2016 Index
(See also:  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997)


Agenda MISC 16-01-116
MISC 16-13-135
Check cashers and sellers PROP 16-05-092
PERM 16-10-046
Consumer loans
residential mortgage loans PROP 16-05-085
PREP 16-06-071
PERM 16-08-026
PROP 16-19-070
Credit unions
small credit unions, regulatory relief for PREP 16-18-013
PROP 16-22-079
Escrow agents PROP 16-05-069
PERM 16-08-028
Member business loans PREP 16-08-071
Money services providers PROP 16-05-068
PERM 16-14-022
Mortgage brokers and loan originators PROP 16-05-066
PERM 16-08-027
Mortgage lending fraud prosecution account PROP 16-05-067
PERM 16-08-030
crowdfunding rules PREP 16-01-048
PREP 16-01-118
PROP 16-10-032
PERM 16-13-085
limited offering exemption PREP 16-01-048
manuals, including manual exemption, and rating agencies PREP 16-21-021
Small business retirement marketplace
plan verification, department's role in PROP 16-02-038
PERM 16-13-016
Agenda MISC 16-03-017
MISC 16-15-016
Health care information reporting and data release
statewide all-payer claims data base PERM 16-04-068
PREP 16-04-100
PREP 16-07-065
PROP 16-17-117
PREP 16-21-052
PERM 16-22-062
PREP 16-23-150
PROP 16-24-060
withdrawals PREP 16-07-064
Human resources director, office of the state
college recruitment program rules, repealing PROP 16-02-096
PERM 16-05-059
periodic increment date when break in state service PROP 16-02-097
PERM 16-05-057
return to permanent from project, acting WMS, or nonpermanent position
base salary, setting of PROP 16-14-073
PERM 16-17-090
holidays and leave
leave sharing program PROP 16-14-075
PERM 16-17-092
layoffs, preferences for veterans in
seniority date increase PROP 16-14-074
PERM 16-17-091
layoffs, temporary
federal budget not passed and signed PROP 16-02-095
PERM 16-05-058
leave without pay
periodic increment dates
higher education employees PROP 16-08-074
PERM 16-11-055
performance management confirmation program
performance-based incentives and rewards PROP 16-02-099
PERM 16-05-056
reallocation of position to lower salary range
general government transition pool placement PROP 16-14-071
return-to-work initiative program PROP 16-14-071
PERM 16-17-089
review by director
examination results PROP 16-02-098
PERM 16-11-058
removal from applicant or candidate pool PROP 16-02-098
PERM 16-11-058
review process, requests, and appeals PROP 16-02-098
PERM 16-11-058
Washington management service
layoffs, temporary PROP 16-02-095
PERM 16-05-058
medical band, position placement in, requesting PROP 16-08-073
PERM 16-11-056
veteran's preference in layoff, seniority increase as PROP 16-14-074
PERM 16-17-091
Pay dates, state officers and employees EXPE 16-03-034
PERM 16-12-057
Public records officer MISC 16-01-087
Sentencing guidelines commission
meetings MISC 16-02-102
Agenda MISC 16-03-054
MISC 16-21-048
Commission, fish and wildlife
meetings MISC 16-21-012
Department land
wildfire prevention EMER 16-14-056
EMER 16-20-064
Fishing, commercial
Columbia River seasons (including tribal treaty seasons)
above Bonneville Dam EMER 16-04-076
EMER 16-05-055
EMER 16-06-016
EMER 16-06-079
EMER 16-07-008
EMER 16-11-042
EMER 16-12-035
EMER 16-13-031
EMER 16-13-064
