Effective Date of Rule: September 1, 2006.
Purpose: Formaldehyde rules, these requirements have been rewritten and moved from chapter 296-62 WAC into chapter 296-856 WAC. Chapter 296-841 WAC, Respiratory hazards, requires that employees be notified of exposure results over the permissible exposure limit within five days to meet the requirements of RCW 49.17.220 for "prompt" notification. The chapter further specifies that notification for specific rules be "In writing, as specified in the rule specific to the substance." The requirement in the formaldehyde rule, proposed chapter 296-856 WAC, will require employers to notify employees of monitoring results within five days of receiving the results. Currently, the employers are required to provide notification within fifteen days. This requirement has been changed to be consistent with the notification times for substance-specific hygiene rules. There were no anticipated effects of this rule making.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order:
WAC 296-62-07540 Formaldehyde.
• The requirements from this section are moved to chapter 296-856 WAC, Formaldehyde.
• A note is added to clarify that the requirements in this WAC section apply only to agriculture.
WAC 296-155-160 Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and mists.
• Update a reference.
WAC 296-307-56045 Label containers of hazardous chemicals.
• Update a reference.
WAC 296-307-62625 Permissible exposure limits of air
• Update a reference.
WAC 296-307-624 Scope.
• Update a reference.
WAC 296-839-40005 Label containers of hazardous chemicals.
• Update a reference.
WAC 296-841-100 Scope.
• Update a reference.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 05-23-138 on November 22, 2005.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 19, Amended 7, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 19, Amended 7, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Date Adopted: April 4, 2006.
Gary Weeks
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 05-03-093, filed 1/18/05,
effective 3/1/05)
WAC 296-62-07540
Note: | The requirements in this chapter apply only to agriculture. The general industry requirements relating to formaldehyde have been moved to chapter 296-856 WAC, Formaldehyde. |
(2) Definitions. For purposes of this standard, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) "Action level" means a concentration of 0.5 part formaldehyde per million parts of air (0.5 ppm) calculated as an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) concentration.
(b) "Approved" means approved by the director of the department of labor and industries or his/her authorized representative: Provided, however, That should a provision of this chapter state that approval by an agency or organization other than the department of labor and industries is required, such as Underwriters' Laboratories or the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the provision of WAC 296-800-370 shall apply.
(c) "Authorized person" means any person required by work duties to be present in regulated work areas, or authorized to do so by the employer, by this section of the standard, or by the WISHA Act.
(d) "Director" means the director of the department of labor and industries, or his/her designated representative.
(e) "Emergency" is any occurrence, such as but not limited to equipment failure, rupture of containers, or failure of control equipment that results in an uncontrolled release of a significant amount of formaldehyde.
(f) "Employee exposure" means the exposure to airborne formaldehyde which would occur without corrections for protection provided by any respirator that is in use.
(g) "Formaldehyde" means the chemical substance, HCHO, Chemical Abstracts Service Registry No. 50-00-0.
(3) Permissible exposure limit (PEL).
(a) TWA: The employer shall assure that no employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of formaldehyde which exceeds 0.75 part formaldehyde per million parts of air as an 8-hour TWA.
(b) Short term exposure limit (STEL): The employer shall assure that no employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of formaldehyde which exceeds two parts formaldehyde per million parts of air (2 ppm) as a fifteen-minute STEL.
(4) Exposure monitoring.
(a) General.
(i) Each employer who has a workplace covered by this standard shall monitor employees to determine their exposure to formaldehyde.
(ii) Exception. Where the employer documents, using objective data, that the presence of formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing products in the workplace cannot result in airborne concentrations of formaldehyde that would cause any employee to be exposed at or above the action level or the STEL under foreseeable conditions of use, the employer will not be required to measure employee exposure to formaldehyde.
(iii) When an employee's exposure is determined from representative sampling, the measurements used shall be representative of the employee's full shift or short-term exposure to formaldehyde, as appropriate.
(iv) Representative samples for each job classification in each work area shall be taken for each shift unless the employer can document with objective data that exposure levels for a given job classification are equivalent for different workshifts.
(b) Initial monitoring. The employer shall identify all employees who may be exposed at or above the action level or at or above the STEL and accurately determine the exposure of each employee so identified.
(i) Unless the employer chooses to measure the exposure of each employee potentially exposed to formaldehyde, the employer shall develop a representative sampling strategy and measure sufficient exposures within each job classification for each workshift to correctly characterize and not underestimate the exposure of any employee within each exposure group.
(ii) The initial monitoring process shall be repeated each time there is a change in production, equipment, process, personnel, or control measures which may result in new or additional exposure to formaldehyde.
(iii) If the employer receives reports or signs or symptoms of respiratory or dermal conditions associated with formaldehyde exposure, the employer shall promptly monitor the affected employee's exposure.
(c) Periodic monitoring.
(i) The employer shall periodically measure and accurately determine exposure to formaldehyde for employees shown by the initial monitoring to be exposed at or above the action level or at or above the STEL.
(ii) If the last monitoring results reveal employee exposure at or above the action level, the employer shall repeat monitoring of the employees at least every six months.
(iii) If the last monitoring results reveal employee exposure at or above the STEL, the employer shall repeat monitoring of the employees at least once a year under worst conditions.
(d) Termination of monitoring. The employer may discontinue periodic monitoring for employees if results from two consecutive sampling periods taken at least seven days apart show that employee exposure is below the action level and the STEL. The results must be statistically representative and consistent with the employer's knowledge of the job and work operation.
(e) Accuracy of monitoring. Monitoring shall be accurate, at the ninety-five percent confidence level, to within plus or minus twenty-five percent for airborne concentrations of formaldehyde at the TWA and the STEL and to within plus or minus thirty-five percent for airborne concentrations of formaldehyde at the action level.
(f) Employee notification of monitoring results. Within fifteen days of receiving the results of exposure monitoring conducted under this standard, the employer shall notify the affected employees of these results. Notification shall be in writing, either by distributing copies of the results to the employees or by posting the results. If the employee exposure is over either PEL, the employer shall develop and implement a written plan to reduce employee exposure to or below both PELs, and give written notice to employees. The written notice shall contain a description of the corrective action being taken by the employer to decrease exposure.
(g) Observation of monitoring.
(i) The employer shall provide affected employees or their designated representatives an opportunity to observe any monitoring of employee exposure to formaldehyde required by this standard.
(ii) When observation of the monitoring of employee exposure to formaldehyde requires entry into an area where the use of protective clothing or equipment is required, the employer shall provide the clothing and equipment to the observer, require the observer to use such clothing and equipment, and assure that the observer complies with all other applicable safety and health procedures.
(5) Regulated areas.
(a) The employer shall establish regulated areas where
the concentration of airborne formaldehyde exceeds either the
TWA or the STEL and post all entrances and accessways with
signs bearing the following information:
(c) An employer at a multiemployer worksite who establishes a regulated area shall communicate the access restrictions and locations of these areas to other employers with work operations at that worksite.
(6) Methods of compliance.
(a) Engineering controls and work practices. The employer shall institute engineering and work practice controls to reduce and maintain employee exposures to formaldehyde at or below the TWA and the STEL.
(b) Exception. Whenever the employer has established that feasible engineering and work practice controls cannot reduce employee exposure to or below either of the PELs, the employer shall apply these controls to reduce employee exposures to the extent feasible and shall supplement them with respirators which satisfy this standard.
(7) Respiratory protection.
(a) General. For employees who use respirators required by this section, the employer must provide respirators that comply with the requirements of this subsection. Respirators must be used during:
(i) Periods necessary to install or implement feasible engineering and work-practice controls;
(ii) Work operations, such as maintenance and repair activities or vessel cleaning, for which the employer establishes that engineering and work-practice controls are not feasible;
(iii) Work operations for which feasible engineering and work-practice controls are not yet sufficient to reduce exposure to or below the PELs;
(iv) Emergencies.
(b) Respirator program.
(i) The employer must implement a respiratory protection program as required by chapter 296-842 WAC, except WAC 296-842-13005 and 296-842-14005.
(ii) If air-purifying chemical-cartridge respirators are used, the employer must:
(A) Replace the cartridge after three hours of use or at the end of the workshift, whichever occurs first, unless the cartridge contains a NIOSH-certified end-of-service-life indicator (ESLI) to show when breakthrough occurs.
(B) Unless the canister contains a NIOSH-certified ESLI to show when breakthrough occurs, replace canisters used in atmospheres up to 7.5 ppm (10 x PEL) every four hours and industrial-sized canisters used in atmospheres up to 75 ppm (100 x PEL) every two hours, or at the end of the workshift, whichever occurs first.
(c) Respirator selection.
(i) The employer must select appropriate respirators from Table 1 of this section.
Condition of use or formaldehyde concentration (ppm) |
Minimum respirator required1 |
Up to 7.5 ppm (10 x PEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Full facepiece with cartridges or canisters specifically approved for protection against formaldehyde2. |
Up to 75 ppm (100 x PEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Full-face mask with chin style or chest or back mounted type industrial size canister specifically approved for protection against formaldehyde. |
Type C supplied-air respirator pressure demand or continuous flow type, with full facepiece, hood, or helmet. | |
Above 75 ppm or unknown (emergencies) (100 x PEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with positive-pressure full facepiece. |
Combination supplied-air, full facepiece positive-pressure respirator with auxiliary self-contained air supply. | |
Fire fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . | SCBA with positive-pressure in full facepiece. |
Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . | SCBA in demand or pressure demand mode. |
Full-face mask with chin style or front or back mounted type industrial size canister specifically approved for protection against formaldehyde. |
1 | Respirators specified for use at higher concentrations may be
used at lower concentrations. |
2 | A half-mask respirator with cartridges specifically approved for protection against formaldehyde can be substituted for the full facepiece respirator providing that effective gas-proof goggles are provided and used in combination with the half-mask respirator. |
(8) Protective equipment and clothing. Employers shall comply with the provisions of WAC 296-800-160. When protective equipment or clothing is provided under these provisions, the employer shall provide these protective devices at no cost to the employee and assure that the employee wears them.
(a) Selection. The employer shall select protective clothing and equipment based upon the form of formaldehyde to be encountered, the conditions of use, and the hazard to be prevented.
(i) All contact of the eyes and skin with liquids containing one percent or more formaldehyde shall be prevented by the use of chemical protective clothing made of material impervious to formaldehyde and the use of other personal protective equipment, such as goggles and face shields, as appropriate to the operation.
(ii) Contact with irritating or sensitizing materials shall be prevented to the extent necessary to eliminate the hazard.
(iii) Where a face shield is worn, chemical safety goggles are also required if there is a danger of formaldehyde reaching the area of the eye.
(iv) Full body protection shall be worn for entry into areas where concentrations exceed 100 ppm and for emergency reentry into areas of unknown concentration.
(b) Maintenance of protective equipment and clothing.
(i) The employer shall assure that protective equipment and clothing that has become contaminated with formaldehyde is cleaned or laundered before its reuse.
(ii) When ventilating formaldehyde-contaminated clothing
and equipment, the employer shall establish a storage area so
that employee exposure is minimized. Containers for
contaminated clothing and equipment and storage areas shall
have labels and signs containing the following information:
(iv) The employer shall assure that no employee takes home equipment or clothing that is contaminated with formaldehyde.
(v) The employer shall repair or replace all required protective clothing and equipment for each affected employee as necessary to assure its effectiveness.
(vi) The employer shall inform any person who launders, cleans, or repairs such clothing or equipment of formaldehyde's potentially harmful effects and of procedures to safely handle the clothing and equipment.
(9) Hygiene protection.
(a) The employer shall provide change rooms, as described in WAC 296-24-120 for employees who are required to change from work clothing into protective clothing to prevent skin contact with formaldehyde.
(b) If employees' skin may become splashed with solutions containing one percent or greater formaldehyde, for example because of equipment failure or improper work practices, the employer shall provide conveniently located quick drench showers and assure that affected employees use these facilities immediately.
(c) If there is any possibility that an employee's eyes may be splashed with solutions containing 0.1 percent or greater formaldehyde, the employer shall provide acceptable eyewash facilities within the immediate work area for emergency use.
(10) Housekeeping. For operations involving formaldehyde liquids or gas, the employer shall conduct a program to detect leaks and spills, including regular visual inspections.
(a) Preventative maintenance of equipment, including surveys for leaks, shall be undertaken at regular intervals.
(b) In work areas where spillage may occur, the employer shall make provisions to contain the spill, to decontaminate the work area, and to dispose of the waste.
(c) The employer shall assure that all leaks are repaired and spills are cleaned promptly by employees wearing suitable protective equipment and trained in proper methods for cleanup and decontamination.
(d) Formaldehyde-contaminated waste and debris resulting from leaks or spills shall be placed for disposal in sealed containers bearing a label warning of formaldehyde's presence and of the hazards associated with formaldehyde.
(11) Emergencies. For each workplace where there is the possibility of an emergency involving formaldehyde, the employer shall assure appropriate procedures are adopted to minimize injury and loss of life. Appropriate procedures shall be implemented in the event of an emergency.
(12) Medical surveillance.
(a) Employees covered.
(i) The employer shall institute medical surveillance programs for all employees exposed to formaldehyde at concentrations at or exceeding the action level or exceeding the STEL.
(ii) The employer shall make medical surveillance available for employees who develop signs and symptoms of overexposure to formaldehyde and for all employees exposed to formaldehyde in emergencies. When determining whether an employee may be experiencing signs and symptoms of possible overexposure to formaldehyde, the employer may rely on the evidence that signs and symptoms associated with formaldehyde exposure will occur only in exceptional circumstances when airborne exposure is less than 0.1 ppm and when formaldehyde is present in materials in concentrations less than 0.1 percent.
(b) Examination by a physician. All medical procedures, including administration of medical disease questionnaires, shall be performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician and shall be provided without cost to the employee, without loss of pay, and at a reasonable time and place.
(c) Medical disease questionnaire. The employer shall make the following medical surveillance available to employees prior to assignment to a job where formaldehyde exposure is at or above the action level or above the STEL and annually thereafter. The employer shall also make the following medical surveillance available promptly upon determining that an employee is experiencing signs and symptoms indicative of possible overexposure to formaldehyde.
(i) Administration of a medical disease questionnaire, such as in Appendix D, which is designed to elicit information on work history, smoking history, any evidence of eye, nose, or throat irritation; chronic airway problems or hyperreactive airway disease; allergic skin conditions or dermatitis; and upper or lower respiratory problems.
(ii) A determination by the physician, based on evaluation of the medical disease questionnaire, of whether a medical examination is necessary for employees not required to wear respirators to reduce exposure to formaldehyde.
(d) Medical examinations. Medical examinations shall be given to any employee who the physician feels, based on information in the medical disease questionnaire, may be at increased risk from exposure to formaldehyde and at the time of initial assignment and at least annually thereafter to all employees required to wear a respirator to reduce exposure to formaldehyde. The medical examination shall include:
(i) A physical examination with emphasis on evidence of irritation or sensitization of the skin and respiratory system, shortness of breath, or irritation of the eyes.
(ii) Laboratory examinations for respirator wearers consisting of baseline and annual pulmonary function tests. As a minimum, these tests shall consist of forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and forced expiratory flow (FEF).
(iii) Any other test which the examining physician deems necessary to complete the written opinion.
(iv) Counseling of employees having medical conditions that would be directly or indirectly aggravated by exposure to formaldehyde on the increased risk of impairment of their health.
(e) Examinations for employees exposed in an emergency. The employer shall make medical examinations available as soon as possible to all employees who have been exposed to formaldehyde in an emergency.
(i) The examination shall include a medical and work history with emphasis on any evidence of upper or lower respiratory problems, allergic conditions, skin reaction or hypersensitivity, and any evidence of eye, nose, or throat irritation.
(ii) Other examinations shall consist of those elements considered appropriate by the examining physician.
