WSR 98-05-066



[Filed February 17, 1998, 9:28 a.m.]

Original Notice.

Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 97-20-084.

Title of Rule: Chapter 478-160 WAC, Admission and registration procedures for the University of Washington.

Purpose: To add the School of Pharmacy to those University of Washington schools offering an advanced professional degree, and to update information on application procedures and admission to the School of Pharmacy. Also, to revise the university's course-withdrawal policy from seven weeks to fourteen days, to make other minor registration changes and various changes of a housekeeping nature.

Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 28B.20.130.

Statute Being Implemented: RCW 28B.20.130.

Summary: WAC 478-160-015, 478-160-095, 478-160-142, and 478-160-143 are amended or added to include the School of Pharmacy's Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program in the admission categories for an advanced professional degree at the University of Washington.

WAC 478-160-270, 478-160-275, and 478-160-280 are amended to revise the number of registration periods and to change the course-withdrawal and course-add policies.

WAC 478-160-110 is amended to consolidate admission information for the University of Washington's School of Law. WAC 478-160-120 is repealed to eliminate redundant admission information for the School of Law.

WAC 478-160-150, 478-160-246, and 478-160-295 are amended to clarify and make language consistent, and to update office names.

Reasons Supporting Proposal: The bachelors degree program in pharmacy at the University of Washington has been discontinued. It has been replaced by the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program as the only entry level degree offered by the school. Thus the admission category of the school is now designated as an advanced professional degree program (similar to the University of Washington's Schools of Medicine, Dentistry and Law) instead of a program of undergraduate study. Concurrent with the change, authority for admission to the School of Pharmacy has been transferred from the University's Undergraduate Office of Admissions to the School's Office of Academic and Student Programs. It should be noted that similar changes have occurred at the College of Pharmacy at Washington State University. These changes are in response to new national accreditation requirements for all schools and colleges of pharmacy in the United States.

Changing the course-withdrawal period from seven weeks to fourteen days will open up spaces for students waiting to enroll in high-demand classes; will encourage students to take fuller "ownership" of their courses and to approach them with greater seriousness and commitment; and will enhance academic standards by raising both students' and instructors' expectations of their classes. To allow some flexibility in the new policy, each student will be allocated an annual "personal" withdrawal during weeks three to seven; this should meet most individuals' requirements for later withdrawals. The continuing policy on hardship withdrawals remains available for late withdrawals in more unusual circumstances. The change to the course-withdrawal policy was approved by the University of Washington's Faculty Senate in April 1997.

Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Wayne Kradjan, Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy, H364 Health Sciences Building, University of Washington, (206) 685-8738 and Van Johnson, Associate Registrar, Office of the Registrar, 209 Schmitz Hall, University of Washington, (206) 685-2553; Implementation: Sid Nelson, Dean, School of Pharmacy, H364 Health Sciences Building, University of Washington, (206) 543-2030 and W. W. (Tim) Washburn, Executive Director, Admissions and Records, 320 Schmitz Hall, University of Washington, (206) 543-3511; and Enforcement: Lee Huntsman, Provost, 301 Gerberding Hall, University of Washington, (206) 543-7632 and Ernest R. Morris, Vice-President for Student Affairs, 476 Schmitz Hall, University of Washington, (206) 543-4972.

Name of Proponent: University of Washington, governmental.

Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: For consistency with the new Pharm.D. degree structure, chapter 478-160 WAC must be amended to add the School of Pharmacy to those University of Washington schools currently offering advanced professional degree programs, and add new sections concerning admission information to the School of Pharmacy.

Additionally, changes are being made to the course-withdrawal policy to shorten the amount of time students may withdraw from a course without penalty and the course-add policy to shorten the amount of time a student may add a course, along with other registration changes of a minor nature.

These changes will bring chapter 478-160 WAC into compliance with changes at the national level regarding accreditation and the institution level regarding registration procedures.

Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are amended: WAC 478-160--015, 478-160-095, 478-160-110, 478-160-150, 478-160-246, 478-160-270, 478-160-275, 478-160-280, and 478-160-295. The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed: WAC 478-160-120.

No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. Chapter 478-160 WAC is not subject to the Regulatory Fairness Act, chapter 19.85 RCW.

RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. Chapter 478-160 WAC is not subject to RCW 34.05.328 and is not considered a significant legislative rule.

Hearing Location: Room 309, Husky Union Building (HUB), Seattle Campus, University of Washington, on April 7, 1998, at noon.

Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact University of Washington Disability Services Office by March 27, 1998, TDD (206) 543-6452, or (206) 543-6450.

Submit Written Comments to: Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff, Administrative Procedures Officer, Administrative Procedures Office via one of the following: Campus mail: Box 355509; United States mail: University of Washington, 4014 University Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98105-6203; e-mail; or FAX (206) 543-0786, by April 7, 1998.

Date of Intended Adoption: April 17, 1998.

February 12, 1998

Rebecca Goodwin Deardorff

Administrative Procedures Officer

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order 72-5, filed 11/6/72)

WAC 478-160-015 Admission categories. The University of Washington offers programs of study which lead to undergraduate, graduate and advance professional degrees and/or professional certificates.

(1) Undergraduate study includes programs of study which normally lead to a bachelor's degree.

(2) Graduate study includes programs of post-baccalaureate study normally leading to a graduate degree.

(3) Advanced professional study includes programs of study normally leading to a professional degree in medicine, dentistry ((or)), law or pharmacy.

In addition, the university has a special admissions category, nonmatriculated status, which is intended for students who have a limited educational objective which does not include a University of Washington degree or a professional certificate.

[Order 72-5, 478-160-015, filed 11/6/72.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending Order 72-5, filed 11/6/72)

WAC 478-160-095 Admission to the advanced professional schools of dentistry, law, ((and)) medicine, and pharmacy--Policy. The dean of each of the advanced professional schools is responsible for the interpretation and administration of regulations governing the admission of students to the school.

[Order 72-5, 478-160-095, filed 11/6/72.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 97-14-004, filed 6/19/97, effective 7/20/97)

WAC 478-160-110 Admission to the school of law--Application forms. Applicants to the first-year class and applicants for admission with advanced standing may obtain application forms by contacting the following office:

University of Washington School of Law

Director of Admissions

Condon Hall

1100 N.E. Campus Parkway

Seattle, WA 98105-6617

(for internal campus mail use: Box 354600). The deadline for filing an application is determined by the University of Washington school of law and can be obtained from the address above.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130, 42.17.260, 42.17.290, 42.17.300 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 97-14-004, 478-160-110, filed 6/19/97, effective 7/20/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 (1) and (3). 80-15-082 (Order 80-2), 478-160-110, filed 10/21/80; Order 72-5, 478-160-110, filed 11/6/72.]


WAC 478-160-142 Admission to the school of pharmacy--Application forms. Applicants to the first-year class and applicants for admission with advanced standing may obtain application forms by contacting the following office:

University of Washington School of Pharmacy

Office of Academic and Student Programs

H-362 Health Sciences Building

Box 357631

Seattle, WA 98195-7631

The deadline for filing an application is determined by the University of Washington school of pharmacy and can be obtained from the address above.



WAC 478-160-143 Admission to the school of pharmacy with advance standing. Students in good academic standing at a school approved by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy may apply for admission with advanced standing.


AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-12-011, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92)

WAC 478-160-150 Definition of nonmatriculated status. Nonmatriculated status is a special classification for students with a limited educational objective which does not include a University of Washington degree or a professional certificate.

Nonmatriculated students are not generally admitted for autumn, winter, or spring quarters, however, enrollment opportunities are available through University of Washington extension. Summer quarter enrollment is generally available to qualified nonmatriculated applicants.

