Date of Adoption: May 18, 2004.
Purpose: Chapter 296-56 WAC, Safety standards for longshore, stevedore and related waterfront operations, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) found our rules requiring the use of personal flotation devices (PFD) to be less effective than the federal standard. The department is adopting changes that will make our rule at-least-as-effective-as the federal equivalent. Additional housekeeping changes were made.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 296-56-60115 Other protective measures and 296-56-60243 Fuel handling and storage.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 04-05-072 on February 17, 2004.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
Pilot Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 0,
Repealed 0;
or Other Alternative Rule Making:
New 0,
Amended 2,
Repealed 0.
Effective Date of Rule:
July 1, 2004.
May 18, 2004
Paul Trause
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-21-103, filed 10/18/00,
effective 2/1/01)
WAC 296-56-60115
Other protective measures.
Protective clothing.
(a) Employees performing work that requires special protective clothing shall be directed by the employer to wear the necessary special protective clothing.
(b) When necessary, protective clothing previously worn shall be cleaned and disinfected before reissuance.
(2) Personal flotation devices.
(a) The employer shall provide, and shall direct the wearing of personal flotation devices for those employees, such as line handlers, who are engaged in work in which they may be pulled into the water:
(i) When such employees are working in isolation: or
(ii) Where physical limitations of available working space creates a hazard of falling into the water; or
(iii) Where the work area is obstructed by cargo or other obstacles so as to prevent employees from obtaining safe footing for their work.
(b) Employees working on, over or along water, where the danger of drowning exists, shall be provided with and shall wear approved personal flotation devices.
(i) Employees are not considered exposed to the danger of drowning when:
(A) ((The water depth is known to be less than chest deep
on the exposed individual;
(B))) Working behind standard height and strength
(((C))) (B) Working inside operating cabs or stations
which eliminate the possibility of accidental falling into the
(((D))) (C) Wearing approved safety belts with lifeline
attached so as to preclude the possibility of falling into the
(ii) Prior to and after each use, personal flotation devices shall be inspected for defects which would reduce their designed effectiveness. Defective personal flotation devices shall not be used.
(iii) To meet the requirement of (b) of this subsection, a personal flotation device shall be approved by the United States Coast Guard as a Type I PFD, Type II PFD, Type III PFD, or Type V PFD, or equivalent, pursuant to 46 CFR 160 (Coast Guard Lifesaving Equipment Specifications) and 33 CFR 175.23 (Coast Guard Table of Devices Equivalent to Personal Flotation Devices). Ski belt or inflatable type personal flotation devices are specifically prohibited.
(c) Life rings.
(i) Along docks, walkways or other fixed installations on or adjacent to open water more than five feet deep, approved life rings with line attached shall be provided. The life rings shall be spaced at intervals not to exceed two hundred feet and shall be kept in easily visible and readily accessible locations.
(ii) When employees are assigned work at other casual locations where exposure to drowning exists, at least one approved life ring with line attached shall be provided in the immediate vicinity of the work.
(iii) Work assigned over water where the vertical drop from an accidental fall exceeds fifty feet, is subject to specific procedures approved by the department.
(iv) Lines attached to life rings shall be at least ninety feet (27.43 m) in length, at least one-quarter inch in diameter and have a minimum breaking strength of five hundred pounds.
(v) Life rings must be United States Coast Guard approved thirty inch size (76.2 cm).
(vi) Life rings and attached lines must be maintained to retain at least seventy-five percent of their designed buoyancy and strength.
(3) Emergency facilities. When employees are exposed to hazardous substances which may require emergency bathing, eye washing or other facilities, the employer shall provide such facilities and maintain them in good working order.
(4) Employers shall instruct employees to report every injury, regardless of severity, to the employer.
(5) Stretchers.
(a) There shall be available for each vessel being worked one Stokes basket stretcher, or its equivalent, permanently equipped with bridles for attaching to the hoisting gear.
(b) Stretchers shall be kept close to vessels and shall be positioned to avoid damage to the stretcher.
(c) A blanket or other suitable covering shall be available.
(d) Stretchers shall have at least four sets of effective patient restraints in operable condition.
(e) Lifting bridles shall be of adequate strength, capable of lifting 1,000 pounds (454 kg) with a safety factor of five, and shall be maintained in operable condition. Lifting bridles shall be provided for making vertical patient lifts at container berths. Stretchers for vertical lifts shall have foot plates.
(f) Stretchers shall be maintained in operable condition. Struts and braces shall be inspected for damage. Wire mesh shall be secured and have no burrs. Damaged stretchers shall not be used until repaired.
(g) Stretchers in permanent locations shall be mounted to prevent damage and shall be protected from the elements if located out-of-doors. If concealed from view, closures shall be marked to indicate the location of the life saving equipment.
(6) Telephone or equivalent means of communication shall be readily available.
(7) Employees working on any bridge or structure leading to a detached vessel berthing installation shall wear United States Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices except where protected by railings, nets, or safety belts and lifelines.