(f) Information provided to the physician. The employer shall provide the following information to the examining physician:
(i) A copy of this standard and Appendices A, C, D, and E;
(ii) A description of the affected employee's job duties as they relate to the employee's exposure to formaldehyde;
(iii) The representative exposure level for the employee's job assignment;
(iv) Information concerning any personal protective equipment and respiratory protection used or to be used by the employee; and
(v) Information from previous medical examinations of the affected employee within the control of the employer.
(vi) In the event of a nonroutine examination because of an emergency, the employer shall provide to the physician as soon as possible: A description of how the emergency occurred and the exposure the victim may have received.
(g) Physician's written opinion.
(i) For each examination required under this standard, the employer shall obtain a written opinion from the examining physician. This written opinion shall contain the results of the medical examination except that it shall not reveal specific findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure to formaldehyde. The written opinion shall include:
(A) The physician's opinion as to whether the employee has any medical condition that would place the employee at an increased risk of material impairment of health from exposure to formaldehyde;
(B) Any recommended limitations on the employee's exposure or changes in the use of personal protective equipment, including respirators;
(C) A statement that the employee has been informed by the physician of any medical conditions which would be aggravated by exposure to formaldehyde, whether these conditions may have resulted from past formaldehyde exposure or from exposure in an emergency, and whether there is a need for further examination or treatment.
(ii) The employer shall provide for retention of the results of the medical examination and tests conducted by the physician.
(iii) The employer shall provide a copy of the physician's written opinion to the affected employee within fifteen days of its receipt.
(h) Medical removal.
(i) The provisions of this subdivision apply when an employee reports significant irritation of the mucosa of the eyes or of the upper airways, respiratory sensitization, dermal irritation, or dermal sensitization attributed to workplace formaldehyde exposure. Medical removal provisions do not apply in case of dermal irritation or dermal sensitization when the product suspected of causing the dermal condition contains less than 0.05% formaldehyde.
(ii) An employee's report of signs or symptoms of possible overexposure to formaldehyde shall be evaluated by a physician selected by the employer pursuant to (c) of this subsection. If the physician determines that a medical examination is not necessary under (c)(ii) of this subsection, there shall be a two-week evaluation and remediation period to permit the employer to ascertain whether the signs or symptoms subside untreated or with the use of creams, gloves, first-aid treatment, or personal protective equipment. Industrial hygiene measures that limit the employee's exposure to formaldehyde may also be implemented during this period. The employee shall be referred immediately to a physician prior to expiration of the two-week period if the signs or symptoms worsen. Earnings, seniority, and benefits may not be altered during the two-week period by virtue of the report.
(iii) If the signs or symptoms have not subsided or been remedied by the end of the two-week period, or earlier if signs or symptoms warrant, the employee shall be examined by a physician selected by the employer. The physician shall presume, absent contrary evidence, that observed dermal irritation or dermal sensitization are not attributable to formaldehyde when products to which the affected employee is exposed contain less than 0.1% formaldehyde.
(iv) Medical examinations shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements of (e)(i) and (ii) of this subsection. Additional guidelines for conducting medical exams are contained in WAC 296-62-07546, Appendix C.
(v) If the physician finds that significant irritation of the mucosa of the eyes or the upper airways, respiratory sensitization, dermal irritation, or dermal sensitization result from workplace formaldehyde exposure and recommends restrictions or removal. The employer shall promptly comply with the restrictions or recommendations of removal. In the event of a recommendation of removal, the employer shall remove the affected employee from the current formaldehyde exposure and if possible, transfer the employee to work having no or significantly less exposure to formaldehyde.
(vi) When an employee is removed pursuant to item (v) of this subdivision, the employer shall transfer the employee to comparable work for which the employee is qualified or can be trained in a short period (up to six months), where the formaldehyde exposures are as low as possible, but not higher than the action level. The employer shall maintain the employee's current earnings, seniority, and other benefits. If there is no such work available, the employer shall maintain the employee's current earnings, seniority, and other benefits until such work becomes available, until the employee is determined to be unable to return to workplace formaldehyde exposure, until the employee is determined to be able to return to the original job status, or for six months, whichever comes first.
(vii) The employer shall arrange for a follow-up medical examination to take place within six months after the employee is removed pursuant to this subsection. This examination shall determine if the employee can return to the original job status, or if the removal is to be permanent. The physician shall make a decision within six months of the date the employee was removed as to whether the employee can be returned to the original job status, or if the removal is to be permanent.
(viii) An employer's obligation to provide earnings, seniority, and other benefits to a removed employee may be reduced to the extent that the employee receives compensation for earnings lost during the period of removal either from a publicly or employer-funded compensation program or from employment with another employer made possible by virtue of the employee's removal.
(ix) In making determinations of the formaldehyde content of materials under this subsection the employer may rely on objective data.
(i) Multiple physician review.
(i) After the employer selects the initial physician who conducts any medical examination or consultation to determine whether medical removal or restriction is appropriate, the employee may designate a second physician to review any findings, determinations, or recommendations of the initial physician and to conduct such examinations, consultations, and laboratory tests as the second physician deems necessary and appropriate to evaluate the effects of formaldehyde exposure and to facilitate this review.
(ii) The employer shall promptly notify an employee of the right to seek a second medical opinion after each occasion that an initial physician conducts a medical examination or consultation for the purpose of medical removal or restriction.
(iii) The employer may condition its participation in, and payment for, the multiple physician review mechanism upon the employee doing the following within fifteen days after receipt of the notification of the right to seek a second medical opinion, or receipt of the initial physician's written opinion, whichever is later:
(A) The employee informs the employer of the intention to seek a second medical opinion; and
(B) The employee initiates steps to make an appointment with a second physician.
(iv) If the findings, determinations, or recommendations of the second physician differ from those of the initial physician, then the employer and the employee shall assure that efforts are made for the two physicians to resolve the disagreement. If the two physicians are unable to quickly resolve their disagreement, then the employer and the employee through their respective physicians shall designate a third physician who shall be a specialist in the field at issue:
(A) To review the findings, determinations, or recommendations of the prior physicians; and
(B) To conduct such examinations, consultations, laboratory tests, and discussions with prior physicians as the third physician deems necessary to resolve the disagreement of the prior physicians.
(v) In the alternative, the employer and the employee or authorized employee representative may jointly designate such third physician.
(vi) The employer shall act consistent with the findings, determinations, and recommendations of the third physician, unless the employer and the employee reach an agreement which is otherwise consistent with the recommendations of at least one of the three physicians.
(13) Hazard communication.
(a) General. Notwithstanding any exemption granted in WAC 296-800-170 for wood products, each employer who has a workplace covered by this standard shall comply with the requirements of WAC 296-800-170. The definitions of the chemical hazard communication standard shall apply under this standard.
(i) The following shall be subject to the hazard communication requirements of this section: Formaldehyde gas, all mixtures or solutions composed of greater than 0.1 percent formaldehyde, and materials capable of releasing formaldehyde into the air under reasonably foreseeable concentrations reaching or exceeding 0.1 ppm.
(ii) As a minimum, specific health hazards that the employer shall address are: Cancer, irritation and sensitization of the skin and respiratory system, eye and throat irritation, and acute toxicity.
(b) Manufacturers and importers who produce or import formaldehyde or formaldehyde-containing products shall provide downstream employers using or handling these products with an objective determination through the required labels and MSDSs as required by chapter 296-839 WAC.
(c) Labels.
(i) The employer shall assure that hazard warning labels complying with the requirements of WAC 296-800-170 are affixed to all containers of materials listed in (a)(i) of this subsection, except to the extent that (a)(i) of this subsection is inconsistent with this item.
(ii) Information on labels. As a minimum, for all materials listed in (a)(i) of this subsection, capable of releasing formaldehyde at levels of 0.1 ppm to 0.5 ppm, labels shall identify that the product contains formaldehyde: List the name and address of the responsible party; and state that physical and health hazard information is readily available from the employer and from material safety data sheets.
(iii) For materials listed in (a)(i) of this subsection, capable of releasing formaldehyde at levels above 0.5 ppm, labels shall appropriately address all the hazards as defined in WAC 296-800-170, and Appendices A and B, including respiratory sensitization, and shall contain the words "Potential Cancer Hazard."
(iv) In making the determinations of anticipated levels of formaldehyde release, the employer may rely on objective data indicating the extent of potential formaldehyde release under reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.
(v) Substitute warning labels. The employer may use warning labels required by other statutes, regulations, or ordinances which impart the same information as the warning statements required by this subitem.
(d) Material safety data sheets.
(i) Any employer who uses formaldehyde-containing materials listed in (a)(i) of this subsection shall comply with the requirements of WAC 296-800-170 with regard to the development and updating of material safety data sheets.
(ii) Manufacturers, importers, and distributors of formaldehyde containing materials listed in (a)(i) of this subsection shall assure that material safety data sheets and updated information are provided to all employers purchasing such materials at the time of the initial shipment and at the time of the first shipment after a material safety data sheet is updated.
(e) Written hazard communication program. The employer shall develop, implement, and maintain at the workplace, a written hazard communication program for formaldehyde exposures in the workplace, which at a minimum describes how the requirements specified in this section for labels and other forms of warning and material safety data sheets, and subsection (14) of this section for employee information and training, will be met. Employees in multiemployer workplaces shall comply with the requirements of WAC 296-800-170.
(14) Employee information and training.
(a) Participation. The employer shall assure that all employees who are assigned to workplaces where there is a health hazard from formaldehyde participate in a training program, except that where the employer can show, using objective data, that employees are not exposed to formaldehyde at or above 0.1 ppm, the employer is not required to provide training.
(b) Frequency. Employers shall provide such information and training to employees at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new exposure to formaldehyde is introduced into their work area. The training shall be repeated at least annually.
(c) Training program. The training program shall be conducted in a manner which the employee is able to understand and shall include:
(i) A discussion of the contents of this regulation and the contents of the material safety data sheet;
(ii) The purpose for and a description of the medical surveillance program required by this standard, including:
(A) A description of the potential health hazards associated with exposure to formaldehyde and a description of the signs and symptoms of exposure to formaldehyde.
(B) Instructions to immediately report to the employer the development of any adverse signs or symptoms that the employee suspects is attributable to formaldehyde exposure.
(iii) Description of operations in the work area where formaldehyde is present and an explanation of the safe work practices appropriate for limiting exposure to formaldehyde in each job;
(iv) The purpose for, proper use of, and limitations of personal protective clothing;
(v) Instructions for the handling of spills, emergencies, and clean-up procedures;
(vi) An explanation of the importance of engineering and work practice controls for employee protection and any necessary instruction in the use of these controls;
(vii) A review of emergency procedures including the specific duties or assignments of each employee in the event of an emergency; and
(viii) The purpose, proper use, limitations, and other training requirements for respiratory protection as required by chapter 296-842 WAC.
(d) Access to training materials.
(i) The employer shall inform all affected employees of the location of written training materials and shall make these materials readily available, without cost, to the affected employees.
(ii) The employer shall provide, upon request, all training materials relating to the employee training program to the director of labor and industries, or his/her designated representative.
(15) Recordkeeping.
(a) Exposure measurements. The employer shall establish and maintain an accurate record of all measurements taken to monitor employee exposure to formaldehyde. This record shall include:
(i) The date of measurement;
(ii) The operation being monitored;
(iii) The methods of sampling and analysis and evidence of their accuracy and precision;
(iv) The number, durations, time, and results of samples taken;
(v) The types of protective devices worn; and
(vi) The names, job classifications, Social Security numbers, and exposure estimates of the employees whose exposures are represented by the actual monitoring results.
(b) Exposure determinations. Where the employer has determined that no monitoring is required under this standard, the employer shall maintain a record of the objective data relied upon to support the determination that no employee is exposed to formaldehyde at or above the action level.
(c) Medical surveillance. The employer shall establish and maintain an accurate record for each employee subject to medical surveillance under this standard. This record shall include:
(i) The name and Social Security number of the employee;
(ii) The physician's written opinion;
(iii) A list of any employee health complaints that may be related to exposure to formaldehyde; and
(iv) A copy of the medical examination results, including medical disease questionnaires and results of any medical tests required by the standard or mandated by the examining physician.
(d) Record retention. The employer shall retain records required by this standard for at least the following periods:
(i) Exposure records and determinations shall be kept for at least thirty years; and
(ii) Medical records shall be kept for the duration of employment plus thirty years.
(e) Availability of records.
(i) Upon request, the employer shall make all records maintained as a requirement of this standard available for examination and copying to the director of labor and industries, or his/her designated representative.
(ii) The employer shall make employee exposure records, including estimates made from representative monitoring and available upon request for examination and copying, to the subject employee, or former employee, and employee representatives in accordance with chapter 296-802 WAC.
(iii) Employee medical records required by this standard shall be provided upon request for examination and copying, to the subject employee, or former employee, or to anyone having the specific written consent of the subject employee or former employee in accordance with chapter 296-802 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. 05-03-093, § 296-62-07540, filed 1/18/05, effective 3/1/05; 04-10-026, § 296-62-07540, filed 4/27/04, effective 8/1/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050. 02-12-098, § 296-62-07540, filed 6/5/02, effective 8/1/02; 01-11-038, § 296-62-07540, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01; 99-10-071, § 296-62-07540, filed 5/4/99, effective 9/1/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-62-07540, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; 92-23-017 (Order 92-13), § 296-62-07540, filed 11/10/92, effective 12/18/92; 91-11-070 (Order 91-01), § 296-62-07540, filed 5/20/91, effective 6/20/91; 90-03-029 (Order 89-20), § 296-62-07540, filed 1/11/90, effective 2/26/90; 88-21-002 (Order 88-23), § 296-62-07540, filed 10/6/88, effective 11/7/88.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 05-03-093, filed 1/18/05,
effective 3/1/05)
WAC 296-155-160
Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and mists.
(1) Exposure of employees to inhalation, ingestion, skin
absorption, or contact with any material or substance at a
concentration above those specified in the general
occupational health standards, WAC 296-62-07515 shall be
(2) To achieve compliance with subsection (1) of this section, administrative or engineering controls must first be implemented whenever feasible. When such controls are not feasible to achieve full compliance, protective equipment or other protective measures shall be used to keep the exposure of employees to air contaminants within the limits prescribed in WAC 296-62-07515. Any equipment and technical measures used for this purpose must first be approved for each particular use by a competent industrial hygienist or other technically qualified person. Whenever respirators are used, their use shall comply with WAC 296-155-220.
(3) Whenever internal combustion equipment exhausts in enclosed spaces, tests shall be made and recorded to ensure that employees are not exposed to unsafe concentrations of toxic gases or oxygen deficient atmospheres. See chapter 296-62 WAC, the general occupational health standards and chapter 296-841 WAC, identifying and controlling respiratory hazards.
(4) Whenever any employee is exposed to asbestos, the provisions of the general occupational health standards, chapter 296-62 WAC shall apply.
(5) Subsections (1) and (2) of this section do not apply
to the exposure of employees to formaldehyde. Whenever any
employee is exposed to formaldehyde, the requirements of
chapter 296-856 WAC ((296-62-07540)) shall apply.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. 05-03-093, § 296-155-160, filed 1/18/05, effective 3/1/05. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-155-160, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; 88-14-108 (Order 88-11), § 296-155-160, filed 7/6/88; 87-24-051 (Order 87-24), § 296-155-160, filed 11/30/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.050(2) and 49.17.040. 87-10-008 (Order 87-06), § 296-155-160, filed 4/27/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-03-074 (Order 86-14), § 296-155-160, filed 1/21/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 83-24-013 (Order 83-34), § 296-155-160, filed 11/30/83; Order 74-26, § 296-155-160, filed 5/7/74, effective 6/6/74.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-10-068, filed 5/6/03,
effective 8/1/03)
WAC 296-307-56045
Label containers of hazardous
Exemption: | Containers are exempt from this section if ALL hazardous contents are listed in Table 11. |
• Make sure every container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is properly labeled. This includes ALL of the following:
– The identity of the hazardous chemical (the chemical or common name) that matches the identity used on the MSDS
– An appropriate hazard warning
– The name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party
– Make sure labeling does not conflict with the requirements of:
• The Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)
• Regulations issued under the act by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 171 through 180). See
– Revise labels within three months of becoming aware of new and significant information about chemical hazards
– Provide revised labels on containers beginning with the first shipment after a revision, to manufacturers, distributors or employers
– Revise the label when a chemical is not currently used, produced or imported, before:
• You resume shipping (or transferring) the chemical
• The chemical is reintroduced in the workplace
– Label information
• Clearly written in English
• Prominently displayed on the container.