EMER 16-14-061
EMER 16-15-005
EMER 16-15-047
EMER 16-16-065
EMER 16-16-066
EMER 16-17-050
EMER 16-19-050
EMER 16-20-012
EMER 16-20-052
EMER 16-21-007
EMER 16-21-049
EMER 16-22-008
EMER 16-22-009
below Bonneville Dam EMER 16-04-077
EMER 16-08-019
EMER 16-08-094
EMER 16-10-003
EMER 16-11-041
EMER 16-12-009
EMER 16-12-066
EMER 16-13-014
EMER 16-13-065
EMER 16-14-005
EMER 16-14-062
EMER 16-15-003
EMER 16-15-039
EMER 16-16-064
EMER 16-18-022
EMER 16-19-051
EMER 16-20-028
EMER 16-20-051
crab EMER 16-01-065
EMER 16-01-183
EMER 16-02-002
EMER 16-02-027
EMER 16-04-039
EMER 16-05-017
EMER 16-05-089
EMER 16-06-063
EMER 16-06-120
EMER 16-07-062
EMER 16-07-106
EMER 16-08-003
EMER 16-10-007
EMER 16-10-067
PREP 16-13-149
EMER 16-14-033
PROP 16-17-055
EMER 16-17-096
EMER 16-19-016
EMER 16-20-035
EMER 16-21-005
EMER 16-22-032
general regulations
fish receiving tickets EXPE 16-22-097
fishing guides and charter boat operators
charter stamps validation PREP 16-10-099
PROP 16-17-053
geographical definitions
Willapa Bay PROP 16-11-103
PERM 16-14-045
groundfish fisheries, federal commercial
reporting requirements EXPE 16-22-097
licenses, commercial
Oregon-Washington reciprocity EMER 16-14-013
transaction fee, use of funds PERM 16-01-094
marine area codes
Willapa Bay PROP 16-11-103
PERM 16-14-045
Titles 220 and 232 WAC, possible merger of PREP 16-22-082
mackerel, Pacific
coastal directed purse seine fishery PROP 16-02-116
PERM 16-06-064
PREP 16-07-041
PROP 16-10-113
PERM 16-14-046
salmon (see also "Columbia River seasons" above)
coastal (see also "Grays Harbor" and "Willapa Bay" below) PREP 16-02-117
EMER 16-10-009
EMER 16-11-015
EMER 16-13-048
EMER 16-14-002
EMER 16-14-103
EMER 16-16-007
EMER 16-16-086
EMER 16-17-052
Columbia River EMER 16-04-076
EMER 16-04-077
EMER 16-05-055
EMER 16-06-016
EMER 16-08-019
EMER 16-08-094
EMER 16-10-003
EMER 16-11-041
EMER 16-11-042
EMER 16-12-009
EMER 16-12-035
EMER 16-12-066
EMER 16-13-006
EMER 16-13-014
EMER 16-13-031
EMER 16-13-064
EMER 16-13-065
EMER 16-14-005
EMER 16-14-061
EMER 16-14-062
EMER 16-15-003
EMER 16-15-005
EMER 16-15-039
EMER 16-15-047
EMER 16-16-064
EMER 16-16-066
EMER 16-17-050
EMER 16-17-080
EMER 16-18-021
EMER 16-18-022
EMER 16-19-050
EMER 16-19-051
EMER 16-20-012
EMER 16-20-013
EMER 16-20-051
EMER 16-20-052
EMER 16-21-007
EMER 16-21-049
EMER 16-22-009
Grays Harbor PROP 16-11-102
PROP 16-15-064
PERM 16-19-010
Puget Sound PREP 16-02-118
PROP 16-06-102
PROP 16-13-155
EMER 16-16-020
EMER 16-17-021
EMER 16-17-140
EMER 16-18-014
EMER 16-18-063
PERM 16-18-067
EMER 16-19-022
EMER 16-21-058
EMER 16-21-071
EMER 16-21-098
EMER 16-22-015
EMER 16-23-022
EMER 16-23-061
EMER 16-23-067
Willapa Bay PROP 16-11-100
PERM 16-15-029
EMER 16-23-007
EMER 16-23-081
sardines PREP 16-01-189
sea cucumbers EMER 16-16-019
EMER 16-17-001
EMER 16-17-070
EMER 16-18-049
EMER 16-19-011
EMER 16-20-007
EMER 16-21-014
sea urchins EMER 16-03-022
EMER 16-05-045
EMER 16-06-018
EMER 16-07-071
EMER 16-19-076
EMER 16-22-001
EMER 16-24-001
EMER 16-24-044
shad EMER 16-17-080
scallops EMER 16-04-029
EMER 16-04-074
EMER 16-10-027
EMER 16-18-054
shrimp EMER 16-10-028
EMER 16-12-032
EMER 16-13-011
EMER 16-13-083
EMER 16-14-010
EMER 16-16-057
