WSR 97-21-072
[Filed October 16, 1997, 9:55 a.m.]
Reviser's note: The following Rules Review Plan has been
electronically generated directly from the agency and has not been
through the usual editing and proofing processes.
Executive Summary:
The first rule review action scheduled on the University of Washington's
Rule Review Plan is slated for completion later this year in December
1997. This timetable has allowed the University to continue extensive
rule-making and rules review activities already in progress at the time
Executive Order 97-02 became effective in March 1997. This report,
therefore, focuses on the University's accomplishments in meeting the
goals of regulatory reform since Executive Order 97-02 became effective.
The University has completed the following rule-making actions within
Title 478 WAC since March 1997:
Repeal of 57 rule sections;
Retention of 9 rule sections;
Amendment of 35 rule sections; and
Creation of 61 new rule sections.
A. Background
The University of Washington's Rule Review Plan, for Title 478 WAC rules,
was based on the following factors.
1) In general, the University's rules are not considered significant
legislative rules (per RCW 34.05.328) in that they do not have a
significant effect on the state's businesses, labor, consumers, and
environment. Moreover, the University does not anticipate reviewing
any such significant legislative rules under the University's Rule
Review Plan as any of the University's rules which might qualify
have recently or are currently undergoing rule-making activity and
2) During the past five years, the University has not been subject to
any petition for the review of its rules, which would otherwise
indicate difficulty with any existing rules.
3) Nonetheless, during the past three years, the University's usual
mode of rules review has resulted in 65% of all rule sections in
Title 478 WAC having either received a review (with any subsequent
rule making necessary) or are pending rule-making action at this
4) Given the University's current high level of rule-making activity,
the University's Rule Review Plan commits this agency to review all
Title 478 WAC rules which: a) have not been reviewed during the
past three years as part of rule-making; or b) were not currently
under review as part of rule-making activities as of September 1,
5) Because of the current rule-making activity, the University's Rule
Review Plan does not include any completion dates prior to December
Consequently, this University of Washington Progress Report for 1997 will
concentrate on those regulatory improvements which were in progress at
the time Executive Order 97-02 took effect in March 1997, and which have
since been completed.
B. Summary of Regulatory Reform Accomplishments
In rule-making activity since March 1997, the University of Washington
repealed 57 rule sections, retained 9 rule sections, amended 35 rule
sections, and created 61 new rule sections. There has been no decrease
in the number of pages containing the University's rules. (See the
attached Status Report table for details regarding each rule section).
Specific actions during this time period were as follows:
1) The University updated all references to its U.S. mail addresses
throughout Title 478 WAC at the same time rules governing indexing
of and access to public records were being amended. This rule-making activity included repealing 2 rule sections, retaining 8 rule
sections, amending 31 rule sections, and creating 1 new rule section
in various chapters throughout Title 478 WAC. These changes became
effective July 1997.
2) The University also revised its parking and traffic rules to
accommodate the public -- for the first time breaking this chapter
of the code into seven separate parts to better identify the
multitude of topics covered. In order to accomplish this division
of the code into clear, identifiable parts, 55 rule sections were
repealed, 1 rule section was retained, 4 rule sections were amended,
and 60 new rule sections were created. This complete revision of
chapter 478-116 WAC was based on user input and required several
University departments working together to create this streamlined
version of the code. This change became effective September 1997.
3) The University, in conjunction with the Attorney General's Office,
initiated a review of its policy and interpretive statements in
1996. During 1997, this review resulted in new administrative
reporting procedures being written to assist in the identification,
indexing, and notification process required by RCW 34.05.220 and
34.05.230. This material was distributed to pertinent members of
the University's administration so that the revised identification
and reporting process would begin with the 1997-98 academic year.
Also, during this time period the University of Washington was not
subject to any petitions for agency action under RCW 34.05.330. In
addition, the University does not impose any regulatory reporting
requirements on businesses (although the University does comply with any
such laws or rules as may be imposed by legislation or other state
agencies upon its relationships with businesses).
C. Regulatory Reform: Recommendations for Statutory or Administrative
In carrying out the goals of the University of Washington's Rule Review
Plan, it is anticipated that the University will avail itself of two
relatively new administrative procedures for rule making: Expedited
Adoption of Rules (RCW 34.05.230), and Expedited Repeal of Rules (RCW
34.05.354). Currently, the Expedited Repeal process is available to
agencies at only two specific times per year while the Expedited Adoption
process is available to agencies at any time. In order to meet the goals
of Executive Order 97-02 in the area of regulatory reform, the University
would like to join other state agencies in recommending that the
Expedited Repeal process specified in RCW 34.05.354 be amended to reflect
the same availability to agencies as that of the Expedited Adoption
process in RCW 34.05.230.
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