Reference: | Additional labeling requirements for specific hazardous chemicals (for example, asbestos(( |
Note: | When the conditions specified in Table 10 are met for the solid material products listed, you are not required to provide labels for every shipment. |
Table 10 Labeling for Solid Materials |
You need only send labels with the first shipment, IF the product is | And | |
Whole grain | • It is shipped to the same
customer AND • No hazardous chemicals are part of or known to be present with the product which could expose employees during handling |
Solid untreated wood | ||
Solid metal For example: Steel beams, metal castings |
Plastic items | ||
– For example, cutting fluids on solid metal, and pesticides with grain |
Exemptions: | The chemicals (and items) listed in Table 11 are EXEMPT from THIS SECTION under the conditions specified. Requirements in other sections still apply. |
Table 11 Conditional Label Exemptions |
This section does not apply to | When the product is | ||
• Pesticides | • Subject to | ||
– Meeting the definition of "pesticides" in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (see Title 7, U.S.C. Chapter 6, Subchapter II, section 1361) | – Labeling requirements of FIFRA1 | ||
AND | |||
– Labeling regulations issued under FIFRA by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (see Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations2) | |||
• A chemical substance or mixture | • Subject to | ||
– Meeting the definition of "chemical substance" or "mixture" in the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) (see Title 15 U.S.C. Chapter 53, Subchapter II, Section 26021) | – Labeling requirements of TSCA1 | ||
AND | |||
– Labeling requirements issued under TSCA by the EPA (see Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations2) | |||
• Each of the following | • Subject to: | ||
– Food – Food additives – Color additives – Drugs – Cosmetics – Medical devices or products – Veterinary devices or products – Materials intended for use in these products (for example: Flavors, and fragrances) |
– Labeling requirements in Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Virus-Serum Toxin Act of 1913, and issued regulations enforced by the United States Food and Drug Administration (see Title 21 Parts 101-180 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) | ||
OR | |||
– Department of Agriculture (see Title 9, in the Code of Federal Regulations3) | |||
• As defined in | |||
– The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (see Title 21 U.S.C. Chapter 9, Subchapter II, Section 3211) | |||
OR | |||
– The Virus-Serum Toxin Act of 1913 (see Title 21 U.S.C. Chapter 5, Section 151 et seq.1) | |||
OR | |||
– Regulations issued under these acts (see Title 21 Part 101 in the Code of Federal Regulations, and Title 9, in the Code of Federal Regulations3) | |||
• Each of the following: | • Subject to: | ||
– Distilled spirits (beverage alcohols) | – Labeling requirements of Federal Alcohol Administration Act1 | ||
AND | AND | ||
– Wine | – Labeling regulations issued under Federal Alcohol Administration Act by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (see Title 27 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) | ||
AND | |||
– Malt beverage | |||
• As defined in | |||
– The Federal Alcohol Administration Act (see Title 27 U.S.C. Section 2011) | |||
AND | |||
– Regulations issued under this act (see Title 27 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) | |||
• Consumer products | • Subject to: | ||
AND | – A consumer product safety or labeling requirement of the Consumer Product Safety Act or Federal Hazardous Substances Act1 | ||
• Hazardous substances | OR | ||
– As defined in the Consumer Product Safety Act (see 15 U.S.C. 2051 et seq.1) | – Regulations issued under these acts by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (see Title 16 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) | ||
AND | |||
– The Federal Hazardous Substances Act (see 15 U.S.C. 1261 et seq.¹) | |||
• Agricultural seed | • Labeled as required by | ||
AND | |||
• Vegetable seed treated with pesticides | – The Federal Seed Act (see Title 7 U.S.C. Chapter 37 Section 1551 et seq.1) | ||
AND | |||
– Labeling requirements issued under Federal Seed Act by the United States Department of Agriculture1 |
1This federal act is included in the United States Code. See | |
2See | |
3See |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. 03-10-068, § 296-307-56045, filed 5/6/03, effective 8/1/03.]
This part applies only if your employees:
• Are exposed to a respiratory hazard
• Could be exposed to one of the specific hazards listed below.
This part applies to any workplace with potential or actual employee exposure to respiratory hazards. It requires you to protect employees from respiratory hazards by applying this protection strategy:
• Evaluate employee exposures to determine if controls are needed
• Use feasible controls. For example, enclose or confine the operation, use ventilation systems, or substitute with less toxic material
• Use respirators if controls are not feasible or if they cannot completely remove the hazard.
Exposed or exposure:
The contact an employee has with a toxic substance, harmful physical agent or oxygen deficient condition, whether or not protection is provided by respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). Exposure can occur through various routes of entry, such as inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or skin absorption.
Note: | Examples of substances that may be respiratory hazards when airborne include: |
• Chemicals listed in Table 3 | |
• Any substance | |
– Listed in the latest edition of the NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances | |
– For which positive evidence of an acute or chronic health hazard exists through tests conducted by, or known to, the employer | |
– That may pose a hazard to human health as stated on a material safety data sheet kept by, or known to, the employer | |
• Atmospheres considered oxygen deficient | |
• Biological agents such as harmful bacteria, viruses or fungi | |
– Examples include airborne TB aerosols and anthrax | |
• Pesticides with a label requirement for respirator use | |
• Chemicals used as crowd control agents such as pepper spray | |
• Chemicals present at clandestine drug labs. | |
These substances can be airborne as dusts, fibers, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smoke, sprays, vapors, or aerosols. |
Reference: | • Substances in Table 3 that are marked with an X in the "skin" column may require personal protective equipment (PPE). See WAC 296-307-100, Personal protective equipment, for additional information and requirements. |
• If any of the following hazards are present in your workplace, you will need both this part and any of the following specific rules that apply: |
Hazard | (( |
Acrylonitrile | (( |
Arsenic (inorganic) | (( |
Asbestos | (( |
Benzene | (( |
Butadiene | (( |
Cadmium | (( |
Carcinogens | (( |
Coke ovens | (( |
Cotton dust | (( |
1,2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane |
(( |
Ethylene oxide | (( |
Formaldehyde | (( |
Lead | (( |
Methylene chloride | (( |
Methylenedianiline | (( |
Thiram | (( |
Vinyl chloride | (( |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. 05-01-166, § 296-307-624, filed 12/21/04, effective 4/2/05.]
The following information applies to Table 3, Permissible Exposure Limits for Air Contaminants.
• Exposure needs to be determined from personal air samples taken in the breathing zone or from monitoring representative of the employee's breathing zone.
• Ppm refers to parts of vapor or gas per million parts of air by volume, at 25 degrees C and 760 mm Hg pressure.
• Mg/m3 refers to milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air.
• For a metal that is measured as the metal itself, only the CAS number for the metal is given. The CAS numbers for individual compounds of the metal are not provided. For more information about CAS registry numbers see the web site:
• Time weighted averages (TWA8) represent the maximum allowed average exposure for any 8-hour time period. For work periods longer than 8 hours the TWA8 needs to be determined using the 8 continuous hours with the highest average concentration.
• Short-term exposure limits (STEL) represent maximum allowed average exposure for any fifteen-minute period, unless another time period is noted in Table 3.
• The ceiling represents the maximum allowed exposure for the shortest time period that can feasibly be measured.
• An "X" in the "skin" column indicates the substance can be absorbed through the skin, either by airborne or direct contact.
• Requirements for the use of gloves, coveralls, goggles, and other personal protective equipment can be found in WAC 296-307-100.
• The respirable fraction of particulate is measured by sampling with a size-selector having the following characteristics:
Mean aerodynamic diameter in micrometers | Percent passing the selector |
1 | 97 |
2 | 91 |
3 | 74 |
4 | 50 |
5 | 30 |
6 | 17 |
7 | 9 |
8 | 5 |
10 | 1 |
Substance | CAS | TWA8 | STEL | Ceiling | Skin |
Abate (Temephos) | 3383-96-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Acetaldehyde | 75-07-0 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Acetic acid | 64-19-7 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Acetic anhydride | 108-24-7 | ---- | ---- | 5 ppm | ---- |
Acetone | 67-64-1 | 750 ppm | 1,000 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Acetonitrile | 75-05-8 | 40 ppm | 60 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Acetylaminofluorene (( |
53-96-3 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Acetylene | 74-86-2 | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Acetylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethylene) |
540-59-0 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Acetylene tetrabromide | 79-27-6 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) |
50-78-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Acrolein | 107-02-8 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Acrylamide | 79-06-1 | 0.03 mg/m3 | 0.09 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Acrylic acid | 79-10-7 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Acrylonitrile (Vinyl cyanide) (( |
107-13-1 | 2 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Aldrin | 309-00-2 | 0.25 mg/m3 | 0.75 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Allyl alcohol | 107-18-6 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Allyl chloride | 107-05-1 | 1 ppm | 2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) | 106-92-3 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Allyl propyl disulfide | 2179-59-1 | 2 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
alpha-Alumina (Aluminum oxide) |
1344-28-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Aluminum (as Al) | 7429-90-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Pyro powders | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Welding fumes | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Soluble salts | ---- | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Alkyls (NOC) | ---- | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Aluminum oxide (Alundum, Corundum) |
7429-90-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
4-Aminodiphenyl (( |
92-67-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
2-Aminoethanol (Ethanolamine) |
141-43-5 | 3 ppm | 6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Aminopyridine | 504-29-0 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Amitrole | 61-82-5 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Ammonia | 7664-41-7 | 25 ppm | 35 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ammonium chloride, fume | 12125-02-9 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Ammonium sulfamate (Ammate) | 7773-06-0 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5.0 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
n-Amyl acetate | 628-63-7 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
sec-Amyl acetate | 626-38-0 | 125 ppm | 156 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Aniline and homologues | 62-53-3 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Anisidine (o, p-isomers) | 29191-52-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | X |
Antimony and compounds (as Sb) | 7440-36-0 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
ANTU (alpha Naphthyl thiourea) |
86-88-4 | 0.3 mg/m3 | 0.9 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Argon | 7440-37-1 | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Arsenic, organic compounds (as As) |
7440-38-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Arsenic, inorganic compounds (as As) (when use is covered by WAC 296-62-07347) |
7440-38-2 | 0.01 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Arsenic, inorganic compounds (as As) (when use is not covered by WAC 296-62-07347) |
7440-38-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Arsine | 7784-42-1 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Asbestos (( |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Asphalt (Petroleum fumes) | 8052-42-4 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Atrazine | 1912-24-9 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Azinphos methyl (Guthion) | 86-50-0 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Azodrin (Monocrotophos) | 6923-22-4 | 0.25 mg/m3 | 0.75 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Barium, soluble compounds (as Ba) |
7440-39-3 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Barium sulfate | 7727-43-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Baygon (Propoxur) | 114-26-1 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Benomyl | 17804-35-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Benzene ((
71-43-2 | 1 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Benzidine (( |
92-87-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
p-Benzoquinone (Quinone) |
106-51-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Benzo(a) pyrene (Coal tar pitch volatiles) |
65996-93-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Benzoyl peroxide | 94-36-0 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Benzyl chloride | 100-44-7 | 1ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Beryllium and beryllium compounds (as Be) |
7440-41-7 | 0.002 mg/m3 | 0.005 mg/m3 (30 min.) |
0.025 mg/m3 | ---- |
Biphenyl (Diphenyl) | 92-52-4 | 0.2 ppm | 0.6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Bismuth telluride, undoped | 1304-82-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Bismuth telluride, Se-doped | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Borates, tetra, sodium salts | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Anhydrous | 1330-43-4 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Decahydrate | 1303-96-4 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Pentahydrate | 12179-04-3 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Boron oxide | 1303-86-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Boron tribromide | 10294-33-4 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- |
Boron trifluoride | 6737-07-2 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- |
Bromacil | 314-40-9 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Bromine | 7726-95-6 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Bromine pentafluoride | 7789-30-2 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Bromochloromethane (Chlorobromomthane) |
74-97-5 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Bromoform | 15-25-2 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | X |
Butadiene (1,3-butadiene) |
106-99-0 | 1 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Butane | 106-97-8 | 800 ppm | 1,000 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Butanethiol (Butyl mercaptan) |
109-79-5 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) |
78-93-3 | 200 ppm | 300 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Butoxy ethanol (Butyl cellosolve) |
111-76-2 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | X |
n-Butyl acetate | 123-86-4 | 150 ppm | 200 ppm | ---- | ---- |
sec-Butyl acetate | 105-46-4 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
tert-Butyl acetate | 540-88-5 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Butyl acrylate | 141-32-2 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
n-Butyl alcohol | 71-36-3 | ---- | ---- | 50 ppm | X |
sec-Butyl alcohol | 78-92-2 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | -- -- | ---- |
tert-Butyl alcohol | 75-65-0 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Butylamine | 109-73-9 | ---- | ---- | 5 ppm | X |
Butyl cellosolve (2-Butoxy ethanol) | 111-76-2 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
tert-Butyl chromate (as CrOs) |
1189-85-1 | ---- | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | X |
n-Butyl glycidyl ether (BGE) | 2426-08-6 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
n-Butyl lactate | 138-22-7 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | --- | ---- |
Butyl mercaptan | 109-79-5 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
o-sec-Butylphenol | 89-72-5 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
p-tert-Butyl-toluene | 98-51-1 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cadmium oxide fume (as Cd) (( |
1306-19-0 | 0.005 mg/m3 | ---- | -- -- | ---- |
Cadmium dust and salts (as Cd) (( |
7440-43-9 | 0.005 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Calcium arsenate (( |
---- | 0.01 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Calcium carbonate | 1317-65-3 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Calcium cyanamide | 156-62-7 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Calcium hydroxide | 1305-62-0 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Calcium oxide | 1305-78-8 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Calcium silicate | 1344-95-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Calcium sulfate | 7778-18-9 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Camphor (synthetic) | 76-22-2 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Caprolactam | 105-60-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Dust | ---- | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Vapor | ---- | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Captafol (Difolatan) |
2425-06-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Captan | 133-06-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Carbaryl (Sevin) | 63-25-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Carbofuran (Furadon) | 1563-66-2 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Carbon black | 1333-86-4 | 3.5 mg/m3 | 7 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Carbon dioxide | 124-38-9 | 5,000 ppm | 30,000 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Carbon disulfide | 75-15-0 | 4 ppm | 12 ppm | ---- | X |
Carbon monoxide | 630-08-0 | 35 ppm | 200 ppm (5 min.) | 1,500 ppm | ---- |
Carbon tetrabromide | 558-13-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane) |
56-23-5 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene) |
7803-51-2 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Carbonyl fluoride | 353-50-4 | 2 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Catechol (Pyrocatechol) | 120-80-9 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Cellosolve acetate (2-Ethoxyethylacetate) |
111-15-9 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Cellulose (paper fiber) | 9004-34-6 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cesium hydroxide | 21351-79-1 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Chlordane | 57-74-9 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Chlorinated camphene (Toxaphen) |
8001-35-2 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide | 55720-99-5 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Chlorine | 7782-50-5 | 0.5 ppm | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- |
Chlorine dioxide | 10049-04-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chlorine trifluoride | 7790-91-2 | ---- | ---- | 0.1 ppm | ---- |
Chloroacetaldehyde | 107-20-0 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- |
a-Chloroacetophenone (Phenacyl chloride) |
532-21-4 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chloroacetyl chloride | 79-04-9 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chlorobenzene (Monochlorobenzene) |
108-90-7 | 75 ppm | 113 ppm | ---- | ---- |
o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (OCBM) |
2698-41-1 | ---- | ---- | 0.05 ppm | X |
Chlorobromomethane | 74-97-5 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Chloro-1, 3-butadiene (beta-Chloroprene) |
126-99-8 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Chlorodifluoromethane | 75-45-6 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chlorodiphenyl (42% Chlorine) (PCB) (Polychlorobiphenyls) |
53469-21-9 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Chlorodiphenyl (54% Chlorine) (Polychlorobiphenyls (PCB)) |
11097-69-1 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
1-Chloro-2, 3-epoxypropane (Epichlorhydrin) |
106-89-8 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
2-Chloroethanol (Ethylene chlorohydrin) |
107-07-3 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | X |
Chloroethylene (vinyl chloride) (( |
75-01-4 | 1 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chloroform (Trichloromethane) | 67-66-3 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane | 600-25-9 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
bis-Chloromethyl ether (( |
542-88-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Chloromethyl methyl ether (Methyl chloromethyl ether) (( |
107-30-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Chloropentafluoroethane | 76-15-3 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chloropicrin (Nitrotrichloromethane) | 76-06-2 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