Prospective students who wish to audit classes only must apply for nonmatriculated status.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 92-12-011, 478-160-150, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 72-5, 478-160-150, filed 11/6/72.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 97-14-004, filed 6/19/97, effective 7/20/97)

WAC 478-160-246 Enrollment confirmation deposit for new and returning students for autumn, winter and spring quarters. An enrollment confirmation deposit is required of new students and of returning students in autumn, winter and spring quarters. If space is not available when the payment is received, the payment will be returned. The ((fee)) deposit is only refundable pursuant to WAC 478-160-256.

Further information about the enrollment confirmation deposit may be obtained from the following address:

University of Washington

Registration Office

225 Schmitz Hall

Box 355850

Seattle, WA 98195-5850

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130, 42.17.260, 42.17.290, 42.17.300 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 97-14-004, 478-160-246, filed 6/19/97, effective 7/20/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 92-12-011, 478-160-246, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 73-9, 478-160-246, filed 11/30/73.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-12-011, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92)

WAC 478-160-270 Registration periods. There are ((four)) three official registration periods: Periods I - ((IV)) III. Specific dates, criteria for eligibility and procedural steps for each of the registration periods are published in the quarterly Time Schedule.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 92-12-011, 478-160-270, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 72-8, 478-160-270, filed 11/30/72.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-12-011, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92)

WAC 478-160-275 Late registration or course adds--Registration period III. Any student who registers after registration periods I and II will be charged a late registration service fee.

No student shall be permitted to register or add a course after the ((twelfth)) seventh calendar day of autumn, or winter, or spring quarter without instructor approval.

No student shall be permitted to register or add a course for "a" term courses and full quarter courses after the ((twelfth)) seventh calendar day of "a" term or the full quarter, or for "b" term courses after the seventh calendar day of "b" term without instructor approval. ((Instructor and department chair endorsed petitions for late registration shall be submitted to the office of the registrar for review and final decision.))

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 92-12-011, 478-160-275, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 72-8, 478-160-275, filed 11/30/72.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 92-12-011, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92)

WAC 478-160-280 Registration changes. Specific dates for registration changes are published in the quarterly Time Schedule.

A student who has once registered for a course or courses may drop courses through the end of the ((seventh week)) fourteenth calendar day of the quarter. One exception per academic year (defined as September through August) is allowed through the seventh week of the quarter.

No grade will be entered on a student's permanent record for a course dropped during the first fourteen calendar days of autumn, or winter, or spring quarter.

No grade will be entered on a student's permanent record for an "a" term course dropped during the first seven calendar days of summer quarter, for a full-quarter course dropped during the first fourteen calendar days of summer quarter, or for a "b" term course dropped during the first seven calendar days of term "b."

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 92-12-011, 478-160-280, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 72-8, 478-160-280, filed 11/30/72.]

AMENDATORY SECTION (Amending WSR 97-14-004, filed 6/19/97, effective 7/20/97)

WAC 478-160-295 Military withdrawals. (1) If a student is conscripted into the armed forces or is called to active military duty, he or she may be entitled to a full refund or academic credit depending on the time of the quarter the student officially withdraws. Official withdrawals must be in writing, signed by the student, and accompanied by a copy of the student's military orders.

(2) A student who withdraws may receive credit for courses or a full refund, under the following schedule:

(a) Students who withdraw through the seventh week of the academic quarter receive a full refund of fees. No academic credit is awarded.

(b) Students who withdraw after the seventh week of the academic quarter may choose to receive academic credit or a full refund of fees.

(3) Complete information is available from the following address:

University of Washington

Registration Office

225 Schmitz Hall

Box 355850

Seattle, WA 98195-5850

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130, 42.17.260, 42.17.290, 42.17.300 and chapter 34.05 RCW. 97-14-004, 478-160-295, filed 6/19/97, effective 7/20/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130. 92-12-011, 478-160-295, filed 5/22/92, effective 6/22/92; Order 72-8, 478-160-295, filed 11/30/72.]


The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:

WAC 478-160-120 Admission to the school of law with advanced standing--Application forms.

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