EMER 16-17-034
EMER 16-17-138
EMER 16-18-015
EMER 16-18-041
EMER 16-18-058
EMER 16-19-007
EMER 16-19-087
smelt PROP 16-03-046
EMER 16-04-060
PERM 16-07-140
EMER 16-18-089
sturgeon (see also "Columbia River seasons" above) EMER 16-05-055
EMER 16-06-016
EMER 16-06-079
EMER 16-07-008
EMER 16-17-080
Fishing, recreational/personal use
amendments, various possible PREP 16-06-078
bass, largemouth and smallmouth EMER 16-06-121
bottomfish, various (see also "halibut" below) EXPE 16-09-079
PERM 16-17-017
PROP 16-19-059
catfish EMER 16-06-121
crab EMER 16-01-017
EMER 16-02-001
EMER 16-12-071
EMER 16-12-095
PREP 16-13-149
EMER 16-14-043
PROP 16-19-059
EMER 16-20-097
EMER 16-22-047
crawfish PROP 16-19-059
fishing events and special opportunities
Heros on the Water NW chapter
Tanwax Lake EMER 16-08-037
Frank's Pond EMER 16-09-006
EMER 16-17-006
EMER 16-23-140
Heart Lake EMER 16-10-011
juveniles, seniors, and anglers with disabilities
Bowers Lake (Vance Creek Pond #1) EMER 16-07-067
Project Healing Waters
Langlois Lake EMER 16-08-056
youth fishing events
Columbia Park Pond EMER 16-09-050
Failor Lake EMER 16-07-066
Heart Lake EMER 16-10-011
Klineline Pond EMER 16-08-047
Lake Washington EMER 16-12-097
Northern State Hospital Pond EMER 16-11-013
Sarg Hubbard Park Pond EMER 16-09-039
South Lewis County Park Pond EMER 16-10-088
Sylvia, Lake EMER 16-11-052
general regulations
Columbia River endorsement PROP 16-11-099
PROP 16-14-014
PERM 16-14-038
delivery of fish and shellfish into Washington ports
Canadian-origin salmon EMER 16-11-046
Pacific Ocean, caught in, possession limits, etc. EXPE 16-09-079
PERM 16-17-017
fishing guides
charter-boat operators and fishing guides
charter stamps validation PREP 16-10-099
PROP 16-17-053
game fish, food fish, and combination
logbook requirements PREP 16-16-114
fly fishing PERM 16-06-073
food fish
classifications PROP 16-19-059
possession requirements PROP 16-19-059
geographical definitions
Willapa Bay PROP 16-11-103
PERM 16-14-045
licenses, recreational/personal use
combination licenses, upgrading to or from PROP 16-09-077
EMER 16-12-114
PROP 16-15-055
PERM 16-17-105
department's license sales system EMER 16-18-010
fish Washington license package, reduced rate PROP 16-09-077
PROP 16-15-055
PERM 16-17-105
freshwater or saltwater license, upgrading to combination EMER 16-12-114
senior combination fishing license PROP 16-09-077
PROP 16-15-055
PERM 16-17-105
transaction fee, use of funds PERM 16-01-094
marine area codes
Willapa Bay PROP 16-11-103
PERM 16-14-045
possession and size limits for game fish PERM 16-06-073
saltwater recreational fishing rules PREP 16-06-076
PROP 16-19-059
Titles 220 and 232 WAC, possible merger of PREP 16-22-082
two-pole endorsement PERM 16-06-073
PROP 16-11-099
PROP 16-13-142
PROP 16-14-014
PERM 16-14-038
EMER 16-14-057
PERM 16-17-008
halibut EMER 16-08-002
EMER 16-11-048
EMER 16-11-054
EMER 16-12-003
EMER 16-13-005
EMER 16-13-038
EMER 16-13-104
PROP 16-19-059
restrictions, imposed or removed (including seasons and limit changes)
Aberdeen, Lake EMER 16-11-037
Abernathy Creek EMER 16-06-088
EMER 16-06-121
Anderson Lake EMER 16-20-054
Baker Lake EMER 16-09-087
EMER 16-14-104