beta-Chloroprene (2-Chloro-1, 3-butadiene) |
126-99-8 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
o-Chlorostyrene | 2039-87-4 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
o-Chlorotoluene | 95-49-8 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Chloro-6-trichloromethyl pyridine (Nitrapyrin) |
1929-82-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Chlorpyrifos | 2921-88-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Chromic acid and chromates (as CrO3) |
Varies with compound |
0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Chromium, soluble, chromic and chromous salts (as Cr) |
7440-47-3 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | -- -- |
Chromium (VI) compounds (as Cr) |
---- | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Chromium metal and insoluble salts |
7440-47-3 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Chromyl chloride | 14977-61-8 | 0.025 ppm | 0.075 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Chrysene (Coal tar pitch volatiles) |
65996-93-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Clopidol | 2971-90-6 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Coal dust (less than 5% SiO2) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Coal dust (greater than or equal to 5% SiO2) |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Coal tar pitch volatiles (benzene soluble fraction) (Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) |
65996-93-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cobalt, metal fume & dust (as Co) |
7440-48-4 | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cobalt carbonyl (as Co) | 10210-68-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cobalt hydrocarbonyl (as Co) | 16842-03-8 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Coke oven emissions (( |
---- | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Copper (as Cu) | 7440-50-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Fume | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Dusts and mists | ---- | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cotton dust (raw) (waste sorting,
blending, cleaning, willowing and
garetting) (( |
---- | 1 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Corundum (Aluminum oxide) | 7429-90-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Crag herbicide (Sesone, Sodium-2, 4-dichloro-phenoxyethyl sulfate) |
136-78-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cresol (all isomers) | 1319-77-3 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
123-73-9; 4170-30-3 |
2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Crufomate | 299-86-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cumene | 98-82-8 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | X |
Cyanamide | 420-04-2 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Cyanide (as CN) | Varies with compound |
5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Cyanogen | 460-19-5 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cyanogen chloride | 506-77-4 | ---- | ---- | 0.3 ppm | ---- |
Cyclohexane | 110-82-7 | 300 ppm | 375 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cyclohexanol | 108-93-0 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | X |
Cyclohexanone | 108-94-1 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | X |
Cyclohexene | 110-83-8 | 300 ppm | 375 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cyclohexylamine | 108-91-8 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cyclonite (RDX) | 121-82-4 | 1.5 mg/m3 | 3.0 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Cyclopentadiene | 542-92-7 | 75 ppm | 113 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cyclopentane | 287-92-3 | 600 ppm | 750 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Cyhexatin (Tricyclohexyltin hydroxide) |
13121-70-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
2,4-D (Dichlorophenoxy- acetic acid) |
94-75-7 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
DBCP (1,2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane) (( |
96-12-8 | 0.001 ppm | ---- | 0.005 ppm | ---- |
DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltri- chloroethane) |
50-29-3 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
DDVP, (Dichlorvos) | 62-73-7 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | X |
Dasanit (Fensulfothion) |
115-90-2 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Decaborane | 17702-41-9 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | X |
Demeton | 8065-48-3 | 0.01 ppm | 0.03 ppm | ---- | X |
Diacetone alcohol (4-hydroxy-4-methyl- 2-pentanone) |
123-42-2 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 2-Diaminoethane (Ethylenediamine) |
107-15-3 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diazinon | 333-41-5 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Diazomethane | 334-88-3 | 0.2 ppm | 0.6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diborane | 19287-45-7 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dibrom (see Naled) | 300-76-5 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
1, 2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) ((
96-12-8 | 0.001 ppm | ---- | 0.005 ppm | ---- |
2-N-Dibutylamino ethanol | 102-81-8 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Dibutyl phosphate | 107-66-4 | 1 ppm | 2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dibutyl phthalate | 84-74-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Dichloroacetylene | 7572-29-4 | ---- | ----- | 0.1 ppm | ---- |
o-Dichlorobenzene | 95-50-1 | ---- | ---- | 50 ppm | ---- |
p-Dichlorobenzene | 106-46-7 | 75 ppm | 110 ppm | ---- | ---- |
3, 3'-Dichlorobenzidine (( |
91-94-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Dichlorodiphenyltri- chloroethane (DDT) |
50-29-3 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Dichlorodifluoromethane | 75-71-8 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 3-Dichloro-5, 5-dimethyl hydantoin |
118-52-5 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
1, 1-Dichloroethane (Ethylidine chloride) |
75-34-3 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene dichloride) |
107-06-2 | 1 ppm | 2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 1-Dichloroethylene (Vinylidene chloride) |
75-35-4 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 2-Dichloroethylene (Acetylene dichloride) |
540-59-0 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dichloroethyl ether | 111-44-4 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Dichlorofluoromethane | 75-43-4 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) (( |
75-09-2 | 25 ppm | 125 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane | 594-72-9 | 2 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) |
94-75-7 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
1, 2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) |
78-87-5 | 75 ppm | 110 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dichloropropene | 542-75-6 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
2, 2-Dichloropropionic acid | 75-99-0 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane | 76-14-2 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dichlorvos (DDVP) | 62-73-7 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | X |
Dicrotophos | 141-66-2 | 0.25 mg/m3 | 0.75 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Dicyclopentadiene | 77-73-6 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dicyclopentadienyl iron | 102-54-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Dieldrin | 60-57-1 | 0.25 mg/m3 | 0.75 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Diethanolamine | 111-42-2 | 3 ppm | 6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diethylamine | 109-89-7 | 10 ppm | 25 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Diethylaminoethanol | 100-37-8 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Diethylene triamine | 111-40-0 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
Diethyl ether (Ethyl ether) | 60-29-7 | 400 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diethyl ketone | 96-22-0 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diethyl phthalate | 84-66-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Difluorodibromomethane | 75-61-6 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Difolatan (Captafol) | 2425-06-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Diglycidyl ether (DGE) | 2238-07-5 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dihydroxybenzene (Hydroquinone) |
123-31-9 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | -- -- | ---- |
Diisobutyl ketone (2, 6- Dimethylheptanone) |
108-83-8 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diisopropylamine | 108-18-9 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Dimethoxymethane (Methylal) | 109-87-5 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dimethyl acetamide | 127-19-5 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Dimethylamine | 124-40-3 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
4-Dimethylaminoazo benzene (( |
60-11-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Dimethylaminobenzene (Xylidene) |
1300-73-8 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Dimethylaniline (N, N-Dimethylaniline) |
121-69-7 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Dimethylbenzene (Xylene) | 1300-73-8 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Dimethyl-1, 2-dibromo-2, 2-dichloroethyl phosphate (Naled) |
300-76-5 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Dimethylformamide | 68-12-2 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
2, 6-Dimethylheptanone (Diisobutyl ketone) |
108-83-8 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 1-Dimethylhydrazine | 57-14-7 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | X |
Dimethyl phthalate | 131-11-3 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Dimethyl sulfate | 77-78-1 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | X |
Dinitolmide (3, 5-Dinitro-o-toluamide) |
148-01-6 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Dinitrobenzene (all isomers - alpha, meta and para) |
528-29-0; 99-65-0; 100-25-4 |
0.15 ppm | 0.45 ppm | ---- | X |
Dinitro-o-cresol | 534-52-1 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
3, 5-Dinitro-o-toluamide (Dinitolmide) |
148-01-6 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Dinitrotoluene | 25321-14-6 | 1.5 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Dioxane (Diethylene dioxide) | 123-91-1 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | X |
Dioxathion | 78-34-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Diphenyl (Biphenyl) | 92-52-4 | 0.2 ppm | 0.6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diphenylamine | 122-39-4 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI)) |
101-68-8 | ---- | ---- | 0.02 ppm | ---- |
Dipropylene glycol methyl ether | 34590-94-8 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | X |
Dipropyl ketone | 123-19-3 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Diquat | 85-00-7 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Di-sec, Octyl phthalate (Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate) |
117-81-7 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Disulfram | 97-77-8 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Disulfoton | 298-04-4 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
2, 6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol | 128-37-0 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Diuron | 330-54-1 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Divinyl benzene | 1321-74-0 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Emery | 12415-34-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Endosulfan (Thiodan) | 115-29-7 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Endrin | 72-20-8 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Epichlorhydrin (1-Chloro-2, 3-epoxypropane) |
106-89-8 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
EPN | 2104-64-5 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
1, 2-Epoxypropane (Propylene oxide) |
75-56-9 | 20 ppm | 30 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2, 3-Epoxy-1-propanol (Glycidol) |
556-52-5 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethane | ---- | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Ethanethiol (Ethyl mercaptan) |
75-08-1 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) |
64-17-5 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethanolamine (2-Aminoethanol) | 141-43-5 | 3 ppm | 6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethion | 563-12-2 | 0.4 mg/m3 | 1.2 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
2-Ethoxyethanol (Glycol monoethyl ether) |
110-80-5 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (Cellosolve acetate) |
111-15-9 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Ethyl acetate | 141-78-6 | 400 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl acrylate | 140-88-5 | 5 ppm | 25 ppm | ---- | X |
Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) | 64-17-5 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethylamine | 75-04-07 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl amyl ketone (5-Methyl-3-hepatone) |
541-85-5 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl benzene | 100-41-4 | 100 ppm | 125 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl bromide | 74-96-4 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl butyl ketone (3-Heptanone) |
106-35-4 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl chloride | 75-00-3 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethylene | 74-85-1 | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Ethylene chlorohydrin (2-Chloroethanol) |
107-07-3 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | X |
Ethylenediamine (1,2- Diaminoethane) |
107-15-3 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Ethylene dibromide | 106-93-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane) |
107-06-2 | 1 ppm | 2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethylene glycol | 107-21-1 | ---- | ---- | 50 ppm | ---- |
Ethylene glycol dinitrate | 628-96-6 | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Ethylene glycol monomethyl
ether acetate (Methyl cellosolve acetate) |
---- | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Ethyleneimine (( |
151-56-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | X |
Ethylene oxide ((
75-21-8 | 1 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl ether (Diethyl ether) | 60-29-7 | 400 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl formate | 109-94-4 | 100 ppm | 125 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethylidine chloride (1, 1-Dichloroethane) |
107-06-2 | 1 ppm | 2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethylidene norbornene | 16219-75-3 | ---- | ---- | 5.0 ppm | ---- |
Ethyl mercaptan (Ethanethiol) | 75-08-1 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
n-Ethylmorpholine | 100-74-3 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Ethyl sec-amyl ketone (5-methyl-3-heptanone) |
541-85-5 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Ethyl silicate | 78-10-4 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Fenamiphos | 22224-92-6 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Fensulfothion (Dasanit) | 115-90-2 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Fenthion | 55-38-9 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Ferbam | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | 14484-64-1 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Ferrovanadium dust | 12604-58-9 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Fluorides (as F) | Varies with compound |
2.5 mg/m3 | 5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Fluorine | 7782-41-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Fluorotrichloromethane (see Trichlorofluoro methane) |
75-69-4 | ---- | ---- | 1,000 ppm | ---- |
Fonofos | 944-22-9 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Formaldehyde (( |
50-00-0 | 0.75 ppm | 2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Formamide | 75-12-7 | 20 ppm | 30 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Formic acid | 64-18-6 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Furadon (carbofuran) |
1563-66-2 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Furfural | 98-01-1 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Furfuryl alcohol | 98-00-0 | 10 ppm | 15 ppm | ---- | X |
Gasoline | 8006-61-9 | 300 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Germanium tetrahydride | 7782-65-2 | 0.2 ppm | 0.6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Glass, fibrous or dust | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Gluteraldehyde | 111-30-8 | ---- | ---- | 0.2 ppm | ---- |
Glycerin mist | 56-81-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Glycidol (2, 3-Epoxy-1-propanol) |
556-52-5 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Glycol monoethyl ether (2-Ethoxyethanol) |
110-80-5 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Grain dust (oat, wheat, barley) | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Graphite, natural | 7782-42-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable particulate | ---- | 2.5 mg/m3 | 5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Graphite, synthetic | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Guthion (Azinphosmethyl) |
86-50-0 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Gypsum | 13397-24-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Hafnium | 7440-58-6 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Helium | ---- | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Heptachlor | 76-44-8 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Heptane (n-heptane) | 142-82-5 | 400 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Heptanone (Methyl n-amyl ketone) |
110-43-0 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
3-Heptanone (Ethyl butyl ketone) |
106-35-4 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hexachlorobutadiene | 87-68-3 | 0.02 ppm | 0.06 ppm | ---- | X |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | 77-47-4 | 0.01 ppm | 0.03 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hexachloroethane | 67-72-1 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
Hexachloronaphthalene | 1335-87-1 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Hexafluoroacetone | 684-16-2 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | X |
Hexane | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
n-hexane | 110-54-3 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
other isomers | Varies with compound |
500 ppm | 1,000 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Hexanone (Methyl-n-butyl ketone) |
591-78-6 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hexone (Methyl isobutyl ketone) |
108-10-1 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
sec-Hexyl acetate | 108-84-9 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hexylene glycol | 107-41-5 | ---- | ---- | 25 ppm | ---- |
Hydrazine | 302-01-2 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | X |
Hydrogen | ---- | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Hydrogenated terphenyls | 61788-32-7 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hydrogen bromide | 10035-10-6 | ---- | ---- | 3.0 ppm | ---- |
Hydrogen chloride | 7647-01-0 | ---- | ---- | 5.0 ppm | ---- |
Hydrogen cyanide | 74-90-8 | ---- | 4.7 ppm | ---- | X |
Hydrogen fluoride | 7664-39-3 | ---- | ---- | 3 ppm | ---- |
Hydrogen peroxide | 7722-84-1 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hydrogen selenide (as Se) | 7783-07-5 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hydrogen sulfide | 7783-06-4 | 10 ppm | 15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Hydroquinone (Dihydroxybenzene) |
123-31-9 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone (Diacetone alcohol) |
123-42-2 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate | 99-61-1 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | X |
Indene | 95-13-6 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Indium and compounds (as In) | 7440-74-6 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Iodine | 7553-56-2 | ---- | ---- | 0.1 ppm | ---- |
Iodoform | 75-47-8 | 0.6 ppm | 1.8 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Iron oxide dust and fume (as Fe) | 1309-37-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Iron pentacarbonyl (as Fe) | 13463-40-6 | 0.1 ppm | 0.2 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Iron salts, soluble (as Fe) | Varies with compound |
1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Isoamyl acetate | 123-92-2 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isoamyl alcohol (primary and secondary) |
123-51-3 | 100 ppm | 125 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isobutyl acetate | 110-19-0 | 150 ppm | 188 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isobutyl alcohol | 78-83-1 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isooctyl alcohol | 26952-21-6 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | X |
Isophorone | 78-59-1 | 4 ppm | ---- | 5 ppm | ---- |
Isophorone diisocyanate | 4098-71-9 | 0.005 ppm | 0.02 ppm | ---- | X |
Isopropoxyethanol | 109-59-1 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isopropyl acetate | 108-21-4 | 250 ppm | 310 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isopropyl alcohol | 67-63-0 | 400 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isopropylamine | 75-31-0 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
N-Isopropylaniline | 768-52-5 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Isopropyl ether | 108-20-3 | 250 ppm | 313 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Isopropyl glycidyl ether (IGE) | 4016-14-2 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ----- | ---- |
