site licenses, chapter 173-330 WAC, Used oil recycling sign requirements for automobile oil sellers, and chapter 173-331 WAC, Vehicle battery recycling.

Comments should address:

Need: Is the rule necessary to comply with the statute that authorizes it? Is the rule obsolete, duplicative, or ambiguous to a degree that warrants repeal or revision?

Effectiveness and Efficiency: Is the rule achieving results that it was originally designed to achieve in a reasonable manner?

Clarity: Is the rule achieving results that it was originally designed to achieve in a reasonable manner?

Intent and Statutory Authority: Is the rule consistent with the legislative intent of the statutes that authorize it? Is the rule based on sufficient statutory authority?

Coordination: Could additional consultation and coordination with other governmental jurisdictions and state agencies with similar regulatory authority eliminate or reduce duplication and inconsistency?

Cost: Have qualitative and quantitative benefits of the rule been considered in relation to its cost?

Fairness: Does the rule result in equitable treatment of those required to comply with it? Should it be modified to eliminate or minimize any disproportionate impacts on the regulated community?

All comments should be addressed to: Randy Martin, Solid Waste and Financial Assistance Program, Department of Ecology, P.O. Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600, and received no later than February 6, 1998.

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