Barney Lake EMER 16-10-054
EMER 16-10-068
EMER 16-12-097
Black River EMER 16-01-066
Blue Creek EMER 16-12-041
Blue Lake (Grant County) EMER 16-19-001
Bogachiel Hatchery South Pond EMER 16-12-007
EMER 16-19-035
Bowers Lake (Vance Creek Pond #1) EMER 16-07-067
Camas Slough, Chinook River EMER 16-06-121
Canyon Creek EMER 16-24-053
Cascade River EMER 16-20-034
Cases Pond EMER 16-22-036
Chehalis River EMER 16-01-066
EMER 16-09-049
EMER 16-13-117
EMER 16-20-027
Chelan River EMER 16-13-084
Cispus River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-12-041
Clear Creek EMER 16-14-080
Clear Lake (Yakima County) EMER 16-14-093
Coal Creek EMER 16-06-121
Columbia Park Pond EMER 16-09-050
Columbia River EMER 16-04-062
EMER 16-04-063
EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-07-022
EMER 16-08-023
EMER 16-09-007
EMER 16-09-022
EMER 16-09-038
EMER 16-10-038
EMER 16-11-014
EMER 16-11-043
EMER 16-12-008
EMER 16-12-042
EMER 16-12-043
EMER 16-13-017
EMER 16-13-053
EMER 16-13-084
EMER 16-13-114
EMER 16-14-006
EMER 16-14-011
EMER 16-14-032
EMER 16-15-002
EMER 16-16-072
EMER 16-18-020
EMER 16-18-050
EMER 16-18-059
EMER 16-19-034
EMER 16-19-042
EMER 16-20-001
EMER 16-20-008
EMER 16-20-036
EMER 16-21-034
EMER 16-22-006
EMER 16-22-007
PERM 16-23-002
EMER 16-23-008
EMER 16-23-037
Cowlitz River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-121
EMER 16-09-009
EMER 16-12-041
Curl Lake EMER 16-07-034
Cushman Lake EMER 16-10-054
EMER 16-10-068
EMER 16-12-097
Deep River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-121
Drano Lake EMER 16-06-121
EMER 16-11-036
EMER 16-12-041
Dungeness River EMER 16-21-053
Easton Ponds 1 and 2 EMER 16-08-113
Elk River EMER 16-01-066
Elochoman River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-121
EMER 16-12-041
Entiat River EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-07-022
EMER 16-08-023
Failor Lake EMER 16-07-066
Falls Creek EMER 16-06-121
Fork Creek EMER 16-01-031
Fox Creek EMER 16-14-080
Frank's Pond EMER 16-09-006
EMER 16-17-006
EMER 16-23-140
Germany Creek EMER 16-06-088
EMER 16-06-121
Goble Creek EMER 16-12-041
Grays River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-121
EMER 16-12-041
Green River (Cowlitz County) EMER 16-01-025
Green (Duwamish) River EMER 16-01-001
EMER 16-19-053
EMER 16-20-015
EMER 16-23-003
Hamilton Creek EMER 16-06-121
Heart Lake EMER 16-10-011
Hoodsport Hatchery PROP 16-13-142
EMER 16-14-057
Hoquiam River EMER 16-01-066
Humptulips River EMER 16-01-066
Icicle River EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-07-022
EMER 16-08-023
EMER 16-11-039
EMER 16-16-058
Johns River EMER 16-01-066
Kalama River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-088
EMER 16-06-121
EMER 16-12-041
Kendall Creek EMER 16-14-080
Kennedy Creek EMER 16-14-080
Klickitat River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-121
EMER 16-07-010
EMER 16-15-025
Klineline Pond EMER 16-08-047
Langlois Lake EMER 16-08-056
Lewis River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-088
EMER 16-06-121
Mayfield Lake (Reservoir) EMER 16-01-025
McAllister Creek EMER 16-14-080
Methow River EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-07-022