Kaolin | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Ketene | 463-51-4 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Lannate (Methomyl) |
16752-77-5 | 2.5 mg/m3 | 5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Lead, inorganic (as Pb) ((
7439-92-1 | 0.05 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Lead arsenate (as Pb) (( |
3687-31-8 | 0.05 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Lead chromate (as Pb) | 7758-97-6 | 0.05 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Limestone | 1317-65-3 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Lindane | 58-89-9 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Lithium hydride | 7580-67-8 | 0.025 mg/m3 | 0.075 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
L.P.G. (liquified petroleum gas) |
68476-85-7 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Magnesite | 546-93-0 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Magnesium oxide fume | 1309-48-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Malathion | 121-75-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Maleic anhydride | 108-31-6 | 0.25 ppm | 0.75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Manganese and compounds (as Mn) | 7439-96-5 | ---- | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | ---- |
Manganese cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl (as Mn) |
12079-65-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Manganese tetroxide and fume (as Mn) |
7439-96-5 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Marble | 1317-65-3 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
MBOCA (4, 4'-Methylene bis (2-chloro-aniline)) (( |
101-14-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | X |
MDA (4, 4-Methylene dianiline) (( |
101-77-9 | 0.01 ppm | 0.1 ppm | ---- | X |
MDI (Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate) (Diphenylmethane diisocyanate) |
101-68-8 | ---- | ---- | 0.02 ppm | ---- |
MEK (Methyl ethyl ketone) (2-Butanone) |
78-93-3 | 200 ppm | 300 ppm | ---- | ---- |
MEKP (Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) |
1338-23-4 | ---- | ---- | 0.2 ppm | ---- |
Mercury (as Hg) | 7439-97-6 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Aryl and inorganic | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Organo-alkyl compounds | ---- | 0.01 mg/m3 | 0.03 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Vapor | ---- | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Mesityl oxide | 141-79-7 | 15 ppm | 25 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methacrylic acid | 79-41-4 | 20 ppm | 30 ppm | ---- | X |
Methane | ---- | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Methanethiol (Methyl mercaptan) |
74-93-1 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methanol (Methyl alcohol) |
67-56-1 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | X |
Methomyl (lannate) | 16752-77-5 | 2.5 mg/m3 | 5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
2-Methoxyethanol (Methyl cellosolve) |
109-86-4 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
2-Methoxyethyl acetate (Methyl cellosolve acetate) |
110-49-6 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
4-Methoxyphenol | 150-76-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Methyl acetate | 79-20-9 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl acetylene (propyne) | 74-99-7 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture (MAPP) |
---- | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl acrylate | 96-33-3 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Methylacrylonitrile | 126-98-7 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
Methylal (Dimethoxy-methane) | 109-87-5 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl alcohol (methanol) | 67-56-1 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | X |
Methylamine | 74-89-5 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl amyl alcohol (Methyl isobutyl carbinol) |
108-11-2 | 25 ppm | 40 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl n-amyl ketone (2-Heptanone) |
110-43-0 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
N-Methyl aniline (Monomethyl aniline) |
100-61-8 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl bromide | 74-83-9 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl-n-butyl ketone (2-Hexanone) |
591-78-6 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl cellosolve (2-Methoxyethanol) |
109-86-4 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl cellosolve acetate (2-Methoxyethyl acetate) |
110-49-6 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl chloride | 74-87-3 | 50 ppm | 100 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl chloroform (1, 1, 1-trichlorethane) |
71-55-6 | 350 ppm | 450 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl chloromethyl ether (chloromethyl methyl ether) (( |
107-30-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate | 137-05-3 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methylcyclohexane | 108-87-2 | 400 ppm | 500 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methylcyclohexanol | 25639-42-3 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methylcyclohexanone | 583-60-8 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | X |
Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (as Mn) |
12108-13-3 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Methyl demeton | 8022-00-2 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI) (Diphenylmethane diisocyanate) |
101-68-8 | ---- | ---- | 0.02 ppm | ---- |
4, 4'-Methylene bis (2-chloro-aniline) (MBOCA) (( |
101-14-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | X |
Methylene bis (4-cyclohexylisocyanate) |
5124-30-1 | ---- | ---- | 0.01 ppm | ---- |
Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) (( |
75-09-2 | 25 ppm | 125 ppm | ---- | ---- |
4, 4-Methylene dianiline (MDA) (( |
101-77-9 | 0.01 ppm | 0.1 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) (2-Butanone) |
78-93-3 | 200 ppm | 300 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) |
1338-23-4 | ---- | ---- | 0.2 ppm | ---- |
Methyl formate | 107-31-3 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
5-Methyl-3-heptanone (Ethyl amyl ketone) |
541-85-5 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl hydrazine (Monomethyl hydrazine) |
60-34-4 | ---- | ---- | 0.2 ppm | X |
Methyl iodide | 74-88-4 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl isoamyl ketone | 110-12-3 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl isobutyl carbinol (Methyl amyl alcohol) |
108-11-2 | 25 ppm | 40 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone) |
108-10-1 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl isocyanate | 624-83-9 | 0.02 ppm | 0.06 ppm | ---- | X |
Methyl isopropyl ketone | 563-80-4 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl mercaptan (Methanethiol) | 74-93-1 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl methacrylate | 80-62-6 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl parathion | 298-00-0 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Methyl propyl ketone (2-Pentanone) |
107-87-9 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Methyl silicate | 684-84-5 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
alpha-Methyl styrene | 98-83-9 | 50 ppm | 100 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Mevinphos (Phosdrin) | 7786-34-7 | 0.01 ppm | 0.03 ppm | ---- | X |
Metribuzin | 21087-64-9 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Mica (Silicates) Respirable fraction |
12001-26-2 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Molybdenum (as Mo) | 7439-98-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Soluble compounds | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Insoluble compounds | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Monochlorobenzene (Chlorobenzene) |
108-90-7 | 75 ppm | 113 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Monocrotophos (Azodrin) | 6923-22-4 | 0.25 mg/m3 | 0.75 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Monomethyl aniline (N-Methyl aniline) |
100-61-8 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | X |
Monomethyl hydrazine | ---- | ---- | ---- | 0.2 ppm | ---- |
Morpholine | 110-91-8 | 20 ppm | 30 ppm | ---- | X |
Naled (Dibrom) | 300-76-5 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Naphtha | 8030-30-6 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | X |
Naphthalene | 91-20-3 | 10 ppm | 15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
alpha-Naphthylamine (( |
134-32-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
beta-Naphthylamine (( |
91-59-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Neon | 7440-01-9 | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) | 13463-39-3 | 0.001 ppm | 0.003 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nickel (as Ni) | 7440-02-0 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Metal and insoluble compounds |
---- | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Soluble compounds | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Nicotine | 54-11-5 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Nitrapyrin (2-Chloro-6 trichloromethyl pyridine) |
1929-82-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Nitric acid | 7697-37-2 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nitric oxide | 10102-43-9 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
p-Nitroaniline | 100-01-6 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Nitrobenzene | 98-95-3 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
4-Nitrobiphenyl (( |
92-93-3 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
p-Nitrochlorobenzene | 100-00-5 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
4-Nitrodiphenyl (( |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Nitroethane | 79-24-3 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nitrogen | 7727-37-9 | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Nitrogen dioxide | 10102-44-0 | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nitrogen oxide (Nitrous oxide) |
10024-97-2 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nitrogen trifluoride | 7783-54-2 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nitroglycerin | 55-63-0 | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Nitromethane | 75-52-5 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1-Nitropropane | 108-03-2 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Nitropropane | 79-46-9 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (( |
62-75-9 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Nitrotoluene | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
o-isomer | 88-72-2 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
m-isomer | 98-08-2 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
p-isomer | 99-99-0 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Nitrotrichloromethane (Chloropicrin) |
76-06-2 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nitrous oxide (Nitrogen oxide) |
10024-97-2 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Nonane | 111-84-2 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Octachloronaphthalene | 2234-13-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Octane | 111-65-9 | 300 ppm | 375 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Oil mist mineral (particulate) | 8012-95-1 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Osmium tetroxide (as Os) | 20816-12-0 | 0.0002 ppm | 0.0006 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Oxalic acid | 144-62-7 | 1 mg/m3 | 2 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Oxygen difluoride | 7783-41-7 | ---- | ---- | 0.05 ppm | ---- |
Ozone | 10028-15-6 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Paper fiber (Cellulose) |
9004-34-6 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Paraffin wax fume | 8002-74-2 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Paraquat | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 4685-14-7 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
1910-42-5 | |||||
2074-50-2 | |||||
Parathion | 56-38-2 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene soluble fraction) (coal tar pitch volatiles) |
65996-93-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Particulates not otherwise regulated |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Pentaborane | 19624-22-7 | 0.005 ppm | 0.015 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Pentachloronaphthalene | 1321-64-8 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Pentachlorophenol | 87-86-5 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Pentaerythritol | 115-77-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Pentane | 109-66-0 | 600 ppm | 750 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2-Pentanone (methyl propyl ketone) |
107-87-9 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene) |
127-18-4 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Perchloromethyl mercaptan | 594-42-3 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Perchloryl fluoride | 7616-94-6 | 3 ppm | 6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Perlite | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Petroleum distillates (Naptha, rubber solvent) |
---- | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenacyl chloride (a-Chloroacetophenone) |
532-21-4 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenol | 108-95-2 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Phenothiazine | 92-84-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
p-Phenylene diamine | 106-50-3 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Phenyl ether (vapor) | 101-84-8 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenyl ether-diphenyl mixture (vapor) |
---- | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenylethylene (Styrene) | 100-42-5 | 50 ppm | 100 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE) | 122-60-1 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenylhydrazine | 100-63-0 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Phenyl mercaptan | 108-98-5 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phenylphosphine | 638-21-1 | ---- | ---- | 0.05 ppm | ---- |
Phorate | 298-02-2 | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.2 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Phosdrin (Mevinphos) | 7786-34-7 | 0.01 ppm | 0.03 ppm | ---- | X |
Phosgene (carbonyl chloride) | 75-44-5 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phosphine | 7803-51-2 | 0.3 ppm | 1 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phosphoric acid | 7664-38-2 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Phosphorus (yellow) | 7723-14-0 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Phosphorous oxychloride | 10025-87-3 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phosphorus pentachloride | 10026-13-8 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phosphorus pentasulfide | 1314-80-3 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Phosphorus trichloride | 12-2-19 | 0.2 ppm | 0.5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Phthalic anhydride | 85-44-9 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
m-Phthalodinitrile | 626-17-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Picloram | 1918-02-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Picric acid (2, 4, 6- Trinitrophenol) |
88-89-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Pindone (2-Pivalyl-1, 3-indandione, Pival) |
83-26-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Piperazine dihydrochloride | 142-64-3 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Pival (Pindone) | 83-26-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Plaster of Paris | 26499-65-0 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Platinum (as Pt) | 7440-06-4 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Metal | ---- | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Soluble salts | ---- | 0.002 mg/m3 | 0.006 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Polychlorobiphenyls (Chlorodiphenyls) |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
42% Chlorine (PCB) | 53469-21-9 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
54% Chlorine (PCB) | 11097-69-1 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Portland cement | 65997-15-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Potassium hydroxide | 1310-58-3 | ---- | ---- | 2 mg/m3 | ---- |
Propane | 74-98-6 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Propargyl alcohol | 107-19-7 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
beta-Propiolactone (( |
57-57-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Propionic acid | 79-09-4 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Propoxur (Baygon) | 114-26-1 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
n-Propyl acetate | 109-60-4 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
n-Propyl alcohol | 71-23-8 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | X |
n-Propyl nitrate | 627-13-4 | 25 ppm | 40 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Propylene | ---- | Simple asphyxiant | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Propylene dichloride (1, 2-Dichloropropane) |
78-87-5 | 75 ppm | 110 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Propylene glycol dinitrate | 6423-43-4 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | X |
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether |
107-98-2 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Propylene imine | 75-55-8 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Propylene oxide (1,2- Epoxypropane) |
75-56-9 | 20 ppm | 30 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Propyne (Methyl acetylene) | 74-99-7 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Pyrethrum | 8003-34-7 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Pyridine | 110-86-1 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Pyrocatachol (Catechol) |
120-80-9 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | X |
Quinone (p-Benzoquinone) | 106-51-4 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
RDX (Cyclonite) | ---- | 1.5 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Resorcinol | 108-46-3 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Rhodium (as Rh) | 7440-16-6 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Insoluble compounds, metal fumes and dusts |
---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Soluble compounds, salts | ---- | 0.001 mg/m3 | 0.003 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Ronnel | 299-84-3 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Rosin core solder, pyrolysis products (as formaldehyde) |
8050-09-7 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Rotenone | 83-79-4 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Rouge | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Rubber solvent (naphtha) | 8030-30-6 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Selenium compounds (as Se) | 7782-49-2 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Selenium hexafluoride (as Se) | 7783-79-1 | 0.05 ppm | 0.15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Sesone (Crag herbicide) | 136-78-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Sevin (Carbaryl) |
63-25-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silane (see Silicon tetrahydride) | 7803-62-5 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Silica, amorphous, precipitated and gel |
112926-00-8 | 6 mg/m3 | 12 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silica, amorphous, diatomaceous earth, containing less than 1% crystalline silica |
61790-53-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 6 mg/m3 | 12 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silica, crystalline cristobalite | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 14464-46-1 | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silica, crystalline quartz | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 14808-60-7 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silica, crystalline tripoli (as quartz) |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 1317-95-9 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silica, crystalline tridymite | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 15468-32-3 | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silica, fused | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 60676-86-0 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silicates (less than 1% crystalline silica ) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Mica | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 12001-26-2 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Soapstone | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 6 mg/m3 | 12 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Talc (containing asbestos) ((
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Talc (containing no asbestos) |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 14807-96-6 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tremolite ((
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Silicon | 7440-21-3 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silicon carbide | 409-21-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Silicon tetrahydride (Silane) | 7803-62-5 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Silver, metal dust and soluble compounds (as Ag) |
7440-22-4 | 0.01 mg/m3 | 0.03 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Soapstone | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 6 mg/m3 | 12 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Sodium azide (as HN3 or NaN3) | 26628-22-8 | ---- | ---- | 0.1 ppm | X |
Sodium bisulfite | 7631-90-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Sodium-2, 4-dichloro- phenoxyethyl sulfate (Crag herbicide) |
