WSR 97-20-025



[Filed September 22, 1997, 1:34 p.m.]

Reviser's note: The following Rules Review Plan has been electronically generated directly from the agency and has not been through the usual editing and proofing processes.

University of Washington Rule Review Plan (Per EO 97-02)

1. Overview

The University of Washington's rules (Title 478 WAC) exist, in general, to codify the policies and procedures pertaining to the University of Washington's academic programs and services, the use of the University of Washington's facilities and grounds, and the conduct of its students and employees. More specifically, the University's rules are not considered significant legislative rules (per RCW 34.05.328) and do not have a significant effect on the state's businesses, labor, consumers, and environment. Additionally, the University of Washington has not been subject to any recent petition for the review of its rules (none during the past five years) which might indicate difficulty concerning its existing rules.

Moreover, during the past three years, the University's usual mode of rules review has resulted in 65% of all rule sections in Title 478 WAC having either received a review (with any subsequent rule making necessary) or are being reviewed at this time. Consequently, the University of Washington Rule Review Plan seeks to review those rules which:

1) Have not been reviewed during the past three years; or

2) Are not currently under review as part of rule-making activities.

This plan will review the other 35% of rule sections in Title 478 WAC regardless of the rule's subject matter. The University will begin this review with those rules which have gone the longest without rule-making activity. In this way, all of the University's rules will have undergone rule making (between the years 1994 through 2000) or have been reviewed upon completion of this plan on October 15, 2000.

2. Public Participation -- Who Are the Principal Stakeholders and How Will They Participate in the Review Process?

The University's principal constituents or stakeholders are its students, employees (both faculty and staff), and the general public. At the beginning of each scheduled review of rules, these stakeholders will be notified of the rules review process by notices in The Daily and University Week campus newspapers, similar to notices mandated by RCW 34.05.320(4) for the rule-making process. These notices will announce the rules to be reviewed and the process by which the University community will be encouraged to participate. In addition, notices will also be provided to any person who has requested notification of agency rule making per RCW 34.05.320(3).

3. What Are the Procedures, Methods and Milestones Used to Meet the Review Criteria?

The University of Washington rules noted on the attached table (titled University of Washington Rule Review Plan -- Schedule) will be reviewed by the University office responsible for the promulgation of the rule's subject matter, including the provost or vice president delegated by the President to act in such matters. The content of each rule noted on the attached schedule will also be reviewed by any pertinent University committee or board for that subject matter, which may include members of the faculty, staff, student body and the public. The offices of the University's vice presidents and provost and the pertinent University committees and boards will consult with the Attorney General and the University's rules coordinator as necessary during the review process. Additionally, all public comment generated by the notification of rules review in campus newspapers will be incorporated into the review process by the offices of the University's vice presidents and provost and the pertinent University committees and boards. These entities may also seek further public participation as necessary to complete the goals of their particular rule review. Finally, if the rule review results in rule making as required by chapter 34.05 RCW, the University's stakeholders will be included in that process as per statute.

In accordance with Executive Order 97-02, the criteria for the review of rules will include: need, effectiveness and efficiency, clarity, intent and statutory authority, coordination, cost, and fairness.

Milestones to be reported to the Office of the Governor (beginning with the October 15, 1997 report) will include summaries of all completed reviews and any subsequent rule making associated with that review.

4. How Will Policy and Interpretive Statements Be Included in This Review?

In 1996, the University of Washington consulted with the Attorney General in reviewing its policy and interpretive statements and similar documents. This year, following the Attorney General review, the University administration is implementing a new set of procedures to comply with the review's results and the filing requirements of RCW 34.05.230(12). This revised process for identifying and reviewing all University policy and interpretive statements will be in place by year end (see item on the attached schedule).

Starting in 1998, the University's rules coordinator will provide the appropriate University personnel with annual reminders concerning the University's procedures for identifying, reviewing, and filing summaries of its policy and interpretive statements with the state. Subsequent reviews of University policy and interpretive statements will occur every other year thereafter (see item on the attached schedule) beginning in 1999.

5. How Will Rules Be Reviewed Following This Initial Review Period?

After completion of the review of rules noted in the attached schedule by October 15, 2000, the University of Washington will create an ongoing schedule of rules to be reviewed annually. This annual review will include all rules that have:

1) Not been the subject of rule making during the past ten years; or

2) Not been the subject of a rules review during the same ten-year period.

Moreover, University rules will continue to be reviewed by the criteria noted in Executive Order 97-02 or any subsequent criteria developed by legislation or executive order for this purpose.

6. What is the Schedule for the Review of the University of Washington's Rules and Policy and Interpretive Statements?

The attached table contains the University's schedule of review for rules and policy and interpretive statements through October 15, 2000.

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