EMER 16-08-023
Mill Creek EMER 16-06-088
EMER 16-06-121
Monte Cristo Lake EMER 16-10-054
EMER 16-10-068
EMER 16-12-097
Mulholland Creek EMER 16-12-041
Naselle River EMER 16-01-031
Nemah River EMER 16-01-031
Newaukum River EMER 16-01-066
Nisqually River EMER 16-02-081
EMER 16-03-006
EMER 16-14-080
EMER 16-18-084
EMER 16-22-014
EMER 16-23-049
Nooksack River EMER 16-01-004
EMER 16-02-004
EMER 16-17-085
EMER 16-20-002
North Jetty EMER 16-13-093
Northern State Hospital Pond EMER 16-11-013
Okanogan River EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-13-084
EMER 16-15-046
Park Lake EMER 16-19-001
Pilchuck Creek EMER 16-24-053
Puyallup River EMER 16-21-057
Quilcene River, Big EMER 16-14-080
EMER 16-17-106
Raging River EMER 16-24-053
Rainbow Lake EMER 16-08-046
Rock Creek (Klickitat and Skamania counties) EMER 16-06-121
Roosevelt Lake PROP 16-11-099
PROP 16-14-014
PERM 16-23-002
Salmon Creek (Clark County) EMER 16-06-121
Samish River EMER 16-14-080
Sammamish, Lake EMER 16-10-054
EMER 16-10-068
EMER 16-12-097
EMER 16-17-044
Sarg Hubbard Park Pond EMER 16-09-039
Satsop River EMER 16-01-066
EMER 16-20-027
Sauk River EMER 16-14-080
EMER 16-20-034
Scanewa, Lake (Cowlitz Falls Reservoir) EMER 16-01-025
Similkameen River EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-13-084
EMER 16-15-046
Skagit River EMER 16-14-080
EMER 16-20-034
Skamokawa Creek EMER 16-06-121
Skokomish River EMER 16-14-080
Skookumchuck River EMER 16-01-066
Skykomish River EMER 16-14-080
EMER 16-20-014
EMER 16-21-031
EMER 16-22-020
Snake River EMER 16-10-001
EMER 16-11-045
EMER 16-12-046
EMER 16-13-045
EMER 16-17-076
Snohomish River EMER 16-20-044
EMER 16-21-031
EMER 16-22-020
Snoqualmie River EMER 16-24-053
Sol Duc River EMER 16-24-038
South Lewis County Park Pond EMER 16-10-088
Stillaguamish River EMER 16-01-150
EMER 16-24-053
Sylvia, Lake EMER 16-11-052
Tanwax Lake EMER 16-08-037
Tilton River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-18-044
Tokul Creek EMER 16-01-092
EMER 16-03-005
EMER 16-24-053
Tolt River EMER 16-24-053
Toutle River EMER 16-01-025
Union, Lake EMER 16-10-068
EMER 16-12-097
Van Winkle Creek EMER 16-01-066
various changes affecting numerous locations PERM 16-06-073
EMER 16-10-055
EMER 16-10-070
PROP 16-11-099
PROP 16-11-103
PROP 16-13-142
PROP 16-14-014
EMER 16-14-017
PERM 16-14-045
EMER 16-15-049
PERM 16-17-008
Wallace River EMER 16-21-031
EMER 16-22-020
Washington, Lake EMER 16-10-054
EMER 16-10-068
EMER 16-12-097
EMER 16-17-044
EMER 16-19-017
Washougal River EMER 16-01-025
EMER 16-06-121
Wenatchee, Lake EMER 16-18-043
Wenatchee River EMER 16-04-127
EMER 16-05-011
EMER 16-07-022
EMER 16-08-023
EMER 16-15-063
Whatcom Creek EMER 16-01-004
EMER 16-02-004
White Salmon River EMER 16-06-121
Willapa River EMER 16-01-031
Wind River EMER 16-06-121
Wishkah River EMER 16-01-066
Wynoochee River EMER 16-01-066
Yakima River EMER 16-09-022
EMER 16-09-040
EMER 16-13-033
rockfish EXPE 16-09-079
PERM 16-17-017
salmon (see also under individual rivers above) EMER 16-01-066
PREP 16-02-119
EMER 16-04-064
EMER 16-05-043
EMER 16-07-001
EMER 16-07-037
EMER 16-08-055
EMER 16-09-003
EMER 16-10-053
PROP 16-11-099
PROP 16-11-103
EMER 16-12-021
EMER 16-12-096