136-78-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Sodium fluoroacetate | 62-74-8 | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Sodium hydroxide | 1310-73-2 | ---- | ---- | 2 mg/m3 | ---- |
Sodium metabisulfite | 7681-57-4 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Starch | 9005-25-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Stibine | 7803-52-3 | 0.1 ppm | 0.3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Stoddard solvent | 8052-41-3 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Strychnine | 57-24-9 | 0.15 mg/m3 | 0.45 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Styrene (Phenylethylene, Vinyl benzene) |
100-42-5 | 50 ppm | 100 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Subtilisins | 9014-01-1 | ---- | 0.00006 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
(60 min.) | |||||
Sucrose | 57-50-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Sulfotep (TEDP) | 3689-24-5 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Sulfur dioxide | 7446-09-5 | 2 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Sulfur hexafluoride | 2551-62-4 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Sulfuric acid | 7664-93-9 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Sulfur monochloride | 10025-67-9 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- |
Sulfur pentafluoride | 5714-22-1 | ---- | ---- | 0.01 ppm | ---- |
Sulfur tetrafluoride | 7783-60-0 | ---- | ---- | 0.1 ppm | ---- |
Sulfuryl fluoride | 2699-79-8 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Sulprofos | 35400-43-2 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Systox (Demeton) | 8065-48-3 | 0.01 ppm | 0.03 ppm | ---- | X |
2, 4, 5-T | 93-76-5 | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Talc (containing asbestos) (( |
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Talc (containing no asbestos) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 14807-96-6 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tantalum | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Metal and oxide dusts | 7440-25-7 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) |
584-84-9 | 0.005 ppm | 0.02 ppm | ---- | ---- |
TEDP (Sulfotep) | 3689-24-5 | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Tellurium and compounds (as Te) | 13494-80-9 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tellurium hexafluoride (as Te) | 7783-80-4 | 0.02 ppm | 0.06 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Temephos (Abate) | 3383-96-8 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
TEPP | 107-49-3 | 0.004 ppm | 0.012 ppm | ---- | X |
Terphenyls | 26140-60-3 | ---- | ---- | 0.5 ppm | ---- |
1, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloro-2, 2-difluoroethane |
76-11-0 | 500 ppm | 625 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloro-1, 2-difluoroethane |
76-12-0 | 500 ppm | 625 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane | 79-34-5 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | X |
Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) |
127-18-4 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Tetrachloromethane (Carbon tetrachloride) |
56-23-5 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Tetrachloronaphthalene | 1335-88-2 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) | 78-00-2 | 0.075 mg/m3 | 0.225 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Tetrahydrofuran | 109-99-9 | 200 ppm | 250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Tetramethyl lead (as Pb) | 75-74-1 | 0.075 mg/m3 | 0.225 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Tetramethyl succinonitrile | 3333-52-6 | 0.5 ppm | 1.5 ppm | ---- | X |
Tetranitromethane | 509-14-8 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Tetrasodium pyrophosphate | 7722-88-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tetryl (2, 4, 6-trinitrophenyl- methylnitramine) |
479-45-8 | 1.5 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Thallium (soluble compounds) (as Tl) |
7440-28-0 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
4, 4-Thiobis (6-tert-butyl-m-cresol) |
96-69-5 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Thiodan (Endosulfan) |
115-29-7 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Thioglycolic acid | 68-11-1 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ----- | X |
Thionyl chloride | 7719-09-7 | ---- | ---- | 1 ppm | ---- |
Thiram (( |
137-26-8 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tin (as Sn) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Inorganic compounds | 7440-31-5 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tin (as Sn) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Organic compounds | 7440-31-5 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Tin oxide (as Sn) | 21651-19-4 | 2 mg/m3 | 4 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Titanium dioxide | 13463-67-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
TNT (2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene) |
118-96-7 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Toluene | 108-88-3 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate (TDI) | 584-84-9 | 0.005 ppm | 0.02 ppm | ----- | ---- |
m-Toluidine | 108-44-1 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
o-Toluidine | 95-53-4 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
p-Toluidine | 106-49-0 | 2.0 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Toxaphene (Chlorinated camphene) |
8001-35-2 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Tremolite ((
---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Tributyl phosphate | 126-73-8 | 0.2 ppm | 0.6 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trichloroacetic acid | 76-03-9 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 2, 4-Trichlorobenzene | 120-82-1 | ---- | ---- | 5 ppm | ---- |
1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform) |
71-55-6 | 350 ppm | 450 ppm | ---- | ---- |
1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane | 79-00-5 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trichloroethylene | 79-01-6 | 50 ppm | 200 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trichlorofluoromethane (Fluorotrichloromethane) |
75-69-4 | ---- | ---- | 1,000 ppm | ---- |
Trichloromethane (Chloroform) |
67-66-3 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trichloronaphthalene | 1321-65-9 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane | 96-18-4 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
1, 1, 2-Trichloro-1, 2, 2-trifluoroethane |
76-13-1 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Tricyclohexyltin hydroxide (Cyhexatin) |
13121-70-5 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Triethylamine | 121-44-8 | 10 ppm | 15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trifluorobromomethane | 75-63-8 | 1,000 ppm | 1,250 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trimellitic anhydride | 552-30-7 | 0.005 ppm | 0.015 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trimethylamine | 75-50-3 | 10 ppm | 15 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trimethyl benzene | 25551-13-7 | 25 ppm | 38 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Trimethyl phosphite | 121-45-9 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | ---- |
2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol (Picric acid) |
88-89-1 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenyl- methylnitramine (Tetryl) |
479-45-8 | 1.5 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ----- | X |
2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) | 118-96-7 | 0.5 mg/m3 | 1.5 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Triorthocresyl phosphate | 78-30-8 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | X |
Triphenyl amine | 603-34-9 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Triphenyl phosphate | 115-86-6 | 3 mg/m3 | 6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Tungsten (as W) | 7440-33-7 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Soluble compounds | ---- | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Insoluble compounds | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Turpentine | 8006-64-2 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Uranium (as U) | 7440-61-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Soluble compounds | ---- | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Insoluble compounds | ---- | 0.2 mg/m3 | 0.6 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
n-Valeraldehyde | 110-62-3 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vanadium (as V2O5) | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | 1314-62-1 | 0.05 mg/m3 | 0.15 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Vegetable oil mist | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Vinyl acetate | 108-05-1 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vinyl benzene (Styrene) | 100-42-5 | 50 ppm | 100 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vinyl bromide | 593-60-2 | 5 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene) (( |
75-01-4 | 1 ppm | 5 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vinyl cyanide (Acrylonitrile) (( |
107-13-1 | 2 ppm | 10 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide | 106-87-6 | 10 ppm | 20 ppm | ---- | X |
Vinyl toluene | 25013-15-4 | 50 ppm | 75 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Vinylidene chloride (1, 1-Dichloroethylene) |
75-35-4 | 1 ppm | 3 ppm | ---- | ---- |
VM & P Naphtha | 8032-32-4 | 300 ppm | 400 ppm | ---- | ---- |
Warfarin | 81-81-2 | 0.1 mg/m3 | 0.3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Welding fumes (total particulate) |
---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Wood dust | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Nonallergenic; (All woods except allergenics) |
---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Allergenics (e.g. cedar, mahogany and teak) |
---- | 2.5 mg/m3 | 5 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Xylenes (ortho, meta, and para isomers) (Dimethylbenzene) |
1330-20-7 | 100 ppm | 150 ppm | ---- | ---- |
m-Xylene alpha, alpha-diamine | 1477-55-0 | ---- | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | X |
Xylidine (Dimethylaminobenzene) |
1300-73-8 | 2 ppm | 4 ppm | ---- | X |
Yttrium | 7440-65-5 | 1 mg/m3 | 3 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Zinc chloride fume | 7646-85-7 | 1 mg/m3 | 2 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Zinc chromate (as CrO3) | Varies with compound | 0.05 mg/m3 | ---- | 0.1 mg/m3 | ---- |
Zinc oxide | 1314-13-2 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m | ---- | ---- |
Zinc oxide fume | 1314-13-2 | 5 mg/g3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Zinc stearate | 557-05-1 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Total particulate | ---- | 10 mg/m3 | 20 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Respirable fraction | ---- | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
Zirconium compounds (as Zr) | 7440-67-2 | 5 mg/m3 | 10 mg/m3 | ---- | ---- |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. 05-01-166, § 296-307-62625, filed 12/21/04, effective 4/2/05.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 03-01-096, filed 12/17/02,
effective 6/1/03)
WAC 296-839-40005
Label containers of hazardous
Containers are exempt from this section if ALL hazardous contents are listed in Table 11.
You must:
• Make sure every container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace is properly labeled. This includes ALL of the following:
– The identity of the hazardous chemical (the chemical or common name) that matches the identity used on the MSDS
– An appropriate hazard warning
– The name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party
– Make sure labeling does not conflict with the requirements of:
&sqbul; The Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)
&sqbul; Regulations issued under the act by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 171 through 180). See
– Revise labels within three months of becoming aware of new and significant information about chemical hazards
– Provide revised labels on containers beginning with the first shipment after a revision, to manufacturers, distributors or employers
– Revise the label when a chemical is not currently used, produced or imported, before:
&sqbul; You resume shipping (or transferring) the chemical
&sqbul; The chemical is reintroduced in the workplace
– Label information
&sqbul; Clearly written in English
&sqbul; Prominently displayed on the container
Additional labeling requirements for specific hazardous
chemicals (for example, asbestos, cadmium, and formaldehyde)
are found in chapter 296-62 WAC, General occupational health
standards (see parts F, G, I and I-1 of that chapter).))
Note: | When the conditions specified in Table 10 are met for the solid material products listed you are not required to provide labels for every shipment. |
Table 10 Labeling for Solid Materials |
You need only send labels with the first shipment, IF the product is | And |
Whole grain | • It is shipped to the same
customer AND • No hazardous chemicals are part of or known to be present with the product which could expose employees during handling – For example, cutting fluids on solid metal, and pesticides with grain |
Solid untreated wood | |
Solid metal For example: Steel beams, metal castings |
Plastic items |
The chemicals (and items) listed in Table 11 are EXEMPT
from THIS SECTION under the conditions specified. Requirements
in other sections still apply.
Table 11 Conditional Label Exemptions |
This section does not apply to | When the product is |
• Pesticides – Meeting the definition of "pesticides" in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (see Title 7, U.S.C. Chapter 6, Subchapter II, section 1361) |
• Subject to – Labeling requirements of FIFRA1 AND – Labeling regulations issued under FIFRA by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (see Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations2) |
• A chemical substance or
mixture – Meeting the definition of "chemical substance" or "mixture" in the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) (see Title 15 U.S.C. Chapter 53, Subchapter II, Section 26021) |
• Subject to – Labeling requirements of TSCA1 AND – Labeling requirements issued under TSCA by the EPA (see Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations2) |
• Each of the following: – Food – Food additives – Color additives – Drugs – Cosmetics – Medical devices or products – Veterinary devices or products – Materials intended for use in these products (for example: Flavors, and fragrances) • As defined in – The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (see Title 21 U.S.C. Chapter 9, Subchapter II, Section 3211) OR – Or the Virus-Serum Toxin Act of 1913 (see Title 21 U.S.C. Chapter 5, Section 151 et seq.1) OR – Regulations issued under these acts (see Title 21 Part 101 in the Code of Federal Regulations, and Title 9, in the Code of Federal Regulations3) |
• Subject to: – Labeling requirements in Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Virus-Serum Toxin Act of 1913, and issued regulations enforced by the United States &sqbul; Food and Drug Administration (see Title 21 Parts 101-180 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) OR &sqbul; Department of Agriculture (see Title 9, in the Code of Federal Regulations3) |
• Each of the following: – Distilled spirits (beverage alcohols) AND – Wine AND – Malt beverage • As defined in – The Federal Alcohol Administration Act (see Title 27 U.S.C. Section 2011) AND – Regulations issued under this act (see Title 27 in the Code of Federal Regulations)3 |
• Subject to: – Labeling requirements of Federal Alcohol Administration Act1 AND – Labeling regulations issued under Federal Alcohol Administration Act by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (see Title 27 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) |
• Consumer products AND • Hazardous substances – As defined in &sqbul; The Consumer Product Safety Act (see 15 U.S.C. 2051 et seq.1) AND &sqbul; The Federal Hazardous Substances Act (see 15 U.S.C. 1261 et seq.¹) |
• Subject to: – A consumer product safety or labeling requirement of the Consumer Product Safety Act or Federal Hazardous Substances Act1 OR – Regulations issued under these acts by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (see Title 16 in the Code of Federal Regulations3) |
• Agricultural seed AND • Vegetable seed treated with pesticides |
• Labeled as required by – The Federal Seed Act (see Title 7 U.S.C. Chapter 37 Section 1551 et seq.1) AND – Labeling requirements issued under Federal Seed Act by the United States Department of Agriculture1 |
1This federal act is included in the United States Code. See | |
2See | |
3See |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. 03-01-096, § 296-839-40005, filed 12/17/02, effective 6/1/03.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 05-17-168, filed 8/23/05,
effective 1/1/06)
WAC 296-841-100
This chapter applies only if
your employees:
• Are exposed to a respiratory hazard
• Could be exposed to one of the specific hazards listed below.
This chapter applies to any workplace with potential or actual employee exposure to respiratory hazards. It requires you to protect employees from respiratory hazards by applying this protection strategy:
• Evaluate employee exposures to determine if controls are needed
• Use feasible controls. For example, enclose or confine the operation, use ventilation systems, or substitute with less toxic material
• Use respirators if controls are not feasible or if they cannot completely remove the hazard.
Exposed or exposure:
The contact an employee has with a toxic substance, harmful physical agent or oxygen deficient condition, whether or not protection is provided by respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). Exposure can occur through various routes of entry, such as inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or skin absorption.
Note: | • Examples of substances that may be respiratory hazards when airborne include: |
– Chemicals listed in Table 3 | |
– Any substance | |
• Listed in the latest edition of the NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances | |
• For which positive evidence of an acute or chronic health hazard exists through tests conducted by, or known to, the employer | |
• That may pose a hazard to human health as stated on a material safety data sheet kept by, or known to, the employer | |
– Atmospheres considered oxygen deficient | |
– Biological agents such as harmful bacteria, viruses or fungi | |
– Examples include airborne TB aerosols and anthrax | |
• Pesticides with a label requirement for respirator use | |
• Chemicals used as crowd control agents such as pepper spray | |
• Chemicals present at clandestine drug labs. | |
• These substances can be airborne as dusts, fibers, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smoke, sprays, vapors, or aerosols. |
Reference: | • Substances in Table 3 that are marked with an X in the "skin" column may require personal protective equipment (PPE). See WAC 296-800-160, Personal protective equipment, for additional information and requirements. |
• If any of the following hazards are present in your workplace, you will need both this chapter and any of the following specific rules that apply: |
Hazard | (( |
Acrylonitrile | (( |
Arsenic (inorganic) | (( |
Asbestos | (( |
Benzene | (( |
Butadiene | (( |
Cadmium | (( |
Carcinogens | (( |
Coke ovens | (( |
Cotton dust | (( |
1, 2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane |
(( |
Ethylene oxide | (( |
Formaldehyde | (( |
Lead | (( |
Methylene chloride | (( |
Methylenedianiline | (( |
Thiram | (( |
Vinyl chloride | (( |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060. 05-17-168, § 296-841-100, filed 8/23/05, effective 1/1/06; 04-18-079, § 296-841-100, filed 8/31/04, effective 11/1/04; 03-20-115, § 296-841-100, filed 10/1/03, effective 1/1/04.]
Formaldehyde is an organic chemical with the formula of HCHO, represented by the chemical abstract service (CAS) registry number 50-00-0. Examples of primary uses of formaldehyde and its solutions are as follows:
• An intermediate in the production of:
– Resins.
– Industrial chemicals.
• A bactericide or fungicide.
• A preservative.
• A component in the production of end-use consumer items such as cosmetics, shampoos, and glues.
Exposure is the contact an employee has with formaldehyde, whether or not protection is provided by respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). Exposure can occur through various routes of entry such as inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or skin absorption.
Some of the requirements in this chapter may not apply to every workplace with an occupational exposure to formaldehyde. At a minimum, you need to:
• Follow requirements in the basic rules sections, WAC 296-856-20010 through 296-856-20070.
• Use employee exposure monitoring results required by Exposure evaluation, WAC 296-856-20060.
• Follow Table 1 to find out which additional sections of this chapter apply to your workplace.
Table 1
Sections That Apply To Your Workplace
If | Then continue to follow the basic rules, and the additional requirements in | ||
• | Employee exposure monitoring results are above the 8-hour time weighted average (TWA8 ) or short-term exposure limit (STEL) | • | Exposure and medical monitoring, WAC 296-856-30010 through 296-856-30050; |
AND | |||
• | Exposure control areas, WAC 296-856-40010 through 296-856-40030. | ||
• | Employee exposure monitoring results are: | • | Exposure and medical monitoring, WAC 296-856-30010 through 296-856-30050 |
– | Below the TWA8 and STEL; | ||
AND | |||
– | Above the action level (AL) | ||
• | Employee exposure monitoring results are below the AL and STEL | • | Exposure and medical monitoring, WAC 296-856-30020 through 296-856-30050 |
Your responsibility:
To measure and minimize employee exposure to formaldehyde.
• The requirements in basic rules apply to all employers covered by the scope of this chapter. Additional sections may apply to you. Turn to the scope and follow Table 1 in that section to determine the additional sections of this chapter that apply to you.
Section contents:
Preventive practices
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Employee protective measures
Exposure evaluations
Exposure records
You must:
• Make sure containers of gasses, solutions, or materials composed of greater than 0.1 percent formaldehyde, and capable of releasing formaldehyde at concentrations greater than 0.1 ppm to 0.5 ppm, are properly labeled, tagged, or marked with all of the following:
– That the product contains formaldehyde.
– The name and address of the responsible party (for example manufacturer, importer, or employer).
– A statement that the physical and health hazard information can be obtained from you, and from the material safety data sheet (MSDS).
• Label, tag, or mark containers and materials capable of releasing formaldehyde at levels above 0.5 ppm as follows:
– Include the words on the label "Potential Cancer Hazard."
– Follow the requirements for labels found in the following separate chapters:
&sqbul; The safety and health core rules, employer chemical hazard communications, WAC 296-800-170.
&sqbul; Material safety data sheet and label preparation, chapter 296-839 WAC.
You must:
• Make sure you have a housekeeping and maintenance program to detect leaks and spills by doing at least the following:
– Regular visual inspections.
– Preventive maintenance of equipment, that includes surveys for leaks, at regular intervals.
– In areas where spills could occur, make resources available to contain the spills, decontaminate the area affected, and dispose of waste.
– Promptly repair leaks and clean up spills.
– Train employees who will clean spills and repair leaks, about the methods for cleanup and decontamination.
– Make sure employees who will clean up spills and repair leaks, have the appropriate personal protective equipment and respirators.
– Dispose of waste from spills or leaks in sealed containers marked with information that states the contents contain formaldehyde and the hazards associated with formaldehyde exposure.
– Develop and implement appropriate procedures to minimize injury and loss of life if there is a possibility of an emergency, such as an uncontrolled release of formaldehyde.
Note: | Following the requirements of a separate chapter, Emergency response, chapter 296-824 WAC, will meet the requirements for emergency procedures. |
– Emergency showers in the immediate work areas where skin contact to solutions of 1 percent or greater of formaldehyde could occur.
– Emergency eye wash in the immediate work area where an eye contact to solutions of 0.1 percent or greater of formaldehyde could occur.
Exemption: | Training is not required for employees when you have conclusive documentation that they cannot be exposed to formaldehyde at airborne concentrations above 0.1 parts per million (ppm). |
• Provide training and information to employees exposed to formaldehyde at all of the following times:
– At the time of initial assignment to a work area where there is formaldehyde exposure.
– Whenever there is a new exposure to formaldehyde in their work area.
– At least every twelve months after initial training.
• Make sure training includes at least the following:
– The contents of this chapter and MSDS for formaldehyde.
– The purpose of medical evaluations and a description of how you are fulfilling the medical evaluation requirements of this chapter.
– The health hazards and signs and symptoms associated with formaldehyde exposure, including:
&sqbul; Cancer hazard.
&sqbul; Skin and respiratory system irritant and sensitizer.
&sqbul; Eye and throat irritation.
&sqbul; Acute toxicity.
– How employees will immediately report any signs or symptoms suspected to be from formaldehyde exposure.
– Descriptions of operations where formaldehyde is present.
– Explanations of safe work practices to limit employee exposure to formaldehyde for each job.
– The purpose, proper use, and limitations of personal protective clothing.
– Instructions for the handling of spills, emergencies, and clean-up procedures.
– An explanation of the importance of exposure controls, and instructions in the use of them.
– A review of emergency procedures, including the specific duties or assignments of each employee in the event of an emergency.
– The purpose, proper use, limitations, and other training requirements for respiratory protection, as required by a separate chapter, Respirators, chapter 296-842 WAC.
• Make sure any written training materials are readily available to your employees at no cost.
You must:
• Provide PPE at no cost to employees and make sure employees wear the equipment.
• Make sure that employees do not take contaminated clothing or other PPE from the workplace.
Select PPE that is appropriate for your workplace based on at least the following:
– The form of formaldehyde, such as gas, solution, or material.
– The conditions of use.
– The hazard to be prevented.
• Provide full body protection for entry into areas where formaldehyde exposure could exceed 100 parts per million (ppm) or when airborne concentrations are unknown.
• Protect employees from all contact with liquids containing one percent or more of formaldehyde by providing chemical protective clothing that is impervious to formaldehyde and other personal protective equipment, such as goggles and face shields, as appropriate for the operation.
• Make sure when face shields are worn, employees also wear chemical safety goggles if there could be eye contact with formaldehyde.
• Make sure contaminated clothing and other PPE is cleaned or laundered before it is used again.
• Repair or replace clothing and other PPE as needed to maintain effectiveness.
• Make sure storage areas for ventilating contaminated clothing and PPE are established to minimize employee exposure to formaldehyde.
– Make sure storage areas and containers for contaminated clothing and PPE have labels or signs with the following warning:
Formaldehyde-contaminated (clothing) or equipment |
Avoid inhalation and skin contact |
• Make sure that only employees trained to recognize the hazards of formaldehyde remove personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing from storage areas for the purposes of disposal, cleaning, or laundering.
• Inform any person who launders, cleans, or repairs contaminated clothing or other PPE, of the hazards of formaldehyde and procedures to safely handle the clothing and equipment.
• Provide change rooms for employees who are required to change from work clothes into protective clothing to protect them from skin contact with formaldehyde.
– Make sure change rooms have separate storage facilities for street clothes and protective clothing.
You must:
• Implement appropriate protective measures while you conduct your exposure evaluation.
– Employees performing activities with exposure to airborne formaldehyde that could exceed the 0.75 ppm, 8-hour time weighted average (TWA8), or the 2 ppm 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL), need to follow the requirements in WAC 296-856-30010 through 296-856-40030 of this chapter.
Reference: | For respirator requirements, turn to Respirators, WAC 296-856-40060. |
• This section applies when there is a potential for an employee to be exposed to airborne formaldehyde in your workplace.
• When you conduct an exposure evaluation in a workplace where an employee uses a respirator, the protection provided by the respirator is not considered.
• Following this section will fulfill the requirements to identify and evaluate respiratory hazards found in a separate chapter, Respiratory hazards, chapter 296-841 WAC.
You must:
• Conduct an employee exposure evaluation to accurately determine airborne concentrations of formaldehyde by completing Steps 1 through 7 of the exposure evaluation process, each time any of the following apply:
– No evaluation has been conducted.
– Changes have occurred in any of the following areas that may result in new or increased employee exposures:
&sqbul; Production.
&sqbul; Processes.
&sqbul; Exposure controls, such as ventilation systems or work practices.
&sqbul; Personnel.
&sqbul; Equipment.
– You have any reason to suspect new or increased employee exposure may occur.
– You receive a report of employee developing signs and symptoms associated with formaldehyde exposure.
You must:
• Provide affected employees or their designated representatives an opportunity to observe exposure monitoring required by this chapter.
• Make sure observers entering areas with formaldehyde exposure:
– Are provided with and use the same protective clothing, respirators, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) that employees working in the area are required to use;
– Follow any safety and health requirements that apply.
Exposure evaluation process:
Exemption: | • Exposure monitoring is not necessary if you have documentation conclusively demonstrating that employee exposure for a particular material and the operation where it is used, cannot exceed the action level (AL) or short-term exposure limit (STEL) during any conditions reasonably anticipated. |
• Such documentation can be based on observations, data, calculations, and previous air monitoring results. Previous air monitoring results: | |
– Must meet the accuracy required by Step 5. | |
– Must be based on data that represents conditions being evaluated in your workplace. | |
– May be from outside sources, such as industry or labor studies. |
Step 2: Identify operations where employee exposures could exceed the 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL) for formaldehyde of 2 parts per million (ppm).
Note: | You may use monitoring devices such as colorimetric indicator tubes or real-time monitors to screen for activities where employee exposures could exceed the STEL. |
Step 4: Select employees from those identified in Step 1 who will have their 8-hour exposures monitored.
– Make sure the exposures of the employees selected represent 8-hour exposures for all employees identified in Step 1, including each job activity, work area, and shift.
&sqbul; If you expect exposures to be below the action level (AL), you may limit your selection to those employees reasonably believed to have the highest exposures.
&sqbul; If you find any of those employees' exposure to be above the AL, then you need to repeat monitoring to include each job activity, work area, and shift.
Reference: | A written description of the procedure used for obtaining representative employee exposure monitoring results needs to be kept as part of your exposure records, as required by Exposure records, WAC 296-856-20070. |
Step 5: Determine how you will obtain accurate employee exposure monitoring results. Select and use an air monitoring method with a confidence level of 95 percent, that is accurate to:
– ±25 percent when concentrations are potentially above the TWA of 0.75 parts per million (ppm).
– ±25 percent when concentrations are potentially above the STEL of 2 ppm.
– ±35 percent when concentrations are potentially above the AL.
Note: | • Here are examples of air monitoring methods that meet this accuracy requirement: |
– OSHA Method 52 found at | |
– NIOSH methods: 2016, 2514, 3500, 2539, and 5700, found at and linking to the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. | |
– Direct reading methods found at |
– Make sure samples are collected from each selected employee's breathing zone.
Note: | • You may use any sampling method that meets the accuracy specified in Step 5. Examples of these methods include: |
– Real-time monitors that provide immediate exposure monitoring results. | |
– Equipment that collects samples that are sent to a laboratory for analysis. | |
• The following are examples of methods for collecting samples representative of 8-hour exposures. | |
– Collect one or more continuous samples, such as a single 8-hour sample or four 2-hour samples. | |
– Take a minimum of 5 brief samples, such as five 15-minute samples, during the work shift at randomly selected times. | |
• For work shifts longer than 8 hours, monitor the continuous 8-hour portion of the shift expected to have the highest average exposure concentration. |
– Determine if employee exposure monitoring results are above or below the following values:
&sqbul; 8-hour action level (AL) of 0.5 ppm.
&sqbul; 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA8) of 0.75 ppm.
&sqbul; 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 2 ppm.
Reference: | To use the monitoring results to determine which additional chapter sections apply to employee exposure in your workplace, turn to the Scope, WAC 296-856-100, and follow Table 1 in that section. |
Note: | • You may contact your local WISHA consultant for help with: |
– Interpreting data or other information. | |
– Determining 8-hour employee exposure monitoring results. | |
• To contact a WISHA consultant: | |
– Go to the safety and health core rules, chapter 296-800 WAC; | |
AND | |
– Find the resources section, and under "other resources," find service locations for labor and industries. |
You must:
• Provide written notification of exposure monitoring results to employees represented by your exposure evaluation, within five business days after the results become known to you.
– In addition, when employee exposure monitoring results are above the permissible exposure limits (PEL), of either the 8-hour time weighted average (TWA8) or the 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL), provide written notification of both of the following within fifteen business days after the results become known to you:
&sqbul; Corrective actions being taken and a schedule for completion.
&sqbul; Any reason why exposures cannot be lowered to below the PEL.
Note: | • You can notify employees either individually or post the notifications in areas readily accessible to affected employees. |
• Posted notification may need specific information that allows affected employees to determine which monitoring results apply to them. | |
• Notification may be: | |
– In any written form, such as handwritten or e-mail. | |
– Limited to the required information, such as exposure monitoring results. | |
• When notifying employees about corrective actions, your notification may refer them to a separate document that is available and provides the required information. |
You must:
• Establish and keep complete and accurate records for all exposure monitoring conducted under this chapter. Make sure the record includes at least the following:
– The name, unique identifier, and job classification of both:
&sqbul; The employee sampled;
&sqbul; All other employees represented by the sampled employee.
– An estimate of the exposure for each employee "represented" by this monitoring.
– A description of the methods used to obtain exposure monitoring results and evidence of the method's accuracy.
– Any environmental conditions that could affect exposure concentration measurements.
– A description of the procedure used to obtain representative employee exposure monitoring results.
– The operation being monitored.
– The date, number, duration, location, and the result of each sample taken.
– The type of protective devices worn.
• Maintain documentation that conclusively demonstrates that employee exposure for formaldehyde and the operation where it is used cannot exceed the action level or the 15-minute short-term exposure limit, during any reasonable anticipated conditions.
– Such documentation can be based on observations, data, calculation, and previous air monitoring results.
• Keep exposure monitoring records for at least thirty years.
Your responsibility:
To monitor employee health and workplace exposures to formaldehyde.
Section contents:
Periodic exposure evaluations
Medical and emergency evaluations
Medical removal
Multiple LHCP review
Medical records
Exemption: | Periodic employee exposure monitoring is not required if exposure monitoring results conducted to fulfill requirements in this chapter, Exposure evaluations, WAC 296-856-20050, are below both the action level (AL) and 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL). |
• Obtain employee exposure monitoring results as specified in Table 2 by repeating Steps 1 and 7 of the exposure evaluation process found within this chapter, in Exposure evaluations, WAC 296-856-20050.
Note: | If you document that one work shift consistently has higher exposure monitoring results than another for a particular operation, then you may limit sample collection to the work shift with higher exposures and use those results to represent all employees performing the operation on other shifts. |
Table 2
Periodic Exposure Evaluation Frequencies
If employee exposure monitoring results | Then | ||
Are above the action level (AL) of 0.5 ppm | Conduct additional exposure monitoring at least every six months for the employees represented by the monitoring results | ||
Are above the short-term exposure limit (STEL) of 2 ppm | Repeat exposure monitoring at least once a year, or more often as necessary to evaluate employee exposure | ||
Have decreased to below the AL and the STEL | You may stop periodic employee exposure monitoring for employees represented by the monitoring results. | ||
AND | Note: You need to monitor again if there is a change in any of the following that may result in new or increased employee exposures: | ||
The decrease is demonstrated by two consecutive exposure evaluations made at least seven days apart | • | Production | |
• | Processes | ||
• | Exposure controls, such as ventilation systems or work practices | ||
• | Personnel | ||
• | Equipment |
• Medical evaluations completed to meet the respirator use requirements of this section also need to meet the requirements found in a separate chapter, Respirators, medical evaluations, WAC 296-842-140.
You must:
• Make medical evaluations available to current employees who:
– Are exposed to formaldehyde concentrations above the action level (AL) or short-term exposure limit (STEL).
– Are exposed to formaldehyde during an emergency situation.
– Develops signs and symptoms commonly associated with formaldehyde exposure.
• Make medical examinations available to current employees as deemed necessary by the LHCP after reviewing the medical disease questionnaire for employees that are presently not required to wear a respirator.
• Complete Steps 1 through 4 of the medical evaluation process at the following times:
– Initially, when employees are assigned to work in an area where exposure monitoring results are above the action level (AL) or above the STEL.
– At least every twelve months from the initial medical evaluation for employees exposed to formaldehyde above the action level (AL) or the STEL.
– Whenever the employee develops signs and symptoms commonly associated with formaldehyde.
Note: | Signs and symptoms are rarely associated with formaldehyde concentrations in air less than 0.1 parts per million (ppm), and in materials at concentration levels less than 0.1 percent. |
• Make medical evaluations available:
– At no cost to employees, including travel costs and wages associated with any time spent obtaining the medical evaluation.
– At reasonable times and places.
Note: | • Employees who decline to receive a medical evaluation to monitor for health effects caused by formaldehyde are not excluded from receiving a separate medical evaluation for respirator use. |
• If employers discourage participation in medical monitoring for health effects caused by formaldehyde, or in any way interferes with an employee's decision to continue with this program, this interference may represent unlawful discrimination under RCW 49.17.160, Discrimination against employee filing complaint, instituting proceedings, or testifying prohibited -- Procedure -- Remedy. |
Step 1: Select a licensed healthcare professional (LHCP) who will conduct or supervise examinations and procedures.
– If the LHCP is not a licensed physician, make sure individuals who conduct pulmonary function tests, have completed a training course in spirometry, sponsored by an appropriate governmental, academic, or professional institution.