(8) Life ladders. On all docks there shall be substantial built-in-place ladders, spaced at intervals not to exceed four hundred feet, to reach the lowest water use. When portable ladders are to be used, ladders may be bolted to the bullrail or dock structure, or ladders can be secured to an embedded eye bolt in a concrete dock surface. The immediate area where such ladders or fastenings are located shall be painted with a bright color or of a color which contrasts with the surrounding area. There shall be a ladder at each end of the dock.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. 00-21-103, § 296-56-60115, filed 10/18/00, effective 2/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040. 99-02-024, § 296-56-60115, filed 12/30/98, effective 3/30/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW and RCW 49.17.040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060. 92-22-067 (Order 92-06), § 296-56-60115, filed 10/30/92, effective 12/8/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-03-064 (Order 86-02), § 296-56-60115, filed 1/17/86; 85-10-004 (Order 85-09), § 296-56-60115, filed 4/19/85; 85-01-022 (Order 84-24), § 296-56-60115, filed 12/11/84.]
(a) Only designated persons shall conduct fueling operations.
(b) In case of spillage, filler caps shall be replaced and spillage disposed of before engines are started.
(c) Engines shall be stopped and operators shall not be on the equipment during refueling operations.
(d) Smoking and open flames shall be prohibited in areas used for fueling, fuel storage or enclosed storage of equipment containing fuel.
(e) Equipment shall be refueled only at designated locations.
(f) Liquid fuels not handled by pump shall be handled and transported only in portable containers designed for that purpose. Portable containers shall be metal, have tight closures with screw or spring covers and shall be equipped with spouts or other means to allow pouring without spilling. Leaking containers shall not be used.
(g) Flammable liquids shall only be dispensed in the open from a tank or from other vehicles equipped for delivering fuel to another vehicle if:
(i) Dispensing hoses do not exceed fifty feet (15.24 m) in length; and
(ii) Any powered dispensing nozzles are of the automatic-closing type.
(h) Liquid fuel dispensing devices shall be provided with an easily accessible and clearly identified shutoff device, such as a switch or circuit breaker, to shut off the power in an emergency.
(i) Liquid fuel dispensing devices, such as pumps, shall be mounted either on a concrete island or be otherwise protected against collision damage.
(2) Liquefied gas fuels. See WAC 296-24-475 through 296-24-47517.
(a) Fueling locations.
(i) Liquefied gas powered equipment shall be fueled only at designated locations.
(ii) Equipment with permanently mounted fuel containers shall be charged outdoors.
(iii) Equipment shall not be fueled or stored near underground entrances, elevator shafts or other places where gas or fumes might accumulate.
(b) Fuel containers.
(i) When removable fuel containers are used, the escape of fuel when containers are exchanged shall be minimized by:
(A) Automatic quick-closing couplings (closing in both directions when uncoupled) in fuel lines; or
(B) Closing fuel container valves and allowing engines to run until residual fuel is exhausted.
(ii) Pressure-relief valve openings shall be in continuous contact with the vapor space (top) of the cylinder.
(iii) Fuel containers shall be secured to prevent their being jarred loose, slipping or rotating.
(iv) Containers shall be located to prevent damage to the container. If located within a compartment, that compartment shall be vented. Containers near the engine or exhaust system shall be shielded against direct heat radiation.
(v) Container installation shall provide the container with at least the vehicle's road clearance under maximum spring deflection, measured from the bottom of the container or to the lowest fitting on the container or housing, whichever is lower.
(vi) Valves and connections shall be protected from contact damage. Permanent protection shall be provided for fittings on removable containers.
(vii) Defective containers shall be removed from service.
(c) Fueling operations. See WAC 296-24-47517.
(i) Fueling operations for liquefied gas fuels shall also comply with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
(ii) Using matches or flames to check for leaks is prohibited.
(iii) Containers shall be examined before recharging and again before reuse for the following:
(A) Dents, scrapes and gouges of pressure vessels;
(B) Damage to valves and liquid level gauges;
(C) Debris in relief valves;
(D) Leakage at valves or connections; and
(E) Deterioration or loss of flexible seals in filling or servicing connections.
(d) Fuel storage. See WAC 296-24-47517(6).
(i) Stored fuel containers shall be located to minimize exposure to excessive temperatures and physical damage.
(ii) Containers shall not be stored near exits, stairways or areas normally used or intended for egress.
(iii) Outlet valves of containers in storage or transport shall be closed. Relief valves shall connect with vapor spaces.
(e) Vehicle storage and servicing.
(i) Liquefied gas fueled vehicles may be stored or serviced inside garages or shops only if there are no fuel system leaks.
(ii) Liquefied gas fueled vehicles under repair shall have container shut-off valves closed unless engine operation is necessary for repairs.
(iii) Liquefied gas fueled vehicles shall not be parked near open flames, sources of ignition or unventilated open pits.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. 00-21-103, § 296-56-60243, filed 10/18/00, effective 2/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. 86-03-064 (Order 86-02), § 296-56-60243, filed 1/17/86; 85-01-022 (Order 84-24), § 296-56-60243, filed 12/11/84.]