EMER 16-13-093
PROP 16-13-142
PROP 16-14-014
EMER 16-14-016
PERM 16-14-038
PERM 16-14-045
EMER 16-14-057
EMER 16-15-049
EMER 16-16-006
EMER 16-16-112
PERM 16-17-008
EMER 16-17-051
EMER 16-17-054
EMER 16-17-088
EMER 16-18-032
EMER 16-19-044
EMER 16-20-053
EMER 16-21-051
EMER 16-22-016
EMER 16-22-027
PERM 16-23-002
EMER 16-24-039
EMER 16-24-040
sea cucumbers PROP 16-19-059
sea urchins PROP 16-19-059
abalone PROP 16-19-059
clams other than razor clams EMER 16-01-117
PROP 16-01-192
PERM 16-07-012
EMER 16-07-077
PROP 16-19-059
PREP 16-20-106
EMER 16-24-036
generallly PROP 16-19-059
goose barnacles PROP 16-19-059
mussels EMER 16-01-117
PROP 16-01-192
PERM 16-07-012
EMER 16-07-077
PROP 16-19-059
oysters EMER 16-01-117
PROP 16-01-192
PERM 16-07-012
EMER 16-07-077
PROP 16-19-059
PREP 16-20-106
EMER 16-24-036
razor clams EMER 16-01-115
EMER 16-02-086
EMER 16-03-073
EMER 16-04-086
EMER 16-05-090
EMER 16-06-081
EMER 16-07-042
EMER 16-07-139
EMER 16-08-054
EMER 16-09-042
EMER 16-10-047
EMER 16-11-072
PREP 16-20-106
EMER 16-21-037
EMER 16-23-072
EMER 16-23-152
EMER 16-24-078
shrimp EMER 16-08-114
EMER 16-12-093
EMER 16-15-001
EMER 16-16-018
EMER 16-17-038
PROP 16-19-059
smelt EMER 16-04-061
squid PROP 16-19-059
steelhead (see also individual rivers under "restrictions" above) EMER 16-12-096
sturgeon (see also individual rivers under "restrictions" above) PERM 16-06-073
walleye EMER 16-06-121
Hunting (see also Wildlife below)
areas, limits, permits, seasons, etc. (not listed individually) PREP 16-24-010
bear PROP 16-04-126
bighorn sheep PERM 16-03-045
PROP 16-04-126
birds, game, various, including migratory PROP 16-04-126
closures, special PROP 16-04-126
coot PROP 16-04-126
cougar PROP 16-04-126
deer PROP 16-04-126
PROP 16-10-120
PERM 16-12-087
PERM 16-15-045
withdrawals PROP 16-17-005
disabilities, hunters with PROP 16-04-126
doves, mourning PROP 16-04-126
ducks PROP 16-04-126
elk PROP 16-04-126
firearm restriction areas PROP 16-04-126
geese PROP 16-04-126
hunter education deferral PROP 16-04-126
landowner hunting permits PROP 16-04-126
pheasant, ring-necked PROP 16-04-126
pigeons PROP 16-04-126
snipe PROP 16-04-126
turkey PROP 16-04-126
waterfowl, various, including migratory PROP 16-04-126
dead resident and nonresident wildlife PROP 16-04-126
endangered species list
lynx, reclassifying as endangered PREP 16-02-115
PROP 16-19-068
murrelet, marbled, reclassifying as endangered PREP 16-02-115
PROP 16-19-068
pelican, American white, removing from list PROP 16-19-068
pelican, brown, removing from list PREP 16-01-193
PROP 16-06-127
PERM 16-11-023
interaction, conflict, damage, and abatement PERM 16-04-066
sensitive, threatened, or endangered species
reclassifying or removing certain listed species PROP 16-19-068
reviewing various listed species PREP 16-13-044
Meetings MISC 16-12-036
MISC 16-15-027
MISC 16-18-018
Action/decision items, submitted information on PREP 16-07-004
Agenda MISC 16-15-038
Meetings MISC 16-01-080
MISC 16-24-066
Water-typing system
fish- and nonfish-bearing habitat PREP 16-24-072
Address of board, updating PERM 16-01-190
Meetings MISC 16-09-021
MISC 16-15-086

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