Note: | The LHCP must be a licensed physician or supervised by a physician. |
– A copy of this chapter.
– The helpful tools: Substance Technical Guideline for Formalin, Medical Surveillance, and Medical Disease Questionnaire.
– A description of the duties of the employee being evaluated and how these duties relate to formaldehyde exposure.
– The anticipated or representative exposure monitoring results for the employee being evaluated.
– A description of the personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protection each employee being evaluated uses or will use.
– Information in your possession from previous employment-related examinations when this information is not available to the examining LHCP.
– A description of the emergency and the exposure, when an examination is provided due to an exposure received during an emergency.
– Instructions that the written opinions the LHCP provides to you, does not include any diagnosis or other personal medical information, and is limited to the following information:
&sqbul; The LHCP's opinion about whether or not medical conditions were found that would increase the employee's risk for impairment from exposure to formaldehyde.
&sqbul; Any recommended limitations for formaldehyde exposure and use of respirators or other PPE.
&sqbul; A statement that the employee has been informed of medical results and medical conditions caused by formaldehyde exposure requiring further examination or treatment.
Step 3: Make a medical evaluation available to the employee. Make sure it includes the content listed in Table 3, Content of Medical Evaluations.
Step 4: Obtain the LHCP's written opinion for the employee's medical evaluation and make sure the employee receives a copy within five business days after you receive the written opinion.
– Make sure the written opinion is limited to the information specified for written opinions in Step 2.
Note: | If the written opinion contains specific findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure, send it back and obtain a revised version without the additional information. |
Table 3
Content of Medical Evaluations
When conducting an | Include | |
Initial | • | A medical disease questionnaire that provides a work and medical history with emphasis on: |
OR | – | Upper or lower respiratory problems |
Annual evaluation | – | Allergic skin conditions or dermatitis |
– | Hyper reactive airway diseases | |
– | Eyes, nose, and throat irritation | |
• | Physical examinations deemed necessary by the LHCP, that include at a minimum: | |
– | Examinations with emphasis on evidence of irritation or sensitization of skin, eyes, and respiratory systems, and shortness of breath | |
– | Counseling, provided by the LHCP to the employee as part of the medical examination if the LHCP determines that the employee has a medical condition that may be aggravated by formaldehyde exposure | |
• | Pulmonary function tests for respirator users, that include at a minimum: | |
– | Forced vital capacity (FVC) | |
– | Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) | |
– | Forced expiratory flow (FEF) | |
Emergency exposure evaluation | • | A medical examination that includes a work history with emphasis on evidence of upper or lower respiratory problems, allergic conditions, skin reaction or hypersensitivity, and any evidence of eye, nose, or throat irritation |
• | Additional examinations the licensed healthcare professional (LHCP) believes appropriate, based on the employee's exposure to formaldehyde | |
Evaluation of reported signs and symptoms | • | A medical disease questionnaire that provides a work and medical history with emphasis on: |
– | Upper or lower respiratory problems | |
– | Allergic skin conditions or dermatitis | |
– | Hyper reactive airway diseases | |
– | Eyes, nose, and throat irritation | |
• | A physical examination if considered necessary by the LHCP that includes at a minimum: | |
– | Examinations with emphasis on evidence of irritation or sensitization of skin, eyes, respiratory systems, and shortness of breath | |
– | Counseling if the LHCP determines that the employee has a medical condition that may be aggravated or caused by formaldehyde exposure |
Exemption: | Medical removal or restrictions do not apply when skin irritation or skin sensitization occurs from products that contain less than 0.05 percent of formaldehyde. |
• This section applies when an employee reports irritation of the mucosa of the eye or the upper airways, respiratory sensitization, dermal irritation, or skin sensitization from formaldehyde exposure.
• When determining the content of formaldehyde in materials that employees have exposure to, you may use documentation, such as manufacturer's data, or independent laboratory analyses.
You must:
• Complete Steps 1 through 4 of the medical evaluation process for removal of employees, in this section, for employees that report signs and symptoms of formaldehyde exposure.
Note: | When the employee is exposed to products containing less than 0.1 percent formaldehyde, the LHCP can assume, absent of contrary evidence, that employee signs and symptoms are not due to formaldehyde exposure. |
Step 1: Provide the employee with a medical evaluation by an LHCP selected by the employer.
Step 2: Based on information in the medical questionnaire the LHCP will determine if the employee will receive an examination as described in Table 3, Content of Medical Evaluations, in Medical and emergency evaluations, WAC 296-856-30020.
– If the LHCP determines that a medical examination is not necessary, there will be a two-week evaluation and correction period to determine whether the employee's signs and symptoms resolve without treatment, from the use of creams, gloves, first-aid treatment, personal protective equipment, or industrial hygiene measures that reduce exposure.
&sqbul; If before the end of the two-week period the employee's signs or symptoms worsen, immediately refer them back to the LHCP.
&sqbul; If signs and symptoms persist after the two-week period, the LHCP will administer a physical examination as outlined in Table 3, Content of Medical Evaluations, in Medical and emergency evaluations, WAC 296-856-30020.
Step 3: Promptly follow the LHCP's restrictions or recommendations. If the LHCP recommends removal from exposure, do either of the following:
– Transfer the employee to a job currently available that:
&sqbul; The employee qualifies for, or could be trained for, in a short period of time (up to six months);
&sqbul; Will keep the employee's exposure to as low as possible, and never above the AL of 0.5 parts per million.
– Remove the employee from the workplace until either:
&sqbul; A job becomes available that the employee qualifies for, or could be trained for in a short period of time and will keep the employee's exposure to as low as possible and never above the AL;
&sqbul; The employee is returned to work or permanently removed from formaldehyde exposure, as determined by completing Steps 1 through 3 of the medical evaluation process for removal of employees, in this section.
Step 4: Make sure the employee receives a follow-up examination within six months from being removed from the formaldehyde exposure by the LHCP. At this time, the LHCP will determine if the employee can return to their original job status, or if the removal is permanent.
You must:
• Maintain the employee's current pay rate, seniority, and other benefits if:
– You move them to a job that they qualify for, or could be trained in a short period of time, and will keep the employee's exposure to as low as possible and never above the AL;
– In the case there is no such job available, then until they are able to return to their original job status or after six months, which ever comes first.
Note: | • If you must provide medical removal benefits and the employee will receive compensation for lost pay from other sources, you may reduce your medical removal benefit obligation to offset the amount provided by these sources. |
• Examples of other sources are: | |
– Public or employer-funded compensation programs. | |
– Employment by another employer, made possible by the employee's removal. |
– At no cost to employees, including travel costs and wages associated with any time spent obtaining the medical examinations and evaluations.
– At reasonable times and places.
• This section applies each time a medical examination or consultation is performed to determine whether medical removal or restriction is required.
You must:
• Promptly notify employees that they may seek a second medical opinion from an LHCP of their choice, each time a medical examination or consultation is conducted by an LHCP selected by the employer to evaluate medical removal.
– At a minimum, this notification must include the details of your multiple physician review process.
Note: | Notification may be provided in writing or by verbal communication. |
• Complete requirements in the multiple LHCP review process once you have been informed of an employee's decision to seek a second medical opinion.
• Pay for and complete the multiple LHCP review process for employees who:
– Inform you in writing or by verbal communication that they will seek a second medical opinion.
– Initiate steps to make an appointment with the LHCP they select. This LHCP will be referred to as the second LHCP.
– Fulfill the previous actions to inform you, and initiate steps for an appointment, within fifteen days from receiving either your notification or the initial LHCP's written opinion, whichever is received later.
Note: | This process allows for selection of a second LHCP and, when disagreements between LHCPs persist, for selection of a third LHCP. |
Step 1: Make sure the information required by Step 4 of the medical evaluation process is received by the second LHCP. This process is located in the section, Medical and emergency evaluations, WAC 296-856-30020.
– This requirement also applies when a third LHCP is selected.
Step 2: Allow the second LHCP to:
– Review findings, determinations, or recommendations from the original LHCP you selected;
– Conduct medical examinations, consultations, and laboratory tests as necessary to complete their review.
Step 3: Obtain a written opinion from the second LHCP and make sure the employee receives a copy within five business days from the date you receive it. If findings, determinations, and recommendations in the written opinion are:
– Consistent with the written opinion from the initial LHCP, you can end the multiple physician review process. Make sure you follow the LHCP's recommendations.
– Inconsistent with the written opinion from the initial LHCP, then you and the employee must make sure efforts are made for the LHCPs to resolve any disagreements.
&sqbul; If the LHCPs quickly resolve disagreements, you can end the multiple physician review process. Make sure you follow the LHCP's recommendations.
&sqbul; If disagreements are not resolved within thirty business days, continue to Step 4.
Step 4: You and the employee must work through your respective LHCPs to agree on the selection of a third LHCP, or work together to designate a third LHCP to:
– Review findings, determinations, or recommendations from the initial and second LHCP;
– Conduct medical examinations, consultations, and laboratory tests as necessary to resolve disagreements between the initial and second LHCP.
Step 5: Obtain a written opinion from the third LHCP and make sure the employee receives a copy within five business days from the day you receive it.
– Follow the third LHCP's recommendations, unless you and the employee agree to follow recommendations consistent with at least one of the three LHCPs.
• This section applies when a medical evaluation is performed or any time a medical record is created for an employee exposed to formaldehyde.
You must:
• Establish and maintain complete and accurate medical records for each employee receiving a medical evaluation for formaldehyde and make sure the records include all the following:
– The employee's name and unique identifier.
– A description of any health complaints that may be related to formaldehyde exposure.
– A copy of the licensed healthcare professional's (LHCP's) written opinions.
– Exam results.
– Medical questionnaires.
• Maintain medical records for the duration of employment plus thirty years.
Note: | • Employee medical records need to be maintained in a confidential manner. The medical provider may keep these records for you. |
• Medical records may only be accessed with the employee's written consent. |
Your responsibility:
To control employee exposure to airborne formaldehyde and protect employees by using appropriate respirators.
• These sections apply when employee exposure monitoring results are above the permissible exposure limit (PEL):
– The 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA8) of 0.75 parts per million (ppm);
– The 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL) of two parts per million (ppm).
Section contents:
Exposure controls
Establishing exposure control areas
• Respirators and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are not exposure controls.
You must:
• Use feasible exposure controls to reduce employee exposures to a level below the permissible exposure limit (PEL) or to as low a level as achievable.
You must:
• Establish temporary or permanent exposure control areas where airborne concentrations of formaldehyde are above either the 8-hour time weighted average (TWA8) or the 15-minute short-term exposure limit (STEL), by doing at least the following:
– Clearly identify the boundaries of exposure control areas in any way that minimizes employee access.
– Post signs at access points to exposure control areas that:
&sqbul; Are easy to read (for example, they are kept clean and well lit);
&sqbul; Include this warning:
Formaldehyde |
Irritant and Potential Cancer Hazard |
Authorized Personnel Only |
Note: | This requirement does not prevent you from posting other signs. |
• Allow only employees, who have been trained to recognize the hazards of formaldehyde exposure, to enter exposure control areas.
Note: | • When identifying the boundaries of exposure control areas you should consider factors such as: |
– The level and duration of airborne exposure. | |
– Whether the area is permanent or temporary. | |
– The number of employees in adjacent areas. | |
• You may use permanent or temporary enclosures, caution tape, ropes, painted lines on surfaces, or other materials to visibly distinguish exposure control areas or separate them from the rest of the workplace. |
• Inform other employers at multi-employer work sites of the exposure control areas, and the restrictions that apply to those areas.
• The requirements in this section are in addition to the requirements found in the following separate chapters:
– Respiratory hazards, chapter 296-841 WAC.
– Respirators, chapter 296-842 WAC.
• Medical evaluations meeting all requirements of Medical and emergency evaluations, WAC 296-856-30020, will fulfill the medical evaluations requirements found in Respirators, chapter 296-842 WAC, a separate chapter.
You must:
• Develop a written respirator program as required by a separate chapter, Respirators, chapter 296-842 WAC, and include the following additional requirements:
– Require that employees use respirators in any of the following circumstances:
&sqbul; Employees are in an exposure control area.
&sqbul; Feasible exposure controls are being put in place.
&sqbul; Where you determine that exposure controls are not feasible.
&sqbul; Feasible exposure controls do not reduce exposures to, or below, the PEL.
&sqbul; Employees are performing tasks presumed to have exposures above the PEL.
&sqbul; Emergencies.
• Make sure all respirator use is accompanied by eye protection either through the use of full-facepiece respirators, hoods, or chemical goggles.
• Provide employees with powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) when this type of respirator will provide appropriate protection and any of the following applies:
– A licensed healthcare professional (LHCP) allows this type of respirator in their written opinion.
– The employee has difficulty using a negative pressure respirator.
– The employee chooses to use this type of respirator.
• Make sure you replace the air-purifying chemical cartridge or canister as follows:
– At the beginning of each work shift;
– As required by Respirators, chapter 296-842 WAC.
Action level
An airborne concentration of formaldehyde of 0.5 parts per million of air calculated as an 8-hour time-weighted average.
Authorized personnel
Individuals specifically permitted by the employer to enter the exposure control area to perform duties, or to observe employee exposure evaluations as a designated representative.
Breathing zone
The space around and in front of an employee's nose and mouth, forming a hemisphere with a six- to nine-inch radius.
CAS (chemical abstract service) number
CAS numbers are internationally recognized and used on material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and other documents to identify substances. For more information see
Canister or cartridge (air-purifying)
Part of an air-purifying respirator that consists of a container holding materials such as fiber, treated charcoal, or a combination of the two, that removes contaminants from the air passing through the cartridge or canister.
Any container, except for pipes or piping systems that contains formaldehyde. It can be any of the following:
• Barrel.
• Bottle.
• Can.
• Cylinder.
• Drum.
• Reaction vessel.
• Shipping containers.
• Storage tank.
Designated representative
Any one of the following:
• Any individual or organization to which an employee gives written authorization.
• A recognized or certified collective bargaining agent without regard to written employee authorization.
• The legal representative of a deceased or legally incapacitated employee.
Any event that could or does result in the unexpected significant release of formaldehyde. Examples of emergencies include equipment failure, container rupture, or control equipment failure.
The contact an employee has with formaldehyde, whether or not protection is provided by respirators or other personal protective equipment (PPE). Exposure can occur through various routes of entry such as inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or skin absorption.
An organic chemical with the formula of HCHO, represented by the chemical abstract service (CAS) registry number 50-00-0. Examples of primary uses of formaldehyde and its solutions are as follows:
• An intermediate in the production of:
– Resins.
– Industrial chemicals.
• A bactericide or fungicide.
• A preservative.
• A component in the manufacture of end-use consumer items such as cosmetics, shampoos, and glues.
Licensed healthcare professional (LHCP)
An individual whose legally permitted scope of practice allows him or her to provide some or all of the healthcare services required for medical evaluations.
Permissible exposure limits (PELs)
PELs are employee exposures to toxic substances or harmful physical agents that must not be exceeded. PELs are also specified in WISHA rules found in other chapters. The PEL for formaldehyde is an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA8) of 0.75 parts per million (ppm) and a 15-minute short-term exposure limit of 2 ppm.
Short-term exposure limit (STEL)
An exposure limit averaged over a 15-minute period that must not be exceeded during an employee's workday.
Time-weighted average (TWA8)
An exposure limit averaged over an 8-hour period that must not be exceeded during an employee's workday.
Uncontrolled release
A release where significant safety and health risks could be created. Releases of hazardous substances that are either incidental or could not create a safety or health hazard (i.e., fire, explosion, or chemical exposure) are not considered to be uncontrolled releases.
Examples of conditions that could create a significant safety and health risk are:
• Large-quantity releases.
• Small releases that could be highly toxic.
• Potentially contaminated individuals arriving at hospitals.
• Airborne exposures that could exceed a WISHA permissible exposure limit or a published exposure limit and employees are not adequately trained or equipped to control the release.