WSR 97-23-033
[Filed November 17, 1997, 9:49 a.m.]
Reviser's note: The following Rules Review Plan has been
electronically generated directly from the agency and has not been
through the usual editing and proofing processes.
Preliminary Overview of Entire Title 284 WAC -- staff recommendations:
Insurance Commissioner Deborah Senn has completed the first step in
reviewing all rules (sections) in Title 284 WAC. All members of her
staff that deal with rules were invited to make recommendations for each
section in the title.
* 48 possible repeal
* 241 possible amendments (to clarify, up-date, or implement federal law)
* 496 no change
* 785 total rules (sections)
* 163 withdraw (old, out-of-date)
* 23 amend, rewrite, and re-issue (out-of-date, or could be more clear)
* 39 no change
* 168 total Bulletins, Technical Assistance Advisories, and
other documents
Next Step -- Review of Rates/Contracts Division Rules:
Beginning late October of 1997, an in-depth review of all rules
concerning the filing and approval of rates and forms of insurance
contracts will be undertaken.
The following chapters of Title 284 WAC will be reviewed: 10, 20,
21, 23, 34, 43, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 66, 74,
84, and 85.
After staff members have had an opportunity to evaluate each rule
(section), those affected by the rules will be invited to make
Internal and external working groups will be established to review
each section of these chapters.
This part of the review is scheduled for completion by July 1, 1998.
The Commissioner's Website:
The Commissioner's Plan for the review of Title 284 WAC is available
on the website.
The website also includes:
a list of WAC chapters under current active evaluation;
a list of WAC sections that have been reviewed and the final
action taken for each; and
the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the person to
whom questions should be addressed concerning each section of
the title.
A detailed inventory of the review of Title 284 WAC is incorporated
as Attachment A to this annual progress report, in Excel or Access
format. (At this time, the Commissioner's website cannot
accommodate an Excel or Access chart; however, if any person wishes
a hard copy of the entire chart, one can be provided upon request.
A link to the Governor's website will access the charts on-line.)
Involvement by Interested Persons:
Any person interested in providing comments on any rule in Title 284
WAC is urged to provide comments in writing or through the website.
Forms for comment are available on the website; examples of several
useful "templates" for comment are appended as Attachment B and will
be available on the website.
Interested persons may contact Kacy Brandeberry at: 360/664-3790
(phone), 360/586-3535 (fax), or by sending an e-mail to her at
Attachment A: Rules Review Plan Recommendations:
An inventory of all sections of Title 284 WAC and the current
recommended action for each. This is a preliminary plan;
recommendations may or may not result in the suggested action.
Attachment B: Forms for Public Participation in the Rules Review
"Templates" that may be used by interested persons to organize their
thoughts or submit suggestions. (While it is not necessary to
comment using these forms, interested persons may find filling out
one of these forms is an easy way to make a meaningful contribution
to the